
腦控Mind Control,與之相關的有:芯片植入, psychotronics, psychophysical weapon, electronic harassment,microwave harassment, organized stalking

性愛和泡妞英語詞匯 2014 revision

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Sexy English Vocabulary
Revision 7 (1~5 共5個文件)
abstain: 自我克製, 禁欲 -- to abstain from smoking戒煙-- He abstained from speaking at the meeting.會上,他默不作聲。-- She abstained from voting.她棄權了。

abstinent: adj.飲食有度的, 有節製的, 禁欲的n.禁欲者
abstinence:節製飲食, 節欲, 戒酒

abstinency禁欲, (在飲食、享樂方麵)自製 (-ency 比-ence更加抽象? In English, the first type (ending in “-ence”) is more closely associated in meaning with its corresponding verb, the second type (“-ency”) with its corresponding adjective.)

adulterer: 通奸者 (adulteress奸婦)
adultery:淫蕩的; 通奸行為
alluring 吸引人的
amorous:充滿愛意和性欲的 amorist:專注於愛情的人,特別指追求性愛的人;言情小說作家
(amorously, amorousness)
anus 肛門
ass:(1) The buttocks. 屁股 (2) The anus. 肛門
asshole :n.(1)屁眼兒,肛門; (2)卑鄙的家夥
attractive 有吸引力的
avoid the tragedy of marital discord避免婚姻不和諧的悲劇
babe: (bb) 寶貝兒
bachelor 未婚男子
bawd 鴇母, 娼主
bawdy house=whorehouse=brothel 妓院 (bagnio, bawdyhouse, bordello, brothel, cathouse, lupanar, whorehouse)

BDSM 性虐待Bondage & Discipline (B&D),Dominance & Submission (D&S), Sadism & Masochism (or Sadomasochism) (S&M)

be balling with 與...性交: ——Jack is balling with a worker’s wife.
be dying of missing somebody想某人想得要死
bedmate: 床伴

bill and coo(情侶)接吻;談情說愛 (informal)behave or talk in a loving and sentimental way. (bill=beak:鳥嘴的堅硬部分) (coo: 嚶嚶低語)

bimbo:迷人的小蠢妞兒bimbette , from Italian bimbo (baby)
blind date: 從未晤麵的男女經第三者安排所作的約會
blow job: 吹簫
blonde: 金發女郎
box:【粗俗用語】 【俚語】 陰門,陰道

brunet: n.淺黑膚色的男人adj.深色的 brunette: n.淺黑膚色的女人adj.深色的
bun : One of the buttocks.半邊屁股
busty: (婦女)大胸脯的, 乳房豐滿的
butt: the buttocks 屁股
carnal desire:肉欲
cat: 動詞To look for sexual partners; have an affair or affairs:尋找性伴侶;發生性關係:“catting around with every lady in sight”

celibate: n.獨身者, 獨身主義者adj. 獨身的, 未婚的, 禁欲的; (celibacy)
chaste貞潔的: (chastity, chasteness 貞節 chastity belt: 貞操帶)
cheat on:對...不忠
chick 【俚語】 少女或少婦
chicklet: <美俚>少婦, 姑娘
child molester對兒童實施性攻擊和性騷擾的人 (molestation)
climax: n.(1)性行為的高潮,即orgasm;(2)在上升的序列或過程中達到的最大強度或力量;(3)記敘文或戲劇中的高潮的時刻,尤指在危機結束時. V.達到高潮

clinging vine 會撒嬌的女子; 依賴男子的女人
clit=clitoris陰核, 陰蒂
clit stimulation 陰蒂刺激
cohabit同居(cohabitant /cohabiter, cohabitation)
cohabitant trial matrimony同居試婚製
concubine: 妾;小老婆;姘婦
copulate: 進行交媾或性交To engage in coitus or sexual intercourse.

coquet v.(女子)賣弄風情 adj.賣弄風情的 n.賣弄風情, 嬌豔 (字麵:小雞)
{coquetry n.(女子)玩弄男人, 賣弄風騷, 撒嬌, 獻媚coquette n. 賣弄風情之女子coquettish adj.(女子)賣弄風情的, 妖豔的, 迷人的}

court奉承, 求愛
courtship:The act, process, or period of courting.求婚的行為、過程或時期
come off達到性高潮 (make you cum, 見cum詞條)
cock: 雞巴 (cocky and funny 傲慢而有趣)
condom 避孕套
cosplay=costume play , role play化妝表演
crop top: 露臍裝
cum: 俚語,n.精液或女子的分泌物;v.達到高潮.(come的變體)
-- Oh... I'm cumming...
-- He then squirted his warm load of cum right down my throat.
cunt:stupid hole, vagina 傻屄, 屄
--That girl's cunt is tighter than a vice grip.
--Susie has got one fine cunt.
--That girl Alice is a cunt.
date: 約會
deep-throating: (口交時) 插入咽喉深處
desire: 欲望
dildo :<俚>假陰莖
dick: 雞巴
doggy style:狗式體位 (doggie)
dude: 公子
earth shattering orgasm地裂般的性高潮
eating pussy:吃小穴cunnilingus= cunnus (vulva) + lingua (tongue)
egg 卵子
ejaculate 射出(精液)
emergency contraception medicine plan b 應急避孕藥plan b
erect 勃起 (ED=erectile dysfunction勃起障礙)
erogenous 喚起情欲的, 性感的 (erogenous zones性敏感區域)

escort:三陪小姐noun, a term for a woman paid by the hour, not the act, but usually for sex. A prostitute. Often, higher quality and cost compared to street scrag.
--I hired a fine escort last night . she blew me away.

