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    其實偶覺得大紅豆隻是想把不開心的事情說出來。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(421 bytes ) 2008-11-12
    #跟帖#  謝謝!!! [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  真好,偶把它打印出來了。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  大家賣偶個麵子,以後要是再在上班時間看到偶就說偶兩句。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(275 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  他們是買小魚殼子自己擠的,好象在那裏的華人超市看到過 [人在澳新] - purplenight(40 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  偶今天也在裏麵墮落來著,看FASHION MAG,偶以後不要去 [人在澳新] - purplenight(12 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    唉,偶今天出去受到刺激了。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(813 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  這這這,這不是逼著人家龍蝦犯錯誤嘛~~~英俊多金的美味龍蝦 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  北京大鴨梨是什麽? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  別,偶試過溜偶家的貓,死活不跟著你走,偶攆在她後麵追啊~ [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    哇K,偶回來一看都灌了這麽多了,偶也挖一個,什麽算精英哩? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-09
    #跟帖#  偶沒孩子,可是也是那會子過來的。偶覺得要看孩子是那種人 [人在澳新] - purplenight(819 bytes ) 2008-11-08
    #跟帖#  這這這,這是你的水平坑?倒,偶還是趕快出去得了。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-08
    #跟帖#  好象前兩天看到他的帖子,又失蹤了? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-08
    #跟帖#  切!那你來挖個坑好了。站在坑邊兒指手畫腳的罵娘,倆兒字: [人在澳新] - purplenight(30 bytes ) 2008-11-08
    #跟帖#  嗯,你上次做的餅看著好香 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    What happens if engineer has a dog... [人在澳新] - purplenight(609 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    給大家找到一個好玩的~~~ [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  偶下次要韭菜豬肉蝦米皮的和排骨,LG說他還要大餅。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  豆豆,偶LG說了,你太實在了,用韭菜揣餃子,你得賠死, [人在澳新] - purplenight(30 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  啊呀,忘了給餃子拍照了,很好看的餃子,下鍋了。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  嗯,醬燒排骨很香很好吃,稍微有點兒鹹,餃子還沒好~~~ [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    報告!!!大紅豆的香菇燉雞好吃!餃子還沒吃到嘴裏~~~ [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  不是,偶的意思是,去過PARRAMATTA那裏跳舞的肯定是上海人 [人在澳新] - purplenight(44 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    給大家看一個好玩的 [人在澳新] - purplenight(97 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  好象沒聽說過啊,去ASHFILED問問看,說不定那裏有人知道 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-07
    #跟帖#  這個這個,右邊的馬蹄餃子,不就是個餛飩嘛? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  Just thought of something! LG said last week, [人在澳新] - purplenight(398 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  I heard actuary is very good, but you have to be [人在澳新] - purplenight(320 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  Actually as long as it tastes good, I don't care [人在澳新] - purplenight(139 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  Obama is not truly african american. And african [人在澳新] - purplenight(114 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  嗯?左看看,右看看,30個,不多啊? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-06
    #跟帖#  好!30個韭菜雞蛋蝦米皮的行嗎,周六周日都行。 [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  啊?你到底在哪裏啊?悉尼還是堪培拉啊??? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  你的悉尼分店呢? [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  可能因為客戶不再願意做tax planning了吧,客戶的利潤下 [人在澳新] - purplenight(6 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  可是都TAKEN了~~~ [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Less full time though, more part time. [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  555, let me check. Yeah, right, I'm MA, not MBA. [人在澳新] - purplenight(16 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Put his photo and list his net asset figure here. [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Normally ppl work harder in this situation... if they [人在澳新] - purplenight(29 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Don't know, collegues' friends got sacked. News from [人在澳新] - purplenight(5 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    Just heard PWC, E&Y, and KPMG started making ppl [人在澳新] - purplenight(81 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  And I always choose the wrong one between "she and he" [人在澳新] - purplenight(212 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Forgot, it's "ZT" [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  One more, a friend of friend went to Mcdonald, [人在澳新] - purplenight(125 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    Funny Chineglish. [人在澳新] - purplenight(4090 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  It's a torture!!! I stay home and play with my [人在澳新] - purplenight(68 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  Ok, my bottom line plan, Oh, I'm so LM... [人在澳新] - purplenight(0 bytes ) 2008-11-05
    #跟帖#  I call it "my payback time" for being a shopaholic [人在澳新] - purplenight(192 bytes ) 2008-11-05
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