
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2022-07-22 21:25:10) 下一個

先來分享最近在Vogue雜誌上看到的一句英語。It’s better to cry in a Rolls-Royce than to be happy on a bicycle.—Patrizia Reggiani

Patrizia Reggiani是意大利人, 因雇人殺害前夫Maurizio Gucci—(Gucci品牌創始人的孫子)而入獄18年(被判26年)。 這是她1970s的名言。

這句英語與我們中文裏的那句"寧願在寶馬車裏哭,不願在自行車上笑"如出一轍。如果不是因為中文這句也是有出處(節目《非誠勿擾》裏有個女生首創) ,我都以為中文是從其他語言翻譯過來的。


據不完全統計, 英語中的名詞(隻限common nouns, 不包括 proper nouns, pronouns) 在所有被統計的詞匯裏占據27% (https://pdodds.w3.uvm.edu/files/papers/others/1994/hudson1994a.pdf). 這個占了比1/5還要多比例的名詞,我應該從怎樣一個角度寫,心裏真沒有底。所以一日我問某人:

我: "你知不知道英語中的glitter, flicker, glow, burst, escape, mention可以作名詞用? "

他答: "你研究這個幹什麽? 你這個問題就好比問人家茴香豆的"茴"字有幾種寫法。"

我堅持到: "你先回答問題。"

答: "那些詞當然可以作名詞的,很常見啊。"

我: "那你有沒有覺得看到這些常常作動詞用的詞,偶爾作名詞用時,覺得這些名詞用的特別形象,帶有動感?"






The protocols were multilayered: a succession of PCR tests by nurses from the Royal Clinics: a Gulfstream jet in the middle of the night from Riyadh; a convoy from a deserted airstrip; a surrender of electronic devices; a stopover at a mysterious guesthouse visible in satellite photos but unmarked on Google Maps. (The Atlantic April 2022)


動詞變名詞,如nourish —nourishment, criticize—criticism, stop—stoppage, reveal—revelation, disclose—disclosure, divulge—divulgence, betray—betrayal,  continue-- continuity 等等

形容詞變名詞, 如are -- rarity, convenient--convenience, short—shortage, private--privacy等等

I.  但是英語中也有些詞,它的詞性可以是多元的,既可以作動詞用,也可以做名詞用(或是形容詞用),當然出現的頻率有高有低。我不知道大家看到了一個習慣作動詞用的詞以名詞出現時,大腦會不會興奮一下,就好比你看見一位老熟人一日喬裝打扮,給了你一種新鮮感一樣。比如前麵提到的flicker一詞,當它用在 a flicker of hope (一閃而過的希望) a flicker of inspiration (短暫的啟迪/靈感)這樣的表達法時, 你會不會覺得很生動形象,帶有動感? (希望你們的回答是yes:))) 當然讀多了,常常遇見,就像習慣看見老朋友的新裝束,人的感覺也會漸漸麻木的:)。


Then, with a rush and a cry, a raven soars past, drawing your attention to the unexpected details around you. A flicker of movement makes you grab your camera, but the lizard darts away before you take a picture. Now you notice flowers growing in the shadow of a rock. More surprises await.

February is a time of transition—a month that often begins beneath a mantle of snow and ends with a flicker of warming that presages the arrival of spring.

"Yosemite Valley… is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and gold and wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space. "—photographer Ansel Adams

Light dances around the walls and pastel yellows and blues offer a burst of color.


The book is a surprisingly buoyant read. (Vogue, August 2021)

Maybe, but the irony is that many people who behave foolishly consider themselves to be “in the know", to be in possession of inside knowledge; access to it, for them, is a point of pride.


Despite a report on Tuesday showing a plunge in housing starts and building permits in March, housing remains a bright spot amid indications that economic growth slowed to a crawl in the first three months of the year.

The economy has been hobbled by a strong dollar and weak global demand, which have undermined exports. Lower oil prices are also a drag, as they have eroded the profits of energy firms and prompted them to slash spending on capital projects. (這個顯然是很多年前的新聞:))

A number of problems had reached a slow boil.

