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    #跟帖#  you are in army? [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-14
    #跟帖#  不要杞人憂天。放心好了,醫生和醫院的lobbist也不是吃素的,不會讓醫生做醫療改革犧牲品的。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-08
    #跟帖#  aca cuts insurance revenue and boosts pcp income. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-08
    #跟帖#  model. tricare is highly efficient and pays well. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-08
    #跟帖#  why are you so negative? Medicare is for 65+ so it's a different [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-08
    #跟帖#  nice summary! :) [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-07
    #跟帖#  VA system where the pool is huge and you can also choose private [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-07
    #跟帖#  not anywhere near Medicare. it'll be closer to tri-care. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-07
    #跟帖#  lol. state exchange is supplemental insurance not anywhere near [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-07
    #跟帖#  yes,學校每天半夜所有電腦都自動備份,你可以聯係係統管理,要求找回幾天前的文件,很簡單地過程,幾分鍾就搞定 [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-05
    #跟帖#  那還是不錯的,但是聯邦雇員近兩年都不會漲工資,看你覺得會不會有損失。最好不要是軍工的,砍得厲害。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-04
    #跟帖#  政府跟政府不一樣。如果是聯邦的工作的話,比較有保障福利也好,如果是州政府的話很難說。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-04
    #跟帖#  你念過關於醫療成本問題的Dartmouth report嗎?每個醫院每年都要經AHA檢查醫療成本,如果同樣DRG高於同行會被罰得 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(192 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  do you do health care policy? have you ever read federal registr [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  經常晚上周末的on call當然累了。你們工作要半夜被叫醒回答問題還是人命關天的問題嗎? [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  建議你去看看CMS醫療費用breakdown再來討論。醫療費用的攀升最大的一塊是因為保險費用的攀升和保險的暴利所以醫改首先改的是 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(133 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  美國的醫學院很多從第一年開始就進入clerkship。給你看個斯坦福的curriculumn,你倒是說說哪部分是過度了? [職場生涯] - Kamioka(268 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  住院醫數量是國會控製的,因為由medicare補貼,也就是從大家的稅裏來的。你想多點醫生那你願意為此加10%的稅嗎?就這麽簡單。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  招生數量和成本沒有太大的關係,因為醫學院都是小班教學,招生人數上去現在各校都加大招了很多faculty滿足教學和補貼需要。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(122 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  這個你對美國醫學院招生不了解吧。美國近年來醫學院都在擴招,也新成立了一些醫學院。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(792 bytes ) 2012-12-01
    #跟帖#  99 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-30
    #跟帖#  and this http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/znjy/1777175.html [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-30
    #跟帖#  your保險prob has a cap that doesn't cover their inhouse test cost. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-30
    #跟帖#  you still don't realize that you are the one violating the PHI?? [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  then try the board. you don't need to go through residency after [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  no, it's you who will be in trouble because you violated HIPAA r [職場生涯] - Kamioka(188 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  the state you are currently have license and working at. [職場生涯] - Kamioka(137 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  to your state attorney and let him decide. [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  well if you want I can forward your article to your state attorn [職場生涯] - Kamioka(1111 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  More information for you. [職場生涯] - Kamioka(9940 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  “Individually identifiable health information” is information, i [職場生涯] - Kamioka(1499 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  paperwork is not a waste of time, it's called documentation and [職場生涯] - Kamioka(510 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  no because it's evidence based. [職場生涯] - Kamioka(162 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  在這裏好意提醒你一下,你那篇憤怒的病人的文章違反了HIPAA privacy guideline,不要給你們醫院帶來麻煩。有人可 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(182 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  還有2,美國不象中國每次看病都是不同醫生所以病史很重要,美國是家庭醫生製所以家庭醫生對病人的病史是很了解的,而且現在都是電子醫療 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(330 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  6你完全說錯了,要求本科學曆是教學的要求,因為美國要求的醫生是有完整的人文基礎和社會學心理學知識,因為美國社會比中國社會複雜,不 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(628 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  didn't go through medical training in the US. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  agree. she's like a blind man looking at elephant since she didn [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  facts. high cognitive aptitude test is embedded in the test item [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  clinical knowledge/skills exams are much more than remembering f [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  you're kidding right? have you ever taken board exams yourself? [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  sooner or later. gpa isn't everything. how's his/her mcat? [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  if s/he is not good at organic chem will have to leave sooner or [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-29
    #跟帖#  老板不撐你當然難做了。找找有沒有好點不那麽煩心的。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-16
    #跟帖#  你到底是做管理還是做實際分析?這些模型都不難啊,如果你統計不好沒學過現學可能有點難度。都懂的話才知道每個模型的優缺點才能選擇最合 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(192 bytes ) 2012-11-16
    #跟帖#  co:騎驢找馬吧。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-15
    #跟帖#  看國會覺得預算怎麽砍嘍。加稅就影響不大,砍軍費就跟軍火商的合同IT工走人,砍其它的就其它行業的走人。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-15
    #跟帖#  check this out. http://www.khanacademy.org/math/calculus [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-14
    #跟帖#  nice article. [職場生涯] - kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-14
    #跟帖#  ABD不等於PHD吧。要不然我就三個PHD了。 [職場生涯] - Kamioka(0 bytes ) 2012-11-12
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