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    #跟帖#  He tells the truth...which is brutal. [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-30
    Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan [時事述評] - bustout(254 bytes ) 2017-09-30
    2020 Vision: Oprah Speculation Swirls... [時事述評] - bustout(270 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    Kelly to oversee most Cabinet travel after Price resigns [時事述評] - bustout(406 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    清薄王遺毒? 薄熙來種的銀杏樹被拔掉(圖) [時事述評] - bustout(136 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    #跟帖#  川普什麽也沒做成哈 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    Beyond the daily drama and Twitter battles, Trump begins to alte [時事述評] - bustout(551 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    Company to Pay Record Fine for Illegally Hiring Immigrants... [時事述評] - bustout(301 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    #跟帖#  他是被辭職的, 活該。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    CALIFORNIA PLAN TO BAN ALL GAS CARS [時事述評] - bustout(372 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    Melania Trump fires back at librarian who rejected gift of Dr. S [時事述評] - bustout(496 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    #跟帖#  大家拿企圖幹涉美國政策。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-29
    狐狸台未來的三女名星 [時事述評] - bustout(210 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    CNN star tweets doctored pic of LeBron James hating on Trump [時事述評] - bustout(312 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  不給refund的話, 人家整個cancel, 虧得更多。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  也是警告俄國不要攪混水 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  一家華盛頓報紙網站報道同樣消息 [時事述評] - bustout(331 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  NFL自己明白的很。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  你能指望cnn報道這個消息? [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    NFL Ticket Sales Drop Almost 18%… [時事述評] - bustout(285 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    If Kim Fires ICBM, US May Shoot It Down Over Russia... [時事述評] - bustout(321 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  新FBI director今天才正式上任, 可以理解姐夫的難處。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Tax reform is good for the country, but will political polarizat [時事述評] - bustout(514 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Cuomo Accuses Trump: He's Telling NFL 'Control Your Dogs' [時事述評] - bustout(514 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Grassley threatens to subpoena FBI officials over Comey, Clinton [時事述評] - bustout(344 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    怎麽到今天才正式成為fbi director [時事述評] - bustout(208 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    咋這麽快就都表示星期天都站起來 [時事述評] - bustout(593 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  the rich have to pay their fair share so that everybody can have [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Megyn Kelly day 4 [時事述評] - bustout(319 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  主要是缺authenticity [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Half of Americans currently pay no federal income tax at all! [時事述評] - bustout(276 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    NFL SPONSOR QUITS [時事述評] - bustout(272 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  難怪德國有surplus, 它雇美國人比德國人多嗎。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than USA... [時事述評] - bustout(271 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  他們還要搞全民醫保(不知州長有沒有簽字), 小紮要搞basic income for everyone捏。 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  這個人玩得更high [時事述評] - bustout(211 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  這個應該是fake推特 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    GREAT AGAIN: Final reading on GDP up 3.1%... [時事述評] - bustout(257 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Here's why Trump's tax plan will hit Californians especially har [時事述評] - bustout(1512 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Feds: Every legal Mexican immigrant sponsors six more to US [時事述評] - bustout(296 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    Deep state? 78 Obama appointees 'burrowed' in gov't, report says [時事述評] - bustout(432 bytes ) 2017-09-28
    #跟帖#  how about "My wife and I" [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    RE Michelle O: Any white person who voted for 08 is a race trai [時事述評] - bustout(1237 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    #跟帖#  那時breitbart/gateway pundit還沒有人看捏 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    #跟帖#  Dallas Cowboys Kneel Down in Arizona – Crowd Boo [時事述評] - bustout(333 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    #跟帖#  後來怎麽backtrack都沒有意義, 下跪就是支持Kaepernick, 支持BLM反警察 [時事述評] - bustout(0 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    #跟帖#  這裏 [時事述評] - bustout(176 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    Trump preparing order to let Americans purchase health insurance [時事述評] - bustout(515 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    Michelle O Bitter: Women Against Hillary 'Against Their Own Voic [時事述評] - bustout(585 bytes ) 2017-09-27
    All Russian Roads Lead to DNC [時事述評] - bustout(728 bytes ) 2017-09-27
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