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    法國出現新冠肺炎死亡病例:係歐洲首例,患者為80歲湖北人 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1672 bytes ) 2020-02-15
    國家衛健委:武漢重症病例大概占確診和住院病例18%左右 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1754 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    #跟帖#  加上3位武漢來的親戚 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    2/14/2020: 今天新增確診病例2420(總數66,279), 死亡139(總數1520), 尚處於危、重10,152 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(801 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    北京一個四世同堂的家庭 九人陸續出現症狀 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1903 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    湖北洪湖實施戰時封閉管理:所有小區一律全封閉管理 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(5088 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    美國參議院周三(12日)正對全球流行病的威脅舉行了聽證會 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(806 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    Ex-FBI deputy Andrew McCabe will NOT face criminal charges [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1255 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    小小口罩與全球化 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3937 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    川普新推 - 2/14/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(87 bytes ) 2020-02-14
    中國外長王毅呼籲國際合作抗擊疫情 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(703 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Prosecutors seek 5year sentence for former Baltimore mayor [時事述評] - 辛迪16(508 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    全球化帶來的重大威脅 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(351 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    2/13/2020:新增確診4823例,死亡116例,現在處於危、重的病人 9638 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(512 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Frederick Koch (one of the Koch brothers) died at 86 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(552 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Docs reveal DNC “intimately involved” in Development of Iowa Cau [時事述評] - 辛迪16(536 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    AG Barr's Interview on ABC News [時事述評] - 辛迪16(359 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    What’s John Durham been doing? [時事述評] - 辛迪16(792 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    CA public pension fund invested in blacklisted Chinese companies [時事述評] - 辛迪16(698 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Foxconn Denies Reuters Reports On Factory Restart In China [時事述評] - 辛迪16(469 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    CA lab says it discovered coronavirus vaccine in 3 hours [時事述評] - 辛迪16(675 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Barclays chief Staley probed over Epstein ties [時事述評] - 辛迪16(542 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    川普新推 - 2/13/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(163 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Dems won’t “rule out” new Trump impeachment over Roger Stone cas [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1165 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    如何用紙巾幫助高效使用口罩 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(522 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    #跟帖#  According to Nikola Tesla, everything is about Energy, Frequency [時事述評] - 辛迪16(324 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Documentary: Full Cabal - Part1 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(212 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    國家發改委:全國醫用N95口罩產能利用率達128% [時事述評] - 辛迪16(839 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    武漢多地居民聽到巨響,多部門表示未發現爆炸 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(363 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    川普新推 - 2/13/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(858 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    國家開發銀行原黨委書記、董事長胡懷邦因涉嫌受賄被逮捕 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(857 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    曾光:把湖北這一萬四千多病人報出來,我認為是好事 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2739 bytes ) 2020-02-13
    Iowa Democrat Party Chair Resigns After Caucus Debacle [時事述評] - 辛迪16(545 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    國家衛健委回應湖北確診病例數為何大幅增加 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1034 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    陳一新:武漢感染人數未摸清 潛在被感染基數或較大 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(255 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    軍隊增派2600名醫護人員支援武漢抗擊新冠肺炎疫情 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2557 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    Schumer: "That is third world behavior" if FBI to investigate Hi [時事述評] - 辛迪16(400 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    國務院常務會議:高度關注就業問題 防止大規模裁員 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(5320 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    一車重症病人的混亂就診之旅 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(314 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    重症公交車事件後續: 武昌區政府組織對重症病人逐一道歉 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(759 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    Trump just beat the record on turnout for an incumbent in NH [時事述評] - 辛迪16(633 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    川普新推 - 2/12/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(391 bytes ) 2020-02-12
    專家談京津冀及周邊重汙染原因:汙染物未實質性下降 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3906 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    Andrew Yang 的告別演講 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(678 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    Late surge in voting and new registrations at NH delaying some r [時事述評] - 辛迪16(582 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    All 4 federal prosecutors quit case against Roger Stone [時事述評] - 辛迪16(410 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    Third DOJ prosecutor resigns in Roger Stone case [時事述評] - 辛迪16(385 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    MSNBC asks a voter who he voted for? [時事述評] - 辛迪16(823 bytes ) 2020-02-11
    2nd prosecutor on the Roger Stone case resigns from case [時事述評] - 辛迪16(543 bytes ) 2020-02-11
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