Alienating the Saudi monarchy, he suggested, would harm Biden’s position. “It’s up to him to think about the interest of America. “ He gave a shrug.

Yet, pushed to the brink of despair, it’s her big sister, someone she looked up to when they were young, someone who’s been a comfort to her in other rough times, that she wants to talk to, someone she imagines might be able to comfort her now.

It is the push and pull of these “other desires”—namely motherhood and the impact childbearing can have on a career, a body, a mind—that the track “King” explores so affectingly. (Vogue May 2022)

In the months that followed his death, we would pull ourselves together and find a resolve we didn’t know we had. (The Atlantic June 2022)

Exactly when the therapeutic virtues of comic books were recognized is unclear. Justin Green, an American cartoonist, gave clinicians a nudge with “Binky Brown Meets the Holy Virgin Mary”, a bawdy autobiographical account of growing up tortured by religious guilt and compulsive neurosis, published in 1972. (The Economist May 21st 2022)

The VC scene has its roots in the 1960s and had been a misfit in the financial world. (The Economist December 11th, 2021)

But there is a catch: Maine’s money may go only to schools whose curriculums are “nonsectarian”. (The Economist December 11th 2021)

Every day is a scramble to justify a sorry existence. (The Economist December 4th 2021)

While the sides bickered, Mr Peterson became a sensation. (The Economist December 4th 2021)

Rarely can a spoonful of rice have caused such a stir. (The Economist December 4th 2021)

II. 英語中有些名詞,同一個名詞可以用來指事,也可以指人,而不需要加個什麽-er之類的來表示。比如下麵這些句子。

I never particularly thought of myself as a gossip until I saw my first child, age one and a bit, hold a banana to her ear in the kitchen and say ”whatsthegoss?” into one end. (Vogue, December 2021) (嚼舌頭之人)

Gomez remembers being a teenager, at a Shania Twain show in Las Vegas with her dad, when a stranger yelled that her dad was a wetback. (Vogue April 2021) (這個詞有好幾種解釋,一種解釋是指墨西哥一帶偷渡過來,從河流中遊過來,背都還濕的,有點類似我們的fresh off the boat.另一種解釋是,整天麵朝黃土背朝天,幹活幹的濕透了衣背的勞動者。)

Softy: He broke with the post-Stalin Soviet Union after deciding that Nikita Khrushchev was a softy.  (The Atlantic May 2022) 類似中文裏的"軟蛋":)

At 18, when she was still filming Wizards, Gomez entered a serious relationship with a teen heartthrob, an entanglement whose off-and-on ups-and-downs were dissected constantly and voraciously until it ended in 2018. (Vogue April 2021) (讓人心跳加速的名人,性感之人,或心愛之人)

He’s a regular fixture as Singh’s venues, sometimes seating guests. (Harper’s Bazaar, September 2021) (指常年在一個地方或是一個位置的人)

Virtually every important name in fashion-- YvesSaint Laurent, John Galliano, Tom Ford, the list is endless-- has been a regular at one time or another.  (Vogue, May 2022)

Olivia Colman, in an indelible performance, plays a vacationing academic named Leda, squarely in middle age, who sees his Greek-island idyll spoiled by a boisterous American family that has descended upon the resort. (Vogue, November 2021) (in the moive The lost Daughter

That Utah is such a laggard is probably down to the lasting influence of the Mormon church and believers' tendency to marry young and have large families. (The Economist September 18, 2021)

Ramakrishna, a nineteenth-century mystic, told his devotees that madness was a mark of devotion and should never be mocked. (The Atlantic, October 2022)


By dint of her personality, as well as the fact that she was a young woman in the spotlight, she had to be unconditionally grateful, composed, sparkling. “I am just such a people-pleaser,” she adds.



