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    Senior Burr asks ethics committee to review his stock sales [時事述評] - 辛迪16(497 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    NY Gov. issues an executive order mandating all non-essential wo [時事述評] - 辛迪16(745 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    美國重開一些已停的班機接還滯留國外的公民回國 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(797 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force [時事述評] - 辛迪16(439 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    Andrew Yang Slams Senators who Sold Stocks after briefing [時事述評] - 辛迪16(501 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    Feinstein sold $1M - $5M stock after a closed-door briefing [時事述評] - 辛迪16(116 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    3位參議員在股市大跌之前賣光所有股票 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(867 bytes ) 2020-03-20
    ISRAEL ON FULL LOCKDOWN [時事述評] - 辛迪16(561 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    李文亮被訓誡案兩責任人被處理:一人記過一人警告 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2708 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    武漢市公安局:撤銷李文亮訓誡書 並鄭重道歉 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2787 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    習近平同俄羅斯總統普京通電話 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3599 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    北京警方:從美國歸來的黎某隱瞞個人健康狀況和同機人員情況 已被立案偵查 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2215 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    MSM's hypocrisy at it's best [時事述評] - 辛迪16(510 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Maxine Waters 也有提案,每月至少大人每人$2000,小孩$1000 。。。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1092 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    華春瑩(從確認過的推特賬號)新推 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(573 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Coronavirus or not: Voter approval of Trump's economic performan [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1083 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Bernie Sanders wants $2,000 cash payments to every person in Ame [時事述評] - 辛迪16(589 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Trump Slamming Media for Calling Him a “Racist” for Banning Trav [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1307 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Carnival Cruise Lines to repurpose cruise ships to assist with p [時事述評] - 辛迪16(573 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Come Home Or Shelter In Place - State Dept‘s Travel Advisory [時事述評] - 辛迪16(502 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    LIVE: Press Briefing with Coronavirus Task Force [時事述評] - 辛迪16(439 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    摩納哥王子確診感染 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(696 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    英國央行宣布降息至0.1% [時事述評] - 辛迪16(451 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    川普新推- 3/19/2020 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(720 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    CNN Rick Wilson mocks Melania Trump to be Infected [時事述評] - 辛迪16(526 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    歐盟與英國脫歐談判的談判代表確認感染 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(667 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Super-Rich Paralyzed As Private Jet Travel Restricted [時事述評] - 辛迪16(448 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    國家監委調查組發布《關於群眾反映的涉及李文亮醫生有關情況調查的通報》 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(5737 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    湖北:人員省內流動除了健康碼之外不得附加其他條件 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1504 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    West Hollywood 的市長確診感染 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(467 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    猶他州國會議員Ben McAdams確診感染 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(707 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    五部委:調整目的地, 北京國際航班將從指定第一入境點入境 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3352 bytes ) 2020-03-19
    Trump is teasing a big announcement from the FDA tomorrow [時事述評] - 辛迪16(851 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    #跟帖#  Hydroxychloroquine都有50年的曆史了,很便宜的。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    川普新推 - 3/18/2020 (c) [時事述評] - 辛迪16(612 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    Senate Passes House Coronavirus Relief Bill [時事述評] - 辛迪16(664 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    紐約股票市場下周一起全部電子交易,關閉交易大廳。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(489 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    #跟帖#  昨天去Costco看到地上都畫了線,貨櫃中間變單行,讓人不可能靠太近。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(0 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    印尼6.4級地震 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(833 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    德國累計確診10082例,成全球第5個確診人數破萬國家 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(1462 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    官方:一架國際航班因今天北京大風正常備降在呼和浩特。先前有媒體報北京入境國際航班將先分流到周邊機場。 [時事述評] - 辛迪16(2669 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    What is Defense Production Act [時事述評] - 辛迪16(515 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    Trump is asked about the term 'Kung Flu' [時事述評] - 辛迪16(450 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    Trump: "It comes from China...it's not racist." [時事述評] - 辛迪16(627 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    美國三大汽車製造商暫關閉所有工廠。Ford,GM,Fiat [時事述評] - 辛迪16(576 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    DOD: 5 million N95 masks will go to HHS. 1 million today [時事述評] - 辛迪16(668 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    Trump: "Were going to defeat this invisible enemy" [時事述評] - 辛迪16(403 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    LIVE: WH Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing [時事述評] - 辛迪16(212 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    NY Andrew Cuomo praises Trump’s actions again this morning [時事述評] - 辛迪16(713 bytes ) 2020-03-18
    DOJ: One Funeral Home Operators Arrested For Illegal Body Schem [時事述評] - 辛迪16(3097 bytes ) 2020-03-18
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