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    US Was Informed of Imminent Attack Before Missile Strikes on US [時事述評] - 辛迪16(762 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    An Iranian-American who fled 1979 revolution is commanding the U [時事述評] - 辛迪16(499 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Iran: Will not give black box to BOEING [時事述評] - 辛迪16(462 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Ukraine International Airlines: An investigation will be conduct [時事述評] - 辛迪16(604 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    空管通知: Iranian/Iraqi airspace are closed on Jan 8, 2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2400 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Iranian Woman Speaks Truth On Recent Attacks [時事述評] - 辛迪16(212 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Norway Airport Parking Garage Fire Destroys Hundreds Of Cars And [時事述評] - 辛迪16(464 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Trump to speak at 11 AM [時事述評] - 辛迪16(477 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Ukraine Plane Crash Victims Breakdown [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1102 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Ukranian Whistleblower: MH-17 Tragedy((馬航幾年前在烏被打下) Was Orchestra [時事述評] - 辛迪16(926 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    ADP Employment Data Surges To Best Since April [時事述評] - 辛迪16(430 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    CNN: We just settled a huge lawsuit against us because of our Fa [時事述評] - 辛迪16(524 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    #跟帖#  如果不久就傳來和平談判的消息大家千萬不要吃驚 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Iran Refuses To Hand Over Crash Data [時事述評] - 辛迪16(415 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Pentagon saying that Iran intentionally missed US troops at base [時事述評] - 辛迪16(878 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Iran says it has "concluded" its response to the killing of its [時事述評] - 辛迪16(597 bytes ) 2020-01-08
    Reuters: Boeing says aware of media reports about plane crash in [時事述評] - 辛迪16(500 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    First photos emerge from site of plane crash near Tehran [時事述評] - 辛迪16(486 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Footage of the Ukrainian plane while on fire crashing near Tehra [時事述評] - 辛迪16(568 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    #跟帖#  地震網站:2020-01-08 02:20:02 (UTC)29.195°N 51.287°E10.0 km depth [時事述評] - 辛迪16(168 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    #跟帖#  記得兩年前金三和談前在北朝鮮核基地的頻發的地震嗎?這是近期在伊朗的地震 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2327 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    The plane crashed is an Ukrainian plane carrying 180 passengers [時事述評] - 辛迪16(398 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Iran is hit with 5.0 Earthquake near Nuclear Power Plant [時事述評] - 辛迪16(965 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    BOEING 737 PASSENGER JET CRASHES IN IRAN AFTER TAKEOFF [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1015 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Iran: Will escalate if attacked by the US, or stop if there no U [時事述評] - 辛迪16(444 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Trump were asked about a story ... [時事述評] - 辛迪16(766 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    川普新推 - 1/7/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(239 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Dem Senators Tell Pelosi to Stop Holding Up Impeachment [時事述評] - 辛迪16(461 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Press Sec: Trump will NOT be giving a public address tonight [時事述評] - 辛迪16(460 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    #跟帖#  昨天是否就撤軍的借口從基地撤出了? [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    KANN: the only casualties in Iranian missile attack were Iraqis [時事述評] - 辛迪16(505 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    U.S. official says no reports of U.S. casualties at this time bu [時事述評] - 辛迪16(435 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Iran TV says Tehran launched 10 surface-to-surface missiles at I [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1045 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Iraqi PM says he received 2 different Official messages from US [時事述評] - 辛迪16(19142 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Saudi authorities captured Hussein Ali Aal Ammar, the country's [時事述評] - 辛迪16(612 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Schumer’s impeachment position has always been changing [時事述評] - 辛迪16(537 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Patrick Buchanan: If Baghdad Wants Us Out, Let's Go! [時事述評] - 辛迪16(619 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    52 F-35 jets performed a massive “elephant walk” at Air Force ba [時事述評] - 辛迪16(584 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Why all Lefties like to mock Black face? [時事述評] - 辛迪16(586 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    LIVE: Sec. Pompeo Press Conference [時事述評] - 辛迪16(212 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    Death toll rises to more than 50 in stampede at Soleimani funera [時事述評] - 辛迪16(405 bytes ) 2020-01-07
    PHYS.Org: Alien life is out there, but our theories are probably [時事述評] - 辛迪16(901 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    Dem Impeachment Stunt is backfiring in a big way [時事述評] - 辛迪16(468 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    Reuters: China will not increase annual grain import quotas - Ca [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1071 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    #跟帖#  這裏有2018年的詳細報道 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1019 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    川普新推 - 1/6/2019 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(852 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    Iraq scales down threats to expel US forces after Trump reaction [時事述評] - 辛迪16(490 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    Netanyahu told security cabinet Israel wasn't involved in the ki [時事述評] - 辛迪16(557 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    Defense Secretary Esper's chief of staff resigns [時事述評] - 辛迪16(576 bytes ) 2020-01-06
    General Confirms Letter Pulling out is Real, But Was a Draft [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1609 bytes ) 2020-01-06
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