family man有家室的人;愛家的男人
fart: n.<俗>屁vi.放屁
fellate 吮吸(…的)陰莖,(與…)口交 (fellatio n. 吮吸陰莖)
flirt 調情
flirtation 調情 flirty: adj.愛調戲的, 輕浮的Flirtatious:adj.愛調戲的, 輕浮的(flirtatiously,flirtatiousness)
floozy, floozie:被認為是媚俗或低俗的女人
foot fetish 戀足癖(play with feet and played by feet)
frot (1)摩擦(例如在人群中男子拿生殖器蹭別人)(2)Frot :雞巴與雞巴互相摩擦(同根詞frottage)

fornicate:通奸 (formal or humorous) have sexual intercourse with someone one is not married to (To commit fornication.)
fondle: 撫弄 --Mrs Williams fondled her cat as it sat beside her.
fox: (n.)性感狐狸精 foxy (adj.) 【俚語】 肉體充滿魅力的, 性感的; 狐狸似的,狡猾的
e.g. --Wow! Is she ever a fox! She must have a boyfriend. 哇!她真性感!她一定有男朋友了。{foxy和sexy很像, 用法也是一樣。隻是foxy women 不隻sexy,而且they are aware of their sexuality(她們知道自己很性感), 所以愛賣弄風騷。}

fuck: 肏

gag:塞物於...的口中:---I want to gag your dick.
gay: <美俚> 同性戀者, 尤指男性同性者
genital : 生殖器
get off: 達到性高潮
get laid=have sex 性交 (lay:〈俚〉與人性交的女方,與人睡覺的女方)
girl’s jack 女孩的穴
go to bed:上床
G Spot: G點,女人在陰道前部,至陰道口1至3英寸的上麵部分;男人在前列腺中部
guy: 小夥子 guys人們( 包括兩種性別)
groin:【解剖學】 腹股溝,鼠蹊:兩大腿內側和軀幹相連接的折皺或凹陷,包括相近部位,通常也包括外生殖器
hand play, hand job, manual sex 手淫 (masturbation)(如果是玩屌則也叫“打飛機”){handjob (HJ): When another person (woman or man but preferably a woman) rubs a man's penis with their hand, usually to make them reach orgasm.}

helpmate: 助手, 伴侶, 配偶(通常指妻子, 有時指丈夫)
homosexual同性的 {homo n.同性戀}
hottie,火爆性感的人sweetie, honey甜心,愛人

ho (whore,hoe, hooker)妓女

Hoe: Misspelling of 'ho' (short for 'whore'), confused with a tool for gardening.
Guy 1: Look she's a hoe!
Guy 2: No dude, she's a ho.

hon:甜心informal short for “honey” as a form of address
hooker 妓女
horny: Desirous of sexual activity.渴望性活動的Sexually aroused.性被起動的
hymen; virginal membrane 處女膜 maidenhead. cherry(vulgar Slang) : (1) hymen; (2) virginity.
hussy 輕佻的少女;粗野的女子;蕩婦
infidelity(夫 妻間的)不忠實;(尤指)通奸
impregnate: vt. 使懷孕, 使受精, 使充滿, 注入, 灌輸 adj. 懷孕的, 充滿的
insert 插入
intimate 親密的
jack常作 Jack 【非正式用語】 男子,家夥 (Jack男子名)
jack off手淫(slang) {jack 的關聯詞 ejaculate, 詞根 –jac-的意思是“射”。}
jade:(archaic古語) bad tempered or disreputable woman被認為是不名譽的或潑辣的女人; an inferior or worn-out horse老馬.
jailbait 禍水妞兒(監獄誘餌)
jill: n. (1)少女;情人 (2)女子的名字 Jill
jill off: 女人手淫(slang) The female version of jack off: unassisted autoerotic stimulation.--Her boyfriend was out of town, so she got in the hot tub to jill off.
jimmy:Another word for dick (often confused with jimmy-hat meaning condom)
--I slipped my jimmy into her pussy.

john: (slang)嫖客;廁所
juicy 有汁水的
jerk off : (slang) to masturbate手淫
kinky 【俚語】 怪僻的;kinky sex 怪誕的性行為
kiss 吻
lady 姑娘
lascivious (1)能夠挑起性欲的salacious; (2)好色的lecherous

lay: (1) Sexual intercourse.性交(2)A partner in sexual intercourse.性交時的配偶

lecher : 色情狂 If you describe a man as a lecher, you disapprove of him because you think he behaves towards women in a way which shows he is only interested in them sexually.
lech: (informal, derogatory) 1. Lecher, 2.a lecherous urge or desire, 3.(v.)act in a lecherous or lustful manner好色,縱欲
lechery: (lewdness)Lechery is the behaviour of men who are only interested in women sexually. 縱欲的行為. 例句:His lechery made him the enemy of every self-respecting husband and father in the county. (其他詞典:lechery: Excessive indulgence in sexual activity; lewdness.縱欲:過度沉溺於性行為;淫蕩 A lecherous act. 縱欲的行為)
Lecherous: 縱欲的,淫蕩的 (lecherously, lecherousness)
lewd: 淫蕩的, 猥褻的, 下流的If you describe someone's behaviour as lewd, you are critical of it because it is sexual in a rude and unpleasant way. Example: Drew spends all day eyeing up the women and making lewd comments. (Collins Dict.)(lewdly adv.)(lewd: using rude words or movements that make you think of sex.—Longman active study dict.)(lewd: crude and offensive in a sexual way.—Oxford Dict.)
lewdster: 淫蕩的人
lewdness: 淫蕩, 邪惡Example: The critics condemned the play for lewdness. (關聯詞:indecency, bawdiness, carnality, debauchery, depravity, lasciviousness, lechery, licentiousness, obscenity, pornography, wantonness. )
libido:性欲 (sexual desire, sexual urge, oestrum, oestrus, estrus,carnal desire)
Lick my clit.舔我的陰蒂
loose woman 放蕩的女人
love at first sight 一見鍾情
lover 情人
lust 性欲 lusty: 精力充沛的;強壯的; 性欲旺盛的
love affair風流韻事
love life愛情生活
lovelorn失戀的, 害相思病的
love match戀愛結婚, 出自真正愛情的婚姻
love nest: 愛巢
lovesick:害相思病的pining or felling weak due to being in love

