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    #跟帖#  Update: 今天TPMS燈自己滅了,也許因為天氣暖和?嗬嗬 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-12-30
    #跟帖#  說實話如果我自己開這個車都不想修它,嗬嗬 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-12-28
    #跟帖#  Sam’s Club的人用的就是像TS401這樣的東西在胎氣門處掃半天也沒解決問題。沒電了是指sensor沒電了?換鈕扣電池還是 [愛車一族] - oldoak(114 bytes ) 2019-12-28
    #跟帖#  確實舊的有按扭,新的有菜單。我這個2011款既無按扭也無菜單,很無奈。去dealer要花$300-450 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-12-27
    #跟帖#  這個視頻是2014的。找了幾個視頻都不是2011的。謝謝 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-12-27
    2011 Honda CRV 的TPMS燈亮了,胎壓都正常,有可能自己reset 嗎?謝謝! [愛車一族] - oldoak(405 bytes ) 2019-12-27
    #跟帖#  Cannot tell. All black. Looks good. [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-08-06
    更新一下,花$30買了後視鏡,自已花15分鍾換上了,省$550 [愛車一族] - oldoak(112 bytes ) 2019-08-06
    #跟帖#  好吧。多謝 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-07-26
    #跟帖#  還真沒想過這個問題。車是黑色的 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-07-26
    #跟帖#  好主意。謝謝 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-07-26
    #跟帖#  是啊,曬化了。而且我在不算太熱的州 [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2019-07-26
    2011Honda CRV 自己換glass/door molding 和rear view mirror等等 [愛車一族] - oldoak(677 bytes ) 2019-07-25
    #跟帖#  Thanks everyone! I will try the lacquer thinner 1st and let u kn [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2017-08-23
    #跟帖#  If I do not fix it, what would happen? [愛車一族] - oldoak(125 bytes ) 2017-08-22
    #跟帖#  How much should I pour the lacquer thinner in the gas tank? Than [愛車一族] - oldoak(86 bytes ) 2017-08-22
    #跟帖#  "Recommend to replace catalytic converter------reflash ECM." fro [愛車一族] - oldoak(286 bytes ) 2017-08-22
    #跟帖#  > 140,000. Thanks. [愛車一族] - oldoak(0 bytes ) 2017-08-22
    2003 Camry: Engine light on. Code P0420 [愛車一族] - oldoak(235 bytes ) 2017-08-22
頁次:1/1 每頁50條記錄, 本頁顯示119, 共19  分頁:  [1]
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