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    #跟帖#  回複:GV will forward all calls to both lines, [實用電腦] - chat092(30 bytes ) 2010-02-19
    #跟帖#  use my 4th item, you can forward all calls to line 1, [實用電腦] - chat092(106 bytes ) 2010-02-19
    #跟帖#  簡單點吧,看我的設計。 [實用電腦] - chat092(329 bytes ) 2010-02-19
    #跟帖#  Nonoh.net 4 months free, need download softphone, much cheaper. [實用電腦] - chat092(37 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  回複:我付了10歐元,有120天免費。付錢時有幾種選擇, [實用電腦] - chat092(42 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  http://lockerz-scam.com/ [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  Nonoh.net has Chinese credit seller and canbe paid by Yuan [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  回複:free 120 days [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  我剛到Nonoh.net去過,可以用信用卡,方法是 [實用電腦] - chat092(197 bytes ) 2010-02-18
    #跟帖#  buy.com G550 Laptop Intel Pentium Dual-core T4300 $477 [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-16
    #跟帖#  可能是風扇的聲音,打開看看,我的一個硬盤去掉風扇後就好了 [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-15
    #跟帖#  one of myfriend just got registered last week [實用電腦] - chat092(129 bytes ) 2010-02-13
    #跟帖#  VoipZoom 不一定支持SPA1001,最好用Nonoh.net [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-13
    #跟帖#  回複:if you did not change the dial plan, then [實用電腦] - chat092(16 bytes ) 2010-02-13
    #跟帖#  既然已經Signup,可以試Login,應該能Login [實用電腦] - chat092(148 bytes ) 2010-02-13
    #跟帖#  回複:請你閱讀精華區,你就是不讀。 [實用電腦] - chat092(506 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  回複:you know English? [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  回複:Cable modem, router, spa1001 [實用電腦] - chat092(342 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  請進入精華區,裏麵有大量的有關的blog [實用電腦] - chat092(121 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  sipgate, vbuzzer softphone has fax printer [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  回複:回複:word [實用電腦] - chat092(110 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  word [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  hehe, too lazy to live, 可以把一分錢掰成兩半花 [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    #跟帖#  nonoh.net softphone, 4 month free and easy to install [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-12
    ipkall worked after disabled Google voice forwarding [實用電腦] - chat092(61 bytes ) 2010-02-11
    #跟帖#  US country code should be 1, that means your intenational phone [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-11
    #跟帖#  I do not remember if I bought the credit first. [實用電腦] - chat092(427 bytes ) 2010-02-11
    #跟帖#  I use nonoh calling China, and never got problem. [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-10
    #跟帖#  callcentric has local DID, if you pay $3 or $6 monthly [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  Go to GV's settings->calls->call presentation->off [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  GV's anouncement canbe closed. [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  try to register everyday, you can get it [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  It happened to me too, but some times it opens the registration [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  that means sipGate is non-functional. if it works, [實用電腦] - chat092(134 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  acttually with Java iText, you can do your own work [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  http://www.doc2pdf.net/ [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    先謝了諸位大俠,誰知道pap2灌成spa1001的過程 [實用電腦] - chat092(95 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  看樓下的VD's CID post, nonoh.net and Voiopdiscount are [實用電腦] - chat092(806 bytes ) 2010-02-09
    #跟帖#  it is VD's default to show random#, see fixwxc's post [實用電腦] - chat092(141 bytes ) 2010-02-08
    #跟帖#  可以將SIPGATE DID 用在 VD CID(USERID) [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-08
    #跟帖#  不能驗證GV#,要驗證能打到你家裏的電話,甚至手機都可以。 [實用電腦] - chat092(139 bytes ) 2010-02-08
    #跟帖#  回複:sipgate 穩定,可以用,callin 不收費 [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-08
    #跟帖#  no, do not need to pay for just callin, but you need pay [實用電腦] - chat092(73 bytes ) 2010-02-07
    #跟帖#  回複:沒有用DDNS, [實用電腦] - chat092(186 bytes ) 2010-02-06
    #跟帖#  回複: 問股溝 avi codec for windows media player 11 [實用電腦] - chat092(51 bytes ) 2010-02-06
    #跟帖#  回複:I found that ipkall blocked the number from 1/28/2010 [實用電腦] - chat092(1322 bytes ) 2010-02-05
    #跟帖#  自在大俠,你是否知道路由器中可以安裝 asterisk and Gvout [實用電腦] - chat092(202 bytes ) 2010-02-05
    #跟帖#  回複:sipgate.com, rekatu.com. [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-05
    #跟帖#  回複:you have put 5060 after your email address, is that right? [實用電腦] - chat092(0 bytes ) 2010-02-05
    #跟帖#  昨天好像ipkall有問題,我用你的辦法也沒有接通。 [實用電腦] - chat092(80 bytes ) 2010-02-05
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