maidenhead (1) 童貞the quality or state of being a maiden : virginity. (2)處女膜hymen
{Origin of maidenhead: Middle English maidenhed, from maiden + -hed -hood; akin to Middle English -hod -hood; First Known Use: 13th century}

maidenhood: 童貞,處女時代the quality, state, or time of being a maiden
make love to/with somebody: 與…做愛
mamma媽媽, 乳房(mamo)
masculine 具有男性氣質的
massage 按摩
masturbation手淫 {masturbate v.}
MBA: married but available.
menstrual flow 月經(menses,catamenia, emmenia)
{menstruate v.月經來潮period(婦女的)月經期menopause 絕經期,更年期}
missionary position 傳教士式體位,男上女下式體位
mistress 情婦
moan(做愛時的)呻吟 {groan(痛苦,不快的)呻吟}


mood 情緒
mutual orgasm雙方共同達到高潮
nasty 下流的
necklace 項鏈
nipple =nip乳頭(teat){tit 奶子;乳頭}
nude裸體的, 與生俱有的, 無裝飾的
one-night stand一夜情
oral sex 口交
orgasm 性高潮
over night 包夜
old flame 舊情人
Pajama:variant: pyjama:由上衣和褲子組成的一種寬鬆的服裝,睡覺或休閑時穿的,經常用複數形式

pander(1) 妓女們的老板(pimp);(2)皮條客(procurer)
panties 褲子 {brief 多指男子的三角褲,女子的三角褲常用panties}
pederast 孌童癖(愛好與男孩子雞奸的男人 pedo— child, erast--love)(catamite:與男人有性關係的男孩,cata-下,mite-小孩)
pedophile: n. 戀童癖者
pedophilia (paedophilia)戀童癖(對兒童有性欲異常的性變態) (pedo孩子phile愛 –ia病)
penetrate, penetration 插入

penis陰莖(俚語有: dick, cock, willy, willie, prick, plonker, jimmy, bamboo, schlong, peter, putz, pecker, shaft, tool, paynus, boner)

philander: (phil=love, andr=man, fond of men, former literary name for a lover情人.) vi. 玩弄女性;調情;輕率地對待 n. 玩弄女性;調情;玩弄女性者(等於philanderer)

philanderer: n. 玩弄女性的男人;愛和女人調情的男人(指大眾情人)=womanizer玩弄女人的人
--For all his talk of women holding up half the sky, MZD(主席) was a notorious philanderer who summoned young female members of the army entertainment unit to his capacious bed. 盡管MZD說過婦女能頂半邊天,但是他本人就頗為好色,經常召喚部隊文工團裏一些年輕的女性成員到其寬大的床邊。

philandering means having a lot of casual sexual relationships with women.
-- She intended to leave her husband because of his philandering.
-- ...her philandering husband.
(1) 同一個 不打算與之結婚的 女人進行性行為,尤指婚外戀
(2) 卷入許多戀愛事件中,尤指以一種輕浮的或漫不經心的態度

pierce 刺入

pick up: (Slang) To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.
【俚語】 勾搭:與…偶然結識,常指期望在性關係中結識
play greek=anal intercourse=anal penetration (玩希臘), 肛交, 玩菊花 {anal sex肛門性行為}
plonker: 1.傻瓜,笨蛋 2.〈俗〉雞巴 (dope, idiot, moron, wally, pillock, dunderhead, dimwit)
--You are such a plonker, Rodney.

premature ejaculation: 早泄
promiscuous有多個性夥伴的(having many sexual partners) ( promiscuity)
propose 求婚
prostitute: ( ‘stitute) 妓女
punch up 幹上
pussy 小穴 (pus 愛爾蘭語原意:嘴唇,嘴)
rape 強奸
relationship 浪漫關係或性關係
relationship gone awry關係走叉了道
role plays角色表演( secretary, schoolgirl, medical nurse, bride, mistress and many other roles )
satisfaction 滿足

scrag:低賤的女人A term that combines the character traits of sluttyness, ugliness, bitchyness and boozyness into one derogatory insult for a girl.
Note: Can only be used for girls. (關聯:scrap)
--"Goddam those chicks were total scrags!"
--"Jessica is so scraggy"

screw:【粗俗用語】 【俚語】性交的行為或事例
screw around:(1)(Slang) To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing.(2)(Vulgar Slang) To be sexually promiscuous.
sexual passion 性欲
seduce 色誘
semen種子,精液 (inseminate:vt. 向...受精,人工授精)

sexual: adj.性的, 性別的, [生]有性的(asexual無性欲的;無性器官的)
sexual attraction 性吸引力
sexual intercourse性交
sexy 性感的

