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    人工、設備、原材料漲價十倍,口罩生產難在哪裏? [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3317 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    複工延遲下 2月中國製造業PMI創有統計以來最低 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2789 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    CDC關於第一例死亡病例的聲明:是位50多歲男士。開始CDC搞錯了,告訴總統是女士 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(696 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    Oprah lost balance while talking "Balance" [時事述評] - 辛迪16(502 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    Lifelong Democrats are leaving their party [時事述評] - 辛迪16(720 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    US Surgeon General: Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! [時事述評] - 辛迪16(802 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    NIH official Dr. Fauci: "I have never been muzzled" [時事述評] - 辛迪16(686 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    #跟帖#  應該不是,說是新的幾例之一 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    川普新推 - 2/29/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(810 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    U.S. signs historic peace deal with Taliban [時事述評] - 辛迪16(990 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    川普新推 - 2/29/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2751 bytes ) 2020-02-29
    This tweet by Chuck Schumer is now deleted [時事述評] - 辛迪16(456 bytes ) 2020-02-28
    意大利新報233例,累計888,4例死亡累計21。 BBC說伊朗死亡數字在210以上,伊朗官方數字:34 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(163 bytes ) 2020-02-28
    川普新推 - 2/28/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(919 bytes ) 2020-02-28
    Illness forces the Pope to cancel an event in Rome [時事述評] - 辛迪16(636 bytes ) 2020-02-27
    De Blasio blasts Bloomberg: 'He's got no clue what everyday peop [時事述評] - 辛迪16(515 bytes ) 2020-02-27
    川普新推 - 2/26/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(822 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    浙江10萬鴨子將出征巴基斯坦滅蝗 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(4617 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    Court rules Trump can withhold funds from 'sanctuary' jurisdicti [時事述評] - 辛迪16(405 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    Disney CEO Iger is Out [時事述評] - 辛迪16(659 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    Bayer chairman quits as Roundup settlement talks progress [時事述評] - 辛迪16(407 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    川普新推 - 2/26/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1456 bytes ) 2020-02-26
    Harvey Weinstein's Friends [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1880 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    Warren criticized Bloomberg for allegedly telling a pregnant emp [時事述評] - 辛迪16(944 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    Bloomberg admitting he BOUGHT those seats [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1106 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    The Dems are talking about math [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1009 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    韓國新報169例,累計1146 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(543 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    川普新推 - 2/25/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3685 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    川普新推 - 2/25/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(577 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    伊朗新報34例,累計95,死亡15。意大利新增38例,累計283。奧地利首現2例,巴林添9例(累計17) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(543 bytes ) 2020-02-25
    韓國今報60例確診,累計893。美國CDC發布去韓國旅行預警。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(87 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    新冠肺炎遺體解剖已完成11例 團隊稱取得重要發現 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1769 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    Jon Voight: We will win [時事述評] - 辛迪16(401 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    川普新推 - 2/24/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1467 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    Bernie Sanders once penned a "bizarre" essay about rape fantasie [時事述評] - 辛迪16(787 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    川普新推 - 2/24/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(315 bytes ) 2020-02-24
    Pete Buttigieg's campaign questioning the result of Nevada caucu [時事述評] - 辛迪16(526 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    Coronavirus hits shipping, spreading global economic strain [時事述評] - 辛迪16(459 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    Bernie's supporter Demanding MSNBC Fire Chris Matthews [時事述評] - 辛迪16(699 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    今天中國報新增確診409例,死亡 150例, 幾乎都在湖北省 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3285 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    28年前南醫大女生遭奸殺案告破, 嫌疑人已被抓獲 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(796 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    #跟帖#  沒有 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    #跟帖#  根據BNO 網站信息,埃及一例已出院 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(253 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    Bernie asked if he knows the price tag for all of his proposals: [時事述評] - 辛迪16(623 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    上海企業開發出可循環使用的KN95口罩 日產能約5萬 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(7244 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    韓國11名軍人確診:覆蓋四大軍種 疑似出現軍營內感染 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1566 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    韓國新增161例確診(總數達763),死亡一例(總數7) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(87 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    Bill Gates says his $109 billion net worth shows the economy is [時事述評] - 辛迪16(529 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    川普新推 - 2/23/2020 (b) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(87 bytes ) 2020-02-23
    Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure to India [時事述評] - 辛迪16(212 bytes ) 2020-02-23
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