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    #跟帖#  Using Google Translation "Executive Overview" portion [時事述評] - 雙簧管(2399 bytes ) 2016-10-22
    LinkedIn 有趣的數據發現,挺川的遠多於挺希的!多4倍,哈哈。 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(334 bytes ) 2016-10-18
    #跟帖#  CNN itself is the champion of the rigged system. [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-10-16
    #跟帖#  smash the rigged system is the first step to Make America Great [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-10-16
    #跟帖#  正相反,Trump 說出了所謂的政治家門不敢說的事實, 要冒著被砍頭的風險, 嗬嗬。 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-10-15
    川普和希拉裏,好象是瘋子和騙子,一個有一半的可能是對的, 另一個就別指望了。該選誰,用腳後跟都想得明白的事。 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-10-15
    #跟帖#  慘不忍睹,她該quit了! [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-09-05
    加入了Trump Executive Membership, 多了一張金卡在身,老川加油!!! [時事述評] - 雙簧管(150 bytes ) 2016-08-20
    #跟帖#  Although not from real ABC News, it still tells something. DT(7 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(87 bytes ) 2016-08-11
    #跟帖#  和預感差不多,華裔中默默支持床鋪的占大多數,哈哈。 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-08-07
    #跟帖#  極端全球化的問題,很容易理解,很多都是常識。 [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-05-13
    #跟帖#  Rand Paul should be on the list, he is also backing Trump now. [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-05-10
    #跟帖#  Trump, a blue collar worker with a big balance sheet. [時事述評] - 雙簧管(0 bytes ) 2016-03-28
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