69 (sex position) or 96:69體位,象形,雙方相互同時口交Mutual simultaneous oragenitalism

skank: n. 討厭,粗鄙的人Derogatory term for a (usually younger) female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness. May also imply promiscuity, but not necessarily. Can apply to any race, but most commonly used to describe white trash.
-- You know that girl Crystal that lives in the trailer park? She's a total skank.
skirt 青年女子
sleep with 性交
slut蕩婦, 懶婦, 母狗 {sluttish:adj. sluttishly副詞sluttishness:名詞}
Sodomy: (Sodom巴勒斯坦一小鎮的名稱, 罪惡之地) 肛交(sodomize, sodomite, sodomist)
soul mate靈魂的伴侶
spank: 打...的屁股
sperm 精液、精子
spinster: (woman who spins) chiefly derogatory, an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage. 未婚女人;老姑娘;(old maid)
spray 噴射(指射精)
spring chicken 少女
squirt 射(精)(擠著射squeeze and shoot)
street-walker,streetwalker:街頭的妓女Whore who finds clients by walking in the street. Usually takes on all cumers. Will date anywhere, car, room, woods what's ever handy. Anything goes for a price. Streetwalkers charge reduced rates.
--She is one of the greatest streetwalker's around.
--She is a high priced escort, but when she walks the streets she gets streetwalker prices.
striptease 脫衣舞
stripper 脫衣舞女
stroke:n.(做愛的動作)一次行程運動,一擊; v.撫摸 --He stroked the baby's head.他撫摩嬰兒的頭。
strumpet:n. 妓女;蕩婦 (archaic or humorous) a female prostitute or a promiscuous woman
suck吮吸 (suck cock)
sucker: 沒有斷奶的家畜和人(雛兒) If you call someone a sucker, you mean that it is very easy to cheat them. (INFORMAL)容易受騙的人
sue:v. 求婚,求愛
suit: n.求愛,求婚
suitor 求婚者

swinger:(1)One that swings: a good swinger of baseball bats. (2)Slang 【俚語】A person who actively seeks excitement and moves with the latest trends.時髦人物,新潮人物:熱衷於以最新趨勢尋求刺激和追趕時髦的人 (3) A person who engages freely in promiscuous sex.性開放者:隨意進行性交的人 (4) A member of a couple, especially a married couple, who exchanges sexual partners.交換性伴侶者,尤指已婚夫婦之一

swinger club: 換妻俱樂部
tank top: 吊帶裝
testis (testes pl.), testicle [解]睾丸
testis sac = scrotum [解]陰囊
tight hole緊的穴
tit: 奶子 (1) 指乳頭(2)指整個乳房
touch her摸她
tramp: (1)流浪漢; (2)(北美、非正式)與多個夥伴性交的女人
tramp:a girl who goes with many different men, getting or attempting to get "what she wants" out of him, then leaving. also could be called a skank.
--Did you hear that lauras messing around with like, three guys? she's a total tramp.

turn me on讓我產生性興奮
turn her off讓她的性興奮消失

vagina陰道(俚語有:cunt, box, slit, snatch, twat, puss, pussy, fanny)

vamp: (informal) 勾引男人勒索錢財 (1) a woman who uses sexual attraction to exploit man. (2)v. Blatantly set out to attract (a man), (vampish, vampishly, vampishness, vampy) (關聯:vampire吸血鬼)
virgin: n. 處女, (晚近用法)處男 adj. 處女的, 童貞的, 純潔的, 潔白無瑕疵的, 未被玷汙的, 原始的, 處於原耒狀態的, 未采伐過的森林 virginity: 童貞
wank 手淫To wank means to masturbate. (BRIT) ( VERY RUDE)
whore 妓女
嫖客whore vistor, brothel visitor; john; whoremaster , whoremonger, wencher
嫖 go whoring; visit prostitutes
男妓 male prostitute, male whore
{ whoredom, whoring, whorish, whorishly, whorishness}
whoreson 婊子兒
wench: (1)n. (archaic or humorous)a girl or young woman女孩,年輕的女人 (2) n. (archaic) a prostitute妓女 (3) v. (archaic) (of a man) consort with prostitute與妓女結交
wencher: 與妓女結交者(固定的嫖客)
widow: (1) n.寡婦; (2) v. 使成寡婦或鰥夫
widowhood:the state or period of being a widow or widower寡婦或鰥夫的身份
womanize(womanise): v. 追逐女色;玩弄女人 womanizer 玩弄女人的人=philanderer(含義大眾情人)
woman of easy virtue: (和許多男人發生性關係的)水性女子
woo:(男人)求愛,求婚;爭取…支持 -- to woo the voters before an election

Sexy English Vocabulary
approaching woman接近女人
appearance 外表
bodysuit:n. 緊身衣褲
bra: (brassiere)乳罩
break off:斷絕(關係)break off with 與…斷絕(關係)
briefs:三角褲(多指男性的,也指女性的,panties (婦女或兒童的)短襯褲)
--"Dude, did you see Shane's cock in the locker room."
--"Ya, dude he's got some serious bamboo."