A rich broth livened by star anise, cloves, ginger, and mild jalapenos warmed our bones as the sun set over the skyline of Wyoming’s Wind river Range, while the hint of fish sauce and burst of lime hit us with flavors that we simply do not usually encounter in the backcountry. After all those samey-samey chilis and pastas, this pho is a gamechanger. (Backpacker)

It was a kind of no-brainer. (Vogue Nov 2021) (這個很常見,指這個東西很簡單,不需要用腦都知道,而非無腦之人:))

II. 組合詞: 英語中的組合詞俯拾皆是,比如現在常用的lockdown,就是由動詞和副詞組合的名詞,這樣的例子舉不勝舉,有些時候兩個單詞間還保持著hyphen, 有些就是兩個詞直接聯係在一起。中間有沒有hyphen我想是應該是約定俗成的吧。


Verb+adverb/preposition: lockdown, meltdown, crackdown, takeaway, getaway, bail-out, fall-out, sell-off, trade-off, handover, hangover, carryall, comeback, breakthrough, downturn (reverse the order)

Noun+noun: bottleneck, bullhead, ponytail, heartbeat, holidaymaker, backwater, rosebud, cornerstone, spotlight

Verb+verb: hip-hop, tick-tock, tictac, flip-flop, chitchat, humdrum, hotch-potch (podge)

Adj+noun: Shortfall, top-notch, tightrope (walk the tightrope), mainstream, mainstay

Verb+noun: touchstone, runway

再比如Know-how,must-have 等等等等。


Yosemite National Park, a World Heritage Site, is here, roughly 3 ½ hours east of San Francisco. Whether you hike a mountain, ski the steeps, or lounge in a hot tub beneath a canopy of stars, you’ll find your perfect getaway.

One of the big takeaways of the pandemic is that communities survive better than individuals. (Vogue August 2021)

The crown prince has legalized cinemas and concerts, and invited notably raw hip-hop artists to perform. (The Atlantic April 2022)

Add more humdrum annoyances such as launch delays, which are common, and space tourism may remain a hobby for a few super-rich daredevils with lots of time to spare. (The Economist July 17th, 2021)

It was all quite humdrum-- and that was the point. (The Economist Dec 4th, 2021)

But the realm of the gods is a very real mountain located in central Greece, just north of the fertile Thessalian plain and a hairsbreadth from the Aegean Sea. (Backpacker Spring 2022)

Mainstay: The couple, who married in 1922, were mainstays of Zurich’s fledgling Dada movement. (Vogue Nov 2021)

Keepsake: Glazman points out, suggesting fragrance as a much more effective travel keepsake than a pilfered bottle of shampoo. (Vogue Nov 2021)

Mainstream: Because of their tendency to become quasi-natural monopolies are not exactly mainstream in Washington, DC, but nor are they completely alien to the political debate there. (The Economist November 21-27th, 2020)

Yet his appeal transcends his backwater milieu. (The Economist May 21st 2022)

Mr Berry paints the community in atmospheric hues, each brushstroke deepening the reader’s understanding of how the link between soil and people sustains the town. (The Economist May 21st 2022)

That versatility scored the brand a windfall.

His eight novels and more than 50 short stories are usually set in Port William, a stand-in for Port Royal.  (The Economist May 21st 2022)

Indeed, something far more basic explains the run-up in inflation: a surge in stimulus-fuelled demand, compounded by disruptions to supply. (The Economist May 21st 2022)

And so his plan to raise revenue is a hotch-potch of unothodox measures. (The Economist December 4th 2021)

Rob Witwer, a former Republican state lawmaker and co-author of "The Blue-print", wonders whether the Republican Party in Colorado has been too damaged by Mr. Trump to make a comeback. (The Economist September 3rd 2022)

總而言之,英語文字的這種特點, 一詞多性,詞與詞之間的組合,賦予了其語言的生動性,靈活性,常常簡潔又傳神。

這就暫告一個段落了。又想起某人說的"茴香豆的茴字有幾種寫法"。我想文字最終的用處不是用來咬文嚼字,它更重要的在於傳遞信息,傳遞思想,傳遞情感。而閱讀的關鍵在於量,大量的閱讀會在潛移默化中讓我們對文字產生一種感覺, 就是我們平常說的語感,讓我們在享受文字之美的同時,感受文章的深度和力度。

