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    #跟帖#  我認識的非移上大學全免包括食宿 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  趕緊去領到你家去 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  哈哈, 你急拉 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  你給他們什麽啦? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  麵子上聖母心, 裏子是選票 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  很簡單, 怕被剝削就別偷渡, 沒人請你 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  +1, 但是中產階級交了一輩子社會保險,到老了享受不到也是悲哀 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  假聖母是非常惡心的, 30million+非法是龐大的數目 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  把有犯罪記錄那部分趕走就可以啦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  因為低收入, 那個假社會安全號又拿到稅收refund [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  他們的小孩在公校免費午餐免費醫療保險不就是福利的一部分嗎。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    Pena Nieto Spends $50 Million To Keep Mexicans out of Mexico… [時事述評] - bustout(286 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  he is a duke university graduate [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    Grammy Awards: A Pro-Trump Statement on the Red Carpet [時事述評] - bustout(210 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  難怪來美的墨墨都想把美國變成墨西哥 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    Trump advisor Stephen Miller on Immigration Order [時事述評] - bustout(224 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  這些人大多數是vets, 不是說非法移民福利比vet福利好嗎? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-12
    #跟帖#  08比她聰明嗎? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  然後再領錢, 再回國 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  “You either tune in to watch Sean defend the indefensible or to [時事述評] - bustout(116 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    The Sean Spicer Show draws large audiences to Trump’s White Hous [時事述評] - bustout(234 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    盡管中國在大洋彼岸“大獲全勝”, 老船這個周末在佛州好開心啊 [時事述評] - bustout(218 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries [時事述評] - bustout(256 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    mike pence answered Hillary's 3-0 : House, Senate, and White Hou [時事述評] - bustout(192 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  口號太極端了 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    Trump Won’t Take Immigration EO to Supreme Court Until Neil Gors [時事述評] - bustout(460 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  中國啦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  錯了, 上訴高院slow motionly, 同時發布新EO fast motionly, 兩不誤 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    Asylum seekers fleeing US for Canada brave snow, extreme cold [時事述評] - bustout(214 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    Sanders Gets boots From CNN After Joking Calls Them "Fake News!" [時事述評] - bustout(531 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    #跟帖#  leaks likely from those who obtained later access to reports,per [時事述評] - bustout(147 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    Psst, here’s how political leaks really work [時事述評] - bustout(204 bytes ) 2017-02-11
    Germany’s Merkel announces plans to speed up deportations [時事述評] - bustout(218 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Putin’s “gift” to Trump: The return of Edward Snowden? [時事述評] - bustout(204 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    6th Grader Forced To Learn Islamic Conversion Prayer In Class [時事述評] - bustout(396 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Trump Won't Appeal Ninth Circuit Ruling, Might Issue A New Execu [時事述評] - bustout(412 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  這幾天不是一直都在抓緊嗎? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Trump: We could file a new travel order on Monday [時事述評] - bustout(140 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  也是, 這樣他們就可以號稱11 vs 0 啦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  也許他對自己的ruling感到不安吧 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  Briefs due by 11a PT Feb. 16. [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  那這個case就是DOJ要求的啦? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  沒法鑒定是不是謠言 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  剛上任, 還沒來得及把08在各個部門安插的殘餘趕走。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Man charged with voting illegally in Illinois... [時事述評] - bustout(228 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    回樓下 LakeTree, 老船今天大概中午12:00召開news conference [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Trump seizes on omission in court's travel ban ruling, plots nex [時事述評] - bustout(260 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud I [時事述評] - bustout(232 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    #跟帖#  同意 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-02-10
    Lawsuits accuse CNN of racial discrimination [時事述評] - bustout(232 bytes ) 2017-02-10
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