be interested in 對…感興趣
bod:身體slang, The physical human body; build:

blowapalooza:群交(palooza是party的意思) Popular event in which usually four or more females are paid to give head to dozens of men sequentially. Differs and is often confused with gang bang(一個女人同時與幾個男人性交). Blowapalooza involves a streetwalker blowing one person at a time while gang bang is more than one person having sex with a female at the same time.
--Everybody did Sarita at the Blowapalooza?
--She’s one of the Blowapalooza girls.
{ Palooza: (1)A big Norwegian festival. ---Are you going to the Quart-a Palooza?
(2) an all-out crazy party; partying at one place with a ton of people like there's no tomorrow
--That palooza last night was so wild.}

cajole以甜言蜜語哄騙, 勾引
casual sex偶然的性行為
catamite: n. 孌童:與男人有性關係的男孩 (cata-[前綴]表示“下, 向下”之義 ; mite:小孩,蟎類)
chase 追逐
clean: 幹淨的, 純潔的
clown 小醜
cool guy 酷酷的男子
confident, sexy, charming, powerful and irresistible自信,性感,有魅力,有力,不可抵擋
cup 罩杯
curvaceous: adj. 有曲線美的,婀娜多姿的(女人) (亦作: curvacious)
cute 伶俐的
consort with (與with連用)(與壞人)結交 Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people.
contraception避孕, 避孕法
castrate:閹割, 將(雄性動物)去勢, 去掉最重要的部分 (neuter閹割動物)
doll 美人,本義“洋娃娃”。在男性使用的場合僅指“美人”
debauch 使墮落 debauchee 浪蕩子 debauchery 奸汙
degrading job低賤的工作
dissolute:overindulgent in sensual pleasure.過於沉浸於肉欲的歡愉
dump:隨便拋棄或扔棄--dump an old friend.
direct contact 直接接觸
disgust, dislike or a generally awkward feeling惡心、不喜歡或一般笨拙的感覺
easy going guy 隨和的男人
Fall in love with sb. 愛上某人
feel bad 感覺差
fickle-minded:adj.易變的, 不專一的
filth:n. 汙穢;汙物;粗俗話語
---I don't know how you can read such filth.我不知道你怎麽會去讀這種下流的書。 (filthy)
flighty輕浮的, 輕狂的
feces, 糞便defecate通便;淨化 ( Defecation)
fuckface: 醜陋討厭的人(vulgar, pejorative) An ugly or otherwise undesirable or annoying person.
{a person who, eloquently speaking, is such a complete and utterly disgrace to mankind. Otherwise, if he is a friend, this is a compliment .}
--I can't believe you, you are such a fuckface.
--hey fuckface!!
fuckwit: 傻子; 白癡 A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions.
--Manos, you're a fuckwit.

fucker: (1) 令人討厭的人one who is rude, obnoxious, or mean....synonymous with Asshole, Dickhead, etc.
--90% of the human race is a bunch of fuckers.
--That fucker gets a lot of ass.
(2) The one who does the actual fucking. As opposed to the fuckee, who is the one getting fucked.
--Although Jim was usually the one who got fucked, today he was the fucker.
gang bang: is more than one person having sex with a female at the same time. 一個女人同時與幾個男人性交
get to know 慢慢地熟悉
getting hard變硬
goodlooking 好看
gorgeous 大方美麗的
gossip:n.閑話,流言蜚語 v.傳播或散布流言蜚語
greed貪欲greedy 貪婪的
handsome 帥氣的
hang out出去玩
he-female:男性化的女人 partially an antonym for shemale(女性化的男人). A strongly masculinized short-haired bisexual woman, who wears a suit, a man's hat, pants, a white shirt, a black tie, and entertains the intimate company of some bisexual (slutboy)--The Mistress: Kiss your he-female in the neck, slutboy. Come on, come on...{ slutboy: A girly guy following respectfully the orders of a masculinized woman.--The Mistress: Come on, slutboy, slink in your heels for me.}

he-bitch:男妓A term to describe a male prostitute. (man whore)

