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kzhang66 回複 悄悄話 退休就是重生, 活得通透!
goodmum 回複 悄悄話 退休是新生活,做自己喜歡的,退休前得喜歡自己做的
elfie 回複 悄悄話 I really don't want to go anywhere. But this August I'm going to Poland for an International Summer Academy to study Holocaust. Yes, I'm going to tour Auschwitz-Birkenau, where the most horrendous genocide in human history happened.
It is the place I always want to visit and to pay my tribute to the victims.
I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to indulge in having fun. I never go to amusement parks or beaches and don't want to spend time on leisure. My children only get to travel if there's an art workshop, a sleep away summer music camp, or invited by a relative in another city for holidays. My life is very stoic. Having been trained in the military for years if not decades, entertainment and travel for leisure make me feel decadent. I probably hurrahed too much in boot camp in my early 30s in the U.S Army. The impressions were deep. It's about enduring pain and forgo any kind of self indulgent yearning. "It's a hard knock life", like what they sing in the musical Anne. I can relate more with hard labor and death camps than ocean cruises. I was pushed to the edges not just once. There's kind of feeling of being a survivor of life but not a beneficiary.
小棒棒 回複 悄悄話 孩子沒上大學時,也是每年帶孩子度假,不過每年三次,直到2019年,然後2020年開始疫情,三年沒有出門,等到開放了,孩子開始上大學了。不過去年還分別跟兩個孩子去了慕尼黑和哥本哈根,跟上大學的孩子旅行,感覺完全不同了。
五湖以北 回複 悄悄話 退休就是重生,獨特的感悟
澳洲航拍 回複 悄悄話 謝謝。
西雅圖登山 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈太為你高興了,繼續探索歐洲美洲吧!