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閱讀 ()評論 (42)
雪花漂飄 回複 悄悄話 語言也是變化的簡潔的。 中文裏比如給我打電話、發微信,也會說電話我、 微信我。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好! 我這個是在咬文嚼字,其實真正的讀書隻需要讀,欣賞,而不是這樣學究似的。我也應該轉移重點:) 英語的用詞用法很美妙的。謝謝菲兒,八月快樂!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '麥姐' 的評論 : 哇,寶馬自行車的典故原來出在這裏,不過聽說當時《非誠勿擾》也是特意安排的。

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'canhe' 的評論 : canhe姐好! canhe姐謬讚了,老師可真不敢當啊,你和你先生都是很有文字功底的,canhe姐出身大家閨秀,基因好,人也一定很聰明的。canhe姐說的是,語言確實需要長期潛心學習,打下功底的,而我是年輕時不努力,現在有點時間了,趁機學習學習。那句寶馬哭我也懷疑是原創了,隻是把車名改的更大眾化一些了。謝謝姐姐臨帖,周末快樂,八月快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaxi' 的評論 : 遐西好! 遐西謬讚了,就像遐西喜歡朗誦,我喜歡的或許就是這一點點英語吧,談不上特別喜歡,所以偶爾寫寫筆記:) 遐西周末快樂,八月快樂!
canhe 回複 悄悄話 來上暖冬老師的英文課了。讚暖冬老師堅持不懈,精益求精的學習態度和精神。 “寧可在寶馬車裏哭,不願在自行車上笑”原來不是made in China啊?!謝謝暖冬老師的循循善誘地教學。 “冰凍三尺非一日之寒”學好一門外語要有暖冬老師的學習精神。暖冬老師周日快1樂
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 暖冬精益求精誨人不倦,讚!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '寒一凡' 的評論 : 一凡好! 一凡謬讚了,這就是一點筆記,摘抄的,不需要想象力:)) 謝謝一凡閱讀,文字是有力量的,我們一起欣賞。周末快樂!
寒一凡 回複 悄悄話 暖冬是個好老師。跟著暖冬學英語,既有趣又收獲滿滿。英語也是博大精深啊,學無止境!喜歡那些可以作名詞的動詞,句子好像一下子就生動起來了。謝謝暖冬分享!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '心中之城' 的評論 : 嗬嗬,心城,今天天氣倒是有點熱:)) 謝謝心城的再次臨帖,周末快樂!
心中之城 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 哈哈!哈哈!啥都別說了,千言萬語化作一句:“今晚月色真美” !周末愉快!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '心中之城' 的評論 : 心城啊,就等你來讀了,你看你一下抓住關鍵詞takeaway,還活學活用到極致,你就是機靈。心城說的是,我不僅是我們家的頂梁柱(?)還是我們家的wetback,這大夏天的就我的背是wet的:))說實在的,這篇不是你說,我不會那麽快寫出來,人有時就是需要被push的。心城聰明,看出玄機,要別人服我/讚同我很難的,不過who怕who啊:)) 謝謝心城來閱讀,祝夏涼冬暖!
心中之城 回複 悄悄話 哈哈!問好暖冬!艾瑪!終於又看到暖冬的英文知識博文了。這些takeways我一定統統 takeway啊!連渣渣都不放過。暖冬的心意讓我感動,你就是不折不扣的wetback.辛苦了! 嗬嗬!暖冬太高估我,把我看作寫此文的動力,太慚愧!我現在進城都懶得動,別說寫文了。裏斯本的遊記還沒動筆呢。我要向你學習才是。我覺得你家某人才是你前進的動力,你和某人的對話太有趣了。看似平淡的對話,裏麵暗藏玄機,誰也不服誰。。誰怕誰? 哈哈!祝夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 水沫好 你連《非誠勿擾》裏的馬諾名字都還記得啊。我覺得她也有可能在哪裏看到這句話後改動了一下,否則人的思維沒有這麽巧,想到一塊的。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'laopika' 的評論 : Pika好! 我這裏抄摘的內容都是大期刊榨汁的內容,詞匯相對比較大的,我也就是整理筆記而已。學習Pika活到老學到老的精神。八月快樂!
水沫 回複 悄悄話 It’s better to cry in a Rolls-Royce than to be happy on a bicycle.-- 這句話真的跟馬諾那句"寧願在寶馬車裏哭,不願在自行車上笑"太相同了,也許馬諾以前看到過這句英文?