Hypocritical, unfaithful, untrustworthy, duplicitous, weak, and an outright liar.
hoax: n. & v. 愚弄
harlot: 人盡可夫之女人a female capable of frequently having casual sexual relations with different partners and is completely indiscriminative in the choice of sexual partners, hence being appreciated by everyone she knows. also known as a sex saint.( One of the female species that sleeps around.)
--"my girlfriend is NOT a slut, she just a good practitioner of harlotry"
--"i would love to go out with you, i am a harlot after all!"
--My sister is a harlot. The reason behind this is that she has sexual relations with many men.
--She is really a slut, but goes by harlot to save her own reputation.
honey mouth甜蜜的嘴巴
high heels 高跟鞋
hip: ,髖部 The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis or pelvic region from the waist to the thigh.
homophobia: 同性戀恐怖症( homo-同性戀,phobe-恐怖 –ia疾病 )
hook up with the pretty girl與這個漂亮的女孩相戀(Join for free now to hook up with someone near Ottawa! )
hot girl 火辣女孩
in call 在妓女處做,out call在嫖客處做
immoral不道德的immoral conduct不道德的行為 ( immorality)
intoxicate: adj.醉人的,致醉的 v.喝醉,使喝醉,使陶醉 n.致醉藥物,酒類飲料
insatiable不知足的, 貪求無厭的 (Satiety過飽)
insult 侮辱
jake:性感的男人sexy man who is incredible at fucking and has a great bod. (bod=body)
Jack 西服的上衣 關聯詞 :pants褲子
jeer 嘲笑 n. & v.
jock 男子漢
klutz不善交際的人, klutzy
lackluster 無光澤的; 缺乏活力的
libertine (1) n. 放蕩不羈的人; (2) n. 反對已建立的宗教誡律的人;自由思想者 (3) adj. 放蕩不羈的
long hands 鹹豬手
long-lasting commitment 持久的責任
love-philter: n.(=love potion)春藥,媚藥, 迷魂藥
love balm : [俚]“安慰金”, 給予離婚妻子的贍養費
love bite: n. 做愛時被咬的齒痕
love child: n. 私生子
love in a cottage: n. 窮苦和諧的夫婦生活
Love is blind. 愛情使人盲目
love letter: n.情書
love life: n.<口>愛情生活
lovesome: adj. (poetic/literary) lovely or lovable
lovestruck: 熱戀中的
loveworthy: adj. 值得愛的, 可愛的
lovey: 對愛人的昵稱
loving:adj.親愛的, 鍾情的
lovingness:n.愛, 忠誠, 鍾情
monogamy一夫一妻製, [動]單配偶, 單配性 (polygamy一夫多妻, 一妻多夫polygamist, polygamize, polygamous)
moral, 道德的 immoral不道德的
minx:A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent.冒失或輕佻的女子:被認為唐突、輕佻或臉皮厚的女孩或年輕女人。(Obsolete) A promiscuous woman.【廢語】 妓女,蕩婦
mischief 惡作劇 mischievous為害的,淘氣的
naughty looking 淘氣的表情
nerd 也作 nurd:蠢貨,書呆子
night club goer: 常去夜總會的人
nonsense 胡說,廢話
nun: 修女, 尼姑
old hen 老婆子 ( hen-pecked怕老婆的,本義是 “被母雞啄的”。意思是“象軟弱的公雞經常被強壯的母雞啄傷。男子懾於女性的淫威,表現得服服帖帖”。這個表達出自1690年德萊頓的喜劇《安菲特律翁》和1712發行的雜誌《旁觀者》。理解了上麵的意思,那麽hen party就不難理解為“女人的聚會”。後引申為凡是隻有女人參加的社交性聚會都叫henparty。與它相對的是stag party雄鹿會,隻有男子參加的聚會。)
outcast : 被排斥的人A person rejected by their society or social group; adj. rejected or cast out
perfume: n.香味, 芳香, 香水vt.使發香, 灑香水於, 發香味 {fragrance: n.芬芳, 香氣; scent: n. 氣味, 香味, 香水, 線索, 嗅覺; v.聞出, 嗅, 發覺, 循著遺臭追蹤, 使充滿氣味}
pony tail 馬尾辮
preadolescent innocence青春期前的天真無邪
pleasure, intimacy and ecstasy快感,親密,和 無法自控的情緒
PMS: 月經前綜合症 Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. An array of symptoms that comes from a hormonal upset as a woman's body prepares to either become pregnant or expel an unfertilized ovary. Can involve cramping, water retention, mood swings, spontaneous stimulation, etc.
---PMS is no fun for anyone.

punk: (1) n.(名詞)(a) Slang 【俚語】A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.叛逆的年輕人:尤指加入反叛性的反文化組織的年輕人(b) An inexperienced young man.無經驗的年輕人(c) Music【音樂】Punk rock.龐克搖滾樂A punk rocker.龐克搖滾樂師(d) Slang A young man who is the sexual partner of an older man.【俚語】 孌童:作為某上了年紀的人的性夥伴的年輕人,即孌童(e) Archaic A prostitute.【古語】 妓女(f) Dry, decayed wood, used as tinder.用作引火物的幹朽木(spunk) (g) Any of various substances that smolder when ignited, used to light fireworks.火絨:某些用於引火的物質,點燃時發生熏燒現象(spunk) (h) Chinese incense.中國香
(2) 龐克風格的adj.Slang (形容詞)【俚語】Of or relating to a style of dress worn by punk rockers and often characterized by unusual clothing, hairstyles, and makeup.龐克風格:屬於或有關龐克樂師的衣著風格並常以不尋常的衣著、發型和化裝為特征

worthless.低劣的;無價值的Weak in spirits or health.身體不好或精神不佳的
porno 色情作品
pornography: n. 色情文學, 色情描寫
pretty 好看的
preadult 成年前的
relax 放鬆
roommate, housemate, suitemate, flatmate, sharemate: 室友,同屋 A roommate is a person who shares a living facility such as an apartment or dormitory. Synonyms include suitemate, housemate, flatmate ("flat": the usual term in British English for an apartment), or sharemate (shared living spaces are often called sharehomes in Australia. In the UK, the term "roommate" means a person sharing the same bedroom, whereas in the United States, "roommate" and "housemate" are used interchangeably regardless whether a bedroom is shared. This article uses the term "roommate" in the US sense of a person one shares a residence with who is not a relative or significant other. The informal term for roommate is roomie, which is commonly used by university students.
rude 粗魯的
roguish:流氓的, 無賴的
sexercise: 性愛部位的鍛煉(sex+ exercise)
snuggle (1) 躺或擠在一起;摟抱;(2)舒適地蜷伏
she-male: 女性化的男人 individual with breasts and penis, most often a transsexual man who starts a hormonal treatment in order to become a women and finally make surgery to remove their penises and create a vagina. During a phase they look very much like women, but still have their penis. Very popular in pornography.

