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gx123 回複 悄悄話 來源: gx123 於 2009-01-06 14:57:15

..以免重複飛往同一地區。(打字實在太慢) here is a brief list of the sites covered by my trip to the area of Central America (between Mexico and Colombia):

- Panama: Canal - Miraflores Locks (15km away) and Gatun Locks (70km away); Castillo San Lorenzo - very hard to get to but excellent - i did by rental car (standard costs about $25/day); Panama Viejo - ruins by Henry Morgan - in the capital itself.

- El Salvardo: San Salvardo the capital - full of policemen - quite safe; Joya de Ceren - 30km away ($25 by taxi) - a special Mayan site, but check to see if it is open.

- Guatemala: the capital is a kind of hectic - only good for day time walking - central parque surrounded by beautiful buildings; Antigua - the old capital of the whole Central America (till 1724) - a mecca for the self guided tourists, from where one gets the $7 hiking package to Volcan Pacaya - one of the few places in the world to step on the rolling lava (the only other such place was found in Hawaii Big Island, but much farther away from the volcano lips); Tikal - 500km from the capital - a unique Mayan site with 44-63 meter tall temples.

- Belize: only 4-5 hr bus ride from Flores (gateway to Tikal), where one should skip the city - one of the worst i have ever seen - but still having chinese restaurants, and hop onto a fast ferry to one of its Cayes (Caulker, e.g. where there are not only chinese restaurants but also hotels) to see the world 2nd largest coral reef (for that reason i skipped Roatan Isl of Hongduras, and Bocas of Panama).

- Hongduras: takes a long day to bus back from Flores to its west end - Copan, one of the 4 major Mayan sites featuring fine sculptures (the other 3: Chichen, Palenque - in Mexico, and Tikal); Tegu - the capital - a chaotic city, with its chinese restaurants guarded by the gun man and iron bars.

- Nicaragua: with two well preserved colonial cities - Leon, which is less touristy but more charming, and Granada - claimed to be the earliest in the America Continent (1524) - do not miss the tour to Isleta on the shoreline of Lago Nicaragua; in between one finds the capital - Managua - which could be toured by an hour taxi when switching mini buses.

- Costa Rica: its beaches on the Pacific side were somewhat disappointing; Fortuna - the gateway to Volcan Arenal and hot spring - is somewhat attractive, especially the Fortuna Water Falls; Monteverde is a kind of joke - trivial ziplines burried in the trees are much more expensive than the ones i took across the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe; San Jose is safe but much less appealing - only the hotel i stayed (Casa Morazan) owned by banana baron was a kind of interesting...

the 7 countries are well connected by luxury buses, which are much cheaper than airflights... i would definitely chose Guatemala if only 1 country out of the 7, which could actually be grouped into a visit to Cancun- Merida (Mexico), connected by Belize. If extra i would pick up Nicaragua or Honduras,... and leaving Costa Rica the last in the region, although it is filled with western tourists.

...do not mean to be negative, but Costa Rica has very little to offer, compared to the neighboring countries. For example, Volcan Arenal could only be viewd from distance, whereas one can step on the lava of Volcan Pacaya where i almost got my shoe burnt. Neither is SJO a match to Antigua, Leon or Granada. Not to mention Tikal, Copan or Joya de Ceren...
縱橫高遠 回複 悄悄話 非常精彩的人生!
貓姨 回複 悄悄話 可憐的獅子, 傷痕累累,皮包骨頭
gx123 回複 悄悄話 Top 15 attractions in Antarctica
1, Meeting the penguins *
2, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Stn
3, Cruising the Lemaire Channel *
4, Cape Evans (Ross Island)
5, Shackleton's Hut (Cape Royds, Ross Sea)
6, Paradise Harbor *
(7, Grytviken, South Georgia Island)
8, Deception Island *
9, Antarctic Museam at Port Lockroy
10, Charlotte Bay & Curverville (Boot) Islands
11, Whale Encounters *
12, Cape Denison (Ross Sea)
13, Kayaking
14, McMurdo Stn (Ross Island)
15, Ross Ice Shelf (Ross Sea)
gx123 回複 悄悄話 據說,幾篇拙文被別人原封不動地拷貝了過去:




gx123 回複 悄悄話 visited 152 total countries (135/196), territories/dependencies (17/40):

(plus Kosovo as a new country; and St Martin, Antarctica as territories)
落城一哥 回複 悄悄話 遍遊全球。得付出多少辛勞。讚!
落城一哥 回複 悄悄話 遍遊全球。讚!
gx123 回複 悄悄話 關於南極遊:

Disclaimer: 筆者與該公司並無瓜葛,僅僅從它購過南極船票而已。恕不提供任何擔當與責任。近兩年前(2013-14) 該網價大概是4500,為3-4人房。筆者為住雙人房付了大概4900/人。而同船不少人費用高達8千,多因其他預訂機構層層盤剝所致。順便說,抵達Ushuaia後,該公司門口所掛的最後一分鍾價格為3900/人。
gx123 回複 悄悄話 選什麽相機是個老問題,但鮮見較為全麵的回答。其實,從照片的質量出發,挑選相機的首先考慮是它的感光元件尺寸(image sensor),也即其‘底片’的大小。至於鏡頭,由於製造技術的成熟,反而退為次要地位。這個尺寸與所謂的‘信噪比’直接相關,是拍出高質量照片的基本要素。與此同時,犧牲一些‘信噪比’,也可讓相機的工作在‘高靈敏度’的狀態(比如ISO/ASA=12,800)。

更為重要的是,在通常的小相機中(compact,傻瓜機等),感光元件隻有2 -- 4毫米寬。而根據物理學,最小‘光點’的尺寸一般在3微米左右,所以它們最多隻能接受一百萬左右個‘光點’。所謂的千萬個像素全成了‘擺設’(當然,鏡頭設計/製造也變得很容易)。在手機相機中這個問題尤其嚴重。


近幾年流行的‘微單’(mirror less),是重量與質量兩者兼顧的一種設計。其中的佼佼者Sony-nex的‘底片’達到了23毫米寬,近‘單反’的2/3. 而重量隻有幾分之一。

gx123 回複 悄悄話 (1)我心目中的 Top 10 國家;

美國,法國,意大利,埃及,印度,秘魯,土耳其,加拿大,巴西, 以色列/新西蘭.

(2)我心目中的 Top 10 (城市)人類遺產;


(3)我心目中的 Top 10 自然風景;

南極半島,珠峰腳下,維多利亞瀑布,天使瀑布,Serengeti, Amazon, Galapagos, Sipadan(diving), Sahara,
加拿大北極地區(黃刀..白馬…Nahanni…Dempster Hwy…Tuk…北冰洋)


