

(2020-04-29 00:59:03) 下一個


當年我們決定要生第二個孩子時,希望女兒有一個伴,與她一起成長,讓孩子在成長過程中學會分享與互助,並不在乎是男孩還是 女孩。 當兒子出生時,我們感謝上帝賜予我們一個兒子,讓我們擁有了一兒一女。


兒子搞笑風趣,也一直是姐姐的好弟弟好夥伴,姐弟倆總會商量地去互相幫助學會解決問題。當他逐漸長大他總是會護著媽媽,體諒父母, 在努力學習知識的同時不忘學習神的話語,積極參與教會事工。

經過七年的努力拿到了法學學位和取得律師資格,在此之前他已經在AMP工作過, 並被澳大利亞最大的律師行之一MinterEllison錄取。 在 那些時刻我與先生總是情不自禁地流下激動的淚水,感謝上帝的保守與看顧,讓孩子有了如今的成就。

當那一天兒子告訴我他有女朋友了,希望向她求婚共度一生, 我知道我的孩子長大了,我的寶貝將要有他自己的家了,就如聖經上說的:人要離開父母,與妻子聯合二人成為一體。我既高興又傷感,高興的是我們的兒子要成家了, 傷感的是他要搬出去有了他自己的小家,我們要開始習慣不能天天見到他的日子, 他也要承擔起一個家的責任,開始他人生的新編章。

他知道 我們為他高興也有一絲絲的不舍,就不停地安慰我: 媽媽爸爸, 我會一直很愛你們的.

在籌備婚禮過程中 兒子自己設計了婚禮的請帖,代表他們倆的Logo,定教堂和Reception的場地等安排了所有的程序,不要我們操心,我們倆隻有懷著激動的心情等待舉行婚禮的那一天。






Ma, Ba, yan yu wufa xing rong wo you duo ai ni men… na wo jiu yong yingyu biao da ba.
(I just said in Chinese I don’t know the words to express my love for you… so I will say it in English.)

Mum, you are very much my understanding of the Proverbs 31 woman.  Not only do you keep the home in order, but you are able to support Dad in business from all the different vocations he undertook and instilled in me from my youth a respect for Dad. You provided me unconditional love, drew smiley faces with betadine on my grazes and tried to give me the very best.  Mum, you blame yourself for my failures – you make me out to be more mature than I am.  If there was someone who I thought for sure had the ability to time travel, it would be you – you juggled and continue to juggle so much – I don’t know where you get the time from.  While I struggled with juggling work and wedding preparation, you took it in your stride ordering things for Andy and I.

I love you dearly.  Though, we will be starting a new family – I will always be your son and strive to honour you and dad, as this is the first commandment with a promise. 

Dad, I have so much to thank you for.  I still remember the moment when I was a little fat kid in primary school doing little athletics and you ran the full 3 kms with me.  The other kids finished the race like 5 mins ago and I was ready to call it quits.  But you came along and ran beside me, encouraging me not to quit and set a mark to improve on.  When you left your office job as an import exports manager in the hopes of starting a small business and providing more for your family, and as a 30-year-old grown man, you apprenticed, carrying bags for another photographer, and when the market changed, jumped to another new vocation.  It was your application of the lessons you taught me to yourself that impacted me the most.  You taught me by example that life is a marathon and not a sprint, learning is a life-long occupation, and that as the husband and father to the family you are to give yourself sacrificially – which often means relishing being outside of your comfort zone.

今天從讀他的這段話再一次讓我留下開心的淚水, 感謝上帝讓孩子你擁有一顆愛人的心。

兒子將婚禮上的第一隻舞安排了與媽媽跳, 以此感謝母親的養育之恩。為了準備與兒子跳的舞,我找到了這一首歌曲, 表達了我對孩子未來生活的祝福與希望, 他不但要成為一個男子漢,還要是一個紳士。

A Song For My Son

I don't know where
The time has gone
Since those little boy days
Doesn't seem that long
Yet here you are
It's your wedding day
And there's one thing darling
I'd like to say...

Be kind, be sweet
Be a gentle man
Care and share
And always be fair
And remember though you now
Have taken a wife
You will always be my son
My Loving son

You filled my life
With so much joy
As I watched you grow
From that little boy
Now I'll try not to cry
As you walk away
And just once more darling
I'd like to say...


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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
xiximimi 回複 悄悄話 回複 '豆米' 的評論 : 感謝主!
jzhou2 回複 悄悄話 對不起,我流淚了。
天涼好秋 回複 悄悄話 美麗的讓人落淚。祝福!
豆米 回複 悄悄話 箴言31:10 才德的婦人誰能得著呢?她的價值遠勝過珍珠。