laopika 回複 悄悄話 暖冬真是位好老師,求真務實,類似英語詞性的變動經常會讓我困惑,所以得拷貝下來,因為其中還有許多是生詞,得好好學習,慢慢領會:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'BeijingGirl1' 的評論 : 京妞好! 今天要去公司,剛剛忙著準備中飯早飯。謝謝京妞百忙之中來仔細閱讀點評,是的,語言是在變化著的,但是我們欣賞的標準一直不變,語言的美和力度不是一笑而過的短視頻所能取代的。謝謝京妞的點讚,祝好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '秋水天長' 的評論 : 秋水好! 昨晚我早早睡了。轉眼要八月了,就覺得日子好快啊。當老師也是二三十年的事了,再回首,人生不覺已是秋天了。有時候自己都在懷疑讀書的目的是什麽,嗬嗬。謝謝秋水臨帖閱讀誇讚,讓我們快快樂樂地生活!
BeijingGirl1 回複 悄悄話 前頭看到這篇, 需要細讀的文。收藏了。 文字用來“傳遞信息,傳遞思想,傳遞情感”,所以傳神文字讓人印象深刻,有喜讀性也十分重要。 正因此各種文字都在不斷創新中發展。 暖冬好文,讚!
秋水天長 回複 悄悄話 暖冬絕對是個好老師,舉一反三,誨人不倦:)俺一後進生跟著學習了,哼哧哼哧滴:))
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'spot321' 的評論 : 點點謬讚了,謝謝點點的閱讀,新周快樂!
spot321 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的專研精神沒得比!精益求精的品德是我的榜樣!! 跟著暖冬學英語!祝新的一周愉快!順祝夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Nice catch, my friend. Though I am not familiar with this Latin root, you are definitely right that "revelation" is the noun form of "reveal". Somehow the word "revel" popped up first without a second thought. Their meanings are different too. Interestingly "revel" can be both a verb and a noun:))
And you are right again that native speakers don't pay so much attention to the transformations from verbs/adjectives to nouns, etc., the way we do, as I recall how J learned the vocabulary, or if their textbooks (if any, a lot of time they don't have textbooks in Middle/High School) emphasize the features at all.
Perhaps I won't dwell on the individual vocabulary like this any more in the future, as it is more fun to enjoy the taste of 茴香豆 than to analyze the strokes of the word:)) Thanks, my friend, for your reading and comments.
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 > 茴香豆的"茴"字有幾種寫法
That's a great line.

> 動詞作名詞用
> 形容詞變名詞

I enjoyed the examples and agreed that they did brighten up the sentences.

I doubt the native speakers have such concepts, though.
To them, the nature of a word could simply depend on its part in the sentence.