shit 拉屎
shy 害羞
silly 傻的
stockings 長筒絲襪
suspender: 吊帶
suspender belt: 吊襪腰帶
scoundrel: A villain; a rogue. 流氓;無賴

shitty: 差的,劣等的 Shitty is of very poor quality; highly inferior. Contemptible; despicable. Unfortunate; unpleasant. Being in a state of discomfort or unhappiness; miserable. Incompetent; inept. Trivial; insignificant.
--but u can't mess with shitty cuz its someones name...shitty from YO!!! don't use the name in vain!!-Dinky
--this note book looks shitty .
--you look shitty.
--he got real shitty last night.
--She was really shitty about it.
--Today is a shitty day, yesterday was better.
swap (variant: swop) =exchange, swap partners交換伴侶
sweet talk 甜言蜜語
swelling of the clitoris and labia陰蒂和陰唇的膨脹
transphobia:變性恐怖症(trans—transsexual, phobe—恐怖,-ia疾病)
transsexual: n. 有異性轉化欲者; 變性人 adj. 有異性轉化欲的;變性的(transsexualism 或transsexuality)
trump:(1)n. 【非正式用語】 可靠的或可敬慕的人;(2)n. 王牌, 法寶 (3)v. 出王牌獲勝
tulips on my organ : tulips暗指two lips, organ 指性器官,短語的意思是口交。
Twisted, angry, scarred, cynical and alone扭曲的、生氣的、有傷疤的、玩世不恭的、落單的
undergarment: n.內衣, 貼身衣
urinate小便, 撒尿
voluptuous 豔情的
vice: 惡習, 惡行, 壞脾氣, 罪惡, 墮落, 老虎鉗, 缺點, 缺陷Vice refers to criminal activities, especially those connected with pornography or prostitution.
vicious(1)殘酷的;惡狠狠的cruel or violent;?(of an animal) wild and dangerous;(2)道德敗壞的immoral;(3) 有錯誤的(of language or a line of reasoning)imperfect; defective.
vicious circle惡性循環
vacuous空虛的, 茫然若失的, 無所事事的, 空洞的
-- a vacuous expression茫然的表情
vain: adj. 愛虛榮的; 自負的;無用的;無結果的;徒勞的
a vain attempt無用的嚐試vain promises空頭許諾
She's very vain about her good looks.她為她那好的容貌而自負。
in vain徒然,枉然
weird, creepy guy 奇怪的,讓人生厭的家夥
window girl: 櫥窗女孩(妓女在櫥窗裏向遊客進行展示。例如荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹)

Sexy English Vocabulary

anal–oral sex:肛門與口性交also referred to or described as anal–oral contact or anilingus (anus肛門 + lingus舌頭)
androgen雄性激素 (andro-雄性的)
androgynous:雌雄同體的, 雌雄同花的;男女不分的
bestiality 獸性, 獸行,人獸性交
bi-curious 對男女雙性都感興趣的
blatant: 明目張膽的,無恥的open and unashamed; flagrant.
blue:(1)下流的,有傷風化的 (2)憂鬱的
blue movie:黃色的電影 blue joke:淫穢的玩笑
boring=uninteresting 無趣的
boudoir 閨房a lady's bedroom or private sitting room;(hypernym) bedroom , sleeping room , chamber , bedchamber
burlesque 滑稽表演, 粗俗的表演
butt pirate:屁股大盜person who pillages another man's anus
--those two guys are butt pirates

butt sex:屁股性交Where you have someone put a penis or a fake penis inside your ass. --Ohhh baby... put it in my butt!
call girl: 應召女
carnal knowledge :n.(名詞)(古語或委婉的說法)Sexual intercourse.性交:發生兩性關係

control-top 束肚
cross dresser: 穿著異性衣服的人
dalliance: 嬉戲的調情playful flirtation (dally v.)
damn it:該死。Damn, damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience. (INFORMAL, RUDE)
--Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious.
deflower: 破處( deflorate, defloration)
dingy girl : 髒女孩

dirty old man髒老男人(中老年花心男人)

drag [1]【俚語】男扮女裝或女扮男裝的服飾:--an actor in drag.男扮女裝的演員
[2]【俚語】 無聊的事:極令人厭倦的人或事:--The evening was a real drag.夜晚實在令人討厭
dyke: n. vt. (也作dike)溝, 渠, 堤壩, <美俚> (女子)搞同性關係n. <俚> (尤指男性化的)女子同性戀者;對女同性戀者的無禮稱呼
butch:adj.男性化的;充當男性角色的女同性戀者--a butch woman男性化的女人}
ear piercing耳垂或耳邊刺孔
earring: 耳墜; especially : one with a pendant
estrus cycle發情周期

fanny:1.[美國口語]屁股,臀部 2.[英國英語、禁忌語]女性陰部,女性生殖器
finger ring指環
first love 初戀
fishnet hosiery:漁網絲襪 (屬於leggings)
fudge packer:指男同性戀Someone who indulges in anal sex, normally a gay male, but not always so.
garter belt: 襪吊帶
gender fluid: 時男時女,不男不女Gender Fluid is a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, but may feel more boy some days, and more girl other days. Being Gender Fluid has nothing to do with which set of genitalia one has, nor their sexual orientation.--No, I'm not a boy, and I'm not a girl either. I am gender fluid.

gender feminism 性別女權主義

getup:n.裝訂格式, 服式

GFE: girl friend experience,
---That prostitute made it feel like she was your girlfriend。
---My friends said that getting blown without a jimmy(指避孕套) by the incall girl was a bad idea. But she promised a GFE, and honestly, do you know anyone who’d use a rubber to get blown by their girlfriend? Seriously.
go to bed with (go to bed together):與...一起上床

