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    #跟帖#  Obama Deleted it in 2010 [時事述評] - bustout(3470 bytes ) 2019-07-06
    Drunkel Joe won't get past the second Democrat "debate." [時事述評] - bustout(226 bytes ) 2019-07-05
    Corey Lewandowski reacts to Trump's July Fourth address [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-07-05
    #跟帖#  防彈玻璃 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-07-04
    形象! [時事述評] - bustout(87 bytes ) 2019-07-04
    Guess Who Had the Betsy Ross Flag at His Inauguration [時事述評] - bustout(203 bytes ) 2019-07-04
    DOJ ordered to find ways to include citizenship question on cens [時事述評] - bustout(228 bytes ) 2019-07-03
    Gutfeld on the July 4th parade [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-07-03
    Techies Help Democrats Play Digital Catch-Up to Trump [時事述評] - bustout(202 bytes ) 2019-07-02
    “川金會”完全解讀,不是綏靖也不是欲擒故縱,而是紮紮實實的打臉招數 [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-07-01
    #跟帖#  中期選舉船鋪沒在選票上。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-07-01
    Trump, Kim Jong Un agree to resume denuclearization talks [時事述評] - bustout(140 bytes ) 2019-07-01
    #跟帖#  哎呀, 不就是跟川總談完後贏得不想見巴西唄 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    #跟帖#  專門和他做對的左媒沒有報道他讓土耳其代表長等 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    #跟帖#  關鍵是川總按時見了後麵土耳其代表 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    #跟帖#  行程很緊, 恐怕沒時間和習總多囉嗦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    #跟帖#  G20 Day Two Schedule – Critical Meeting With Chairman Xi [時事述評] - bustout(35197 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    Crazy, Creepy, Spank-Me [時事述評] - bustout(87 bytes ) 2019-06-30
    Trump details revived China trade talks [時事述評] - bustout(365 bytes ) 2019-06-29
    #跟帖#  2500億美元征稅25%不變 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-29
    China is PAYING US… while we talk. [時事述評] - bustout(394 bytes ) 2019-06-29
    #跟帖#  Pelosi Caves, Backs Trump $4.6B Border Bill [時事述評] - bustout(149 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  看看誰在G20更拉風 [時事述評] - bustout(466 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    By the numbers: Best June for the Dow since 1938 [時事述評] - bustout(251 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    2020和黨熱情 [時事述評] - bustout(233 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  兩場辯論收視率都不如2016共和黨第一場高, 哪裏得出結論民主黨選民熱情比和黨高? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  去看看他FL的拉力。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  哈裏斯挑戰racist白等可以用在競選廣告一遍又一遍的播放 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  TX, OH, FL就別做夢啦 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  Since China joined WTO, U.S. has lost 60,000 factories [時事述評] - bustout(210 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    #跟帖#  給非法免費醫療保險公民卻需要花高價買是個很好的競選廣告鏡頭 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    Democrat Debate Disaster: Big Win for Trump [時事述評] - bustout(3158 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    everyone is being very deferential to Obama on this [時事述評] - bustout(87 bytes ) 2019-06-28
    Border bill tears apart Democratic caucus [時事述評] - bustout(245 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    China to Insist U.S. Lift Huawei Ban as Part of Trade Deal [時事述評] - bustout(426 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    雙黃 [時事述評] - bustout(4096 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  恐怕過幾天華為高管又要出來避謠啦 [時事述評] - bustout(412 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    最神秘強大的情報組織--五眼聯盟 [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    Pelosi reverses course under GOP pressure [時事述評] - bustout(185 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  Look for an answer by Oct. 31. [時事述評] - bustout(640 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    Trump wants to delay the 2020 census [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  據中國媒體說有 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  Kudlow: No preconditions are set for China trade meeting, may mo [時事述評] - bustout(212 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    南早:北京以“休戰半年”作為 “習特會”先決條件 [時事述評] - bustout(658 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    says it doesn’t cooperate with Chinese militar after report says [時事述評] - bustout(218 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  華為副董事長胡厚崑:鴻蒙係統上市時間未定 [時事述評] - bustout(188 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  就跟6月24號公布鴻蒙一樣哈。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  當然中國得到的越來越多:三銀行有可能被禁,華為五個超算公司被禁,加關稅等等。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  號稱6月24號公布鴻蒙,不得不出來辟謠。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-27
    #跟帖#  可惜還得用安桌,還得從老美這裏買芯片,然後有多餘能量可以再多跑幾圈。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2019-06-27
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