> "revel -- revelation"
I think revelation is more related to 'reveal' than 'revel'
because the former was from
latin velum (veil)
and latter
latin rebellare (to rebel)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '麥姐' 的評論 : 麥子好! 謝謝麥子閱讀,如果不是看到這句英語翻譯,我也會覺得非誠勿擾那句寶馬/自行車是原創,現在懷疑了。我這個詞匯係列可能太著重樹了,忽視了林,語言是"林",會分析不等於會用:) 謝謝麥子,新周快樂!
麥姐 回複 悄悄話 寶馬/自行車,第一次知道原來英文有類似的說法,一直以為是非誠勿擾首創呢。平常不注意,暖冬一寫,還真是,動詞用於名詞非常有動感。cooker/cook我以前就老用錯,總被人糾正。真是學無止境,跟著暖冬提高英語。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 謝謝鬆鬆閱讀,新周快樂!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 讚暖冬的精益求精,跟著暖暖學英語:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 海風好,謝謝閱讀,我這是沒事找事幹呢。但願我們有雙欣賞的眼睛。周日快樂!
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 讚暖冬的鑽研精神。語言真是非常奇妙,有時看到一個詞的奇特用法,會有眼前一亮的感覺。謝謝暖冬分享。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm早! 今日紐約一定豔陽高照,希望你的日光浴不要曬得太舒服了:) 大熱天注意防暑降溫!
Oncemm說得好,你這麽一說,我心裏一下有底氣了,我們就是屬於對文字敏感的,能享受美,享受它的妙筆生花,不像某人,麻木不仁,還把別人都當成孔乙己:)) 下次我理直氣壯地告訴他,Oncemm寫過一百遍,就一個寫法,怎樣?:)) 我這也要準備去健身跳舞了,Oncemm玩得開心!夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '歲月沈香' 的評論 : 謝謝沈香前來閱讀點讚,所謂學無止境,其實字是認不完的,這些隻是滄海一粟,我也就是寫點感想,做點總結罷了。沈香周日快樂!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖老師早,俺來報到了。你家這位說得好形象,不過我還是好奇,茴香豆的茴字到底有多少種寫法?我怎麽下了一百遍還是一種啊。:)隻有對文字敏感的人才會注意到詞的妙用之處。英文跟中文一樣,有時一個詞用好了,會讓人有怦然心動的感覺,所謂的妙筆生花。謝謝暖mm如此用心的收藏和分享,每上一次課,收益匪淺。暖mm周日好!我等會兒就要去享受日光浴了。
歲月沈香 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的這篇英文名詞集錦寫得太好!學習了,很受益!我收藏了,以後學習應用!非常感謝暖冬用心之作!

“ 我想文字最終的用處不是用來咬文嚼字,它更重要的在於傳遞信息,傳遞思想,傳遞情感。而閱讀的關鍵在於量,大量的閱讀會在潛移默化中讓我們對文字產生一種感覺, 就是我們平常說的語感,在享受文字之美的同時,感受文章的深度和力度。” 說得好!很認同!讚了!

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '淡然' 的評論 : 淡然好! 淡然還堅持學法語,也是厲害了得! 法語的聽力是最難的,詞匯和語法結構跟英語很像,淡然一定會學的樂在其中。謝謝淡然,周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 : 小小好! 是的,英語詞匯的靈活性是毋庸置疑的,詞性間的轉換,前後綴的使用比比皆是。動詞作名詞用是有一些,但是感覺並不是特別普遍。
我就這點小愛好,做過老師有癮的:) 小小謙虛了,你是學數學的,這個才厲害,女生學高等數學,我想都不敢想的。而且你很全麵的,音樂舞蹈書畫樣樣行! 就像某人說的,其實不需要總結的,語言貴在會用。謝謝小小,周末快樂!
淡然 回複 悄悄話 好佩服暖冬的專研精神!最近在學法語,隻是為了好玩。感覺進入了第一個瓶頸階段,正想著能不能堅持下去呢,讀了暖冬的學英文筆記,下決心向暖冬學習,繼續努力一下。
小聲音 回複 悄悄話 記得當年有老師曾說,英語是介詞語言,動詞經常可以做名字用,是嗎?
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '混跡花草中的灰蘑菇' 的評論 : 輝蘑菇好! 給你上茶,最近聽說到處都很熱,給你上菊花枸杞茶! 我也是更習慣在這邊,不太去海外部:)) 那日看到這句英文,我都懷疑中文的是從英語/意大利語譯過來的,改成寶馬而已。謝謝輝蘑菇的反饋,你我有感覺是因為我們對語言比較敏感吧,比如這個a burst of colors絕對是有動感的,色彩的綻放,中文也是動詞,嗬嗬:)) 謝謝你,周末快樂!
混跡花草中的灰蘑菇 回複 悄悄話 第一個例子,我知道中文的寶馬/自行車,真不知道英文有如此相似的說法,奇妙!暖冬分析的妙,我也覺得那些動詞來的名詞有動感,更能傳神。知識豐富的好文,我學習了。謝謝你分享,周末愉快!
混跡花草中的灰蘑菇 回複 悄悄話 從海外看見這篇,過來坐沙發:)還是不同習慣海外博客,盡管它的關注功能不錯