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    #跟帖#  我到底買什麽麵?all purpose flour?中國店裏很多種吧,那個做餅? [私房小菜] - 懷舊一點點(0 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  baking powder,美國超市baking那排架子 [私房小菜] - areyoueye(0 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  那你吃pizza大概也有問題 [私房小菜] - bob2013(0 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  You need to season the pot first before using. [私房小菜] - cdc7(0 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  Simple & Delicious Cheesecake Recipe - guarantee satisfaction : [私房小菜] - 17696(2001 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  看不到圖嗎?圖片可以Copy and Paste 到Word file。 [私房小菜] - 毛毛-媽(0 bytes ) 2013-01-17
    #跟帖#  我使的麵粉就是all purpose. [私房小菜] - Lucky姥爺(0 bytes ) 2013-01-16
    #跟帖#  初級問題: 什麽是澄粉啊,在哪買啊? 中筋麵粉是all purpose 嗎? [私房小菜] - shinesation(0 bytes ) 2013-01-16
    #跟帖#  I think this comment is for all professional hoods, [私房小菜] - Housewine(335 bytes ) 2013-01-16
    Vidalia Spring Onions 已經上市了,吃了兩劄,今年的很甜~ : [私房小菜] - 小.蝌蚪(0 bytes ) 2013-01-16
    #跟帖#  Would you please post how to do the 醃蘿卜? [私房小菜] - 三過家門(0 bytes ) 2013-01-16
    #跟帖#  幸福感動的豐收!!生日快樂:) ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    #跟帖#  獅子團長RP這麽好,身邊的愛一定也少不了。哈哈 [私房小菜] - 遊走四方的魚(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    #跟帖#  生日快樂!一看就知道魚兒RP 好,才有這麽多的愛! [私房小菜] - 獅子座的男人(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    #跟帖#  我就是用Tablespoon量的,正好,不冒尖兒~~~ [私房小菜] - 小小太空豬(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    #跟帖#  哇,哇,哇。口水嘩,嘩,嘩。怎麽就是不能copy文字啊? [私房小菜] - 七葉草(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    請教pecan的做法,如果不想做甜得。如果原味烤應該多少度烤多久?先謝謝大家。 [私房小菜] - seattlewa(0 bytes ) 2013-01-15
    #跟帖#  回複:omg, it is really impressive [私房小菜] - lighting24(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  嗯!一言為定!soon after 一定整一些一直想做的花花給予山山!ps:女兒好孝心啊! [私房小菜] - 夏荷園(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  我一直用一個帶架子的lasagna pan, 蓋上 alumina foil, 蒸整魚,饅頭都行。 [私房小菜] - wxcellen(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  美女加愛心媽媽!貼子做的好,記錄了寶寶的成長經曆,好媽媽一亇!謝謝分享!ps:母女都是巧手呀 [私房小菜] - 夏荷園(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  這個是food warmer,我們中文學校開party是借用過,下麵加熱,盆裏加熱水, [私房小菜] - 馬大姐sgca(173 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  改用蒜粉(Garllic powder)吧,一樣 [私房小菜] - 方宜(33 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  lol. never saw a pot that needs to use the entire stove. host a [私房小菜] - xiaoxing(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  maybe try roasted baby potatoes [私房小菜] - SU(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  請教一下,蛋糕上的奶油的配方,因為看起來很堅固的樣子,應該在wipping cream之外加了什麽呢?因為我每次做的奶油很快就化 [私房小菜] - 廚房的蟲蟲(0 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  如果是冷凍的polluck魚片本來就不適合,肉太鬆出水又多,要加很多的生粉. [私房小菜] - 小.蝌蚪(248 bytes ) 2013-01-14
    #跟帖#  用IPad看不到啊,哪位大蝦懂啊? [私房小菜] - 心態平和(0 bytes ) 2013-01-13
    #跟帖#  http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/cumin-flavor/1084773.html 看這裏 [私房小菜] - 小小飛豬(0 bytes ) 2013-01-13
    #跟帖#  請教!!please [私房小菜] - 紫嬋(126 bytes ) 2013-01-12
    #跟帖#  菱粉英文是tapioca starch, 就是木薯粉。謝謝你的問題。 [私房小菜] - Lucky姥爺(0 bytes ) 2013-01-12
    #跟帖#  我最近才開始用,不錯,一家4口夠用! ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-12
    #跟帖#  謝謝蜜黨主席提示,picasa 最近好象不太穩呢。。。 [私房小菜] - xiaolai(0 bytes ) 2013-01-11
    #跟帖#  在一般超市都有, 比如Safeway, 如果你是在美國, 叫做puff pastry [私房小菜] - 多問問題(71 bytes ) 2013-01-11
    #跟帖#  ps. water was added on outside of rice cooker. [私房小菜] - ycy101(0 bytes ) 2013-01-11
    請問有人用過KitchenAid Classic Plus 4.5-qt. Stand Mixer 嗎?效果好嗎? [私房小菜] - -June-(147 bytes ) 2013-01-11
    #跟帖#  Ps:chignish,試問這樣的湯也叫拉肚子湯的話,你的家裏一年中要生產出多少比這還差的多的湯呀! [私房小菜] - 夏荷園(0 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  謝Xiaolai!我喜歡你做的東西!請教一下:在哪裏能買到baking的date paste?在西人超市baking的地方 [私房小菜] - 夏荷園(54 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:Where did you buy the bowl having a bird and loaded with p [私房小菜] - xiaolai(159 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  回複:Where did you buy the bowl having a bird and loaded with peap [私房小菜] - greekepic(0 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  Where did you buy the bowl having a bird and loaded with peaputs [私房小菜] - greekepic(0 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Question [私房小菜] - newberrys(1894 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  喜歡喜歡,謝謝:) ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    有三塊pork loin chop, 怎麽做好? [私房小菜] - 清言清語(0 bytes ) 2013-01-10
    #跟帖#  procedure 上有什麽變動嗎?煮的時間短一些嗎?謝謝 [私房小菜] - inmyheart(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
    求助!kitchenaid麵條機的spagatti cutter不轉了。請問有人知道怎麽修嘛?有人拆開過嗎? [私房小菜] - 唯唯(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
    想買一個Ninja, 450w 的那種,現在Home Depot $50,免郵,這個價格怎麽樣? [私房小菜] - mukumuku(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
    #跟帖#  我是擔心我們和的麵比較硬,機器會燒壞 ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
    #跟帖#  太好了,看清楚了,謝謝:) ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
    #跟帖#  你這個肯定沒問題啦:) ★ 發自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 [私房小菜] - 紅色娘子軍(0 bytes ) 2013-01-09
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