Have sex and a relationship with you與你發生性和情人關係
index finger =forefinger食指
inner soul and innate will內心的靈魂和與生俱來的決心
intersex:n.陰陽人, 兼具兩性特征者(hermaphrodite陰陽人)
kosher sex:適度的性生活
ladyboy 人妖(lady boy, kathoey, katoey)
LGBT(GLBT):Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
little finger小指
long johns:長內褲(襯褲)
Lose your virginity失去你的童貞

lovelace: n.浪子, 色鬼

lovers' prattle情話
low waist低腰褲 (high waist高腰褲)
manhood: 男子氣概
manly: adj. 男子氣概的;強壯的;adv. 雄赳赳地
mate 動物交配
middle finger 中指
misogamy: 厭惡結婚 (misos"hatred"+gamos"marriage" ——The 45-year-old man who is misogamy still remains single. 那個厭惡結婚的男人至今45歲了仍保持單身。)
naïve 天真的
nymphomaniac:(nympho) 性癡狂女性(花癡)
nympha: (複數nymphae) 小陰唇
obstetric產科(ob-相對 stet-站)
odor 氣味
opposite-sex marriage異性婚姻

palmala, palmela: 指手淫it is the hand you jerk off with .(來自於palm手掌)
---I have a date with Palmala Handerson tonight.
---I have a date with palmala tonight.
Pamela hand : 指手淫 Palm-of-the-hand ,To masturbate
---You don’t have a girlfriend you're just going home to see Pamela Hand.

Pamela hand and her five friends:指手淫To masturbate. A sad persons way of saying they don’t have a sexual partner.---'Tonight i'm going on a date with Pamela Hand and her five friends'

pangamy 泛配, 自由交配

pansexuality, or omnisexuality: 廣泛性交not limited or inhibited in sexual choice with regard to gender or activity

paynus: 指雞巴same as penis but different.—My paynus is huger than yours.
peter: n. Vulgar Slang (名詞)【粗俗用語】 【俚語】The penis.陰莖

pillow talk:枕邊私房話--Babe,you have such sweet pillow talk.

Pillow Biter:咬枕頭者Someone who is receiving such a ridiculous anal pounding from a man's penis, a female with a foreign object such as a pole, or in many cases close relatives with shampoo bottles, that they choose to bite down on their pillow for some relief from the pain.
--Pillow biting is looked down on in the gay community.
--The man told the woman,“You are giving off very nice pheromone.”
--After she finished showering, she started sweating and was emitting pheromones.

piercing 插在身上的釘子等裝飾物
Platonic love:n.精神戀愛,柏拉圖式戀愛
pleasant sensation: 快感
prick: (informal)陰莖 (cf. penis)
pole dance 鋼管舞
polyamorous 多性夥伴性愛的
polyamory: 多性夥伴性愛(from Greek πολ? [poly], meaning "many" or "several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. It is distinct from swinging (which emphasizes sex with others as merely recreational) and may or may not include polysexuality (attraction towards multiple genders and/or sexes)

PSE: porn star experience
queer: n.同性戀者 adj. 奇怪的, 可疑的,不舒服的 vt.搞糟
racy:adj. -ier, -iest (1)略帶淫穢的:--Paul shocked the ladies with his racy stories.保羅的猥褻故事使女士們感到震驚。--Rihanna gets racy in Brazil. Rihanna wears her raunchiest outfit yet for Barbados Carnival. Rihanna wore next to nothing as she took part in the Kadmooment Day parade in Barbados.
(2)活潑的;有趣的:--a racy style of writing 活潑的寫作風格。

randy: 起了性,想做愛的 (英國英語,等於美國英語 horny)

raunchy 淫蕩的,性欲強的 --The opening night of Venus Envy’s first art show at the new location is full of erotic, sensual and totally raunchy pieces.
rent boy: 出租男孩 (主要為男人服務)
rival in lover情敵
same-sex marriage同性婚姻
slag 賤婦;淫婦
sexapalooza: 多倫多、渥太華等城市的性展覽會(sexapalooza=sex+party)
sexpot: <口>極富性感的女性, 易激起他人性欲的女人, 性活動活躍的人, 性欲旺盛的人
sex appeal: n.性感, 吸引力
sex hormone:性激素
sex act性行為
sex drive 一個人的性能力和性需要
sex gland性腺
sex maniac 性偏執狂
sex transmitted disease (venereal disease)性病
sexism:n.男性至上主義, 蔑視女性
sexless: :缺乏性興趣的或沒有性行為的;缺乏性特征的(a sexless marriage.無性的婚姻) (asexual無性欲的; 無性器官的)
sexual Orientation: 性取向
sleep around到處與人睡覺
sleep together 睡在一起
smoothy:(smoothie) 舉止優雅的人;善於討好女人的男子
straight man/guy: 異性戀的男性
steamy: 冒汽的. 一個幽默的單詞,比喻那個方寸之地在冒汽,說明一個東西上麵有讓人興奮的或驚訝的性行為,例如色情電影、戲劇或場景等等。
例句:(1)The movie contains some pretty steamy scenes!
(2)His latest production is a steamy thriller set in Hong Kong.

stoic:n.禁欲主義者:似乎對喜、憂、樂、痛無動於衷或不受影響的人;adj. 不以苦樂為意的:似乎不為苦樂所動的;淡泊的
stretch mark妊娠紋,萎縮紋,白紋
sultry 風騷撩人的
suspender: 吊帶

talk love談情說愛
tattoo: n. & v. 紋身 (body art 人體藝術)
testosterone睾丸素(ster: star)
thing: 曾以創建「中式英文」博客(博客)www.chinglish.de而聲名大噪的德國人Oliver Radtke講過一個有關「小弟弟」的故事。他說,第一次到中國,在上海的出租車上發現一句提示「請帶好隨身物品」,下麵一行的英文「Don't forget to carry your thing.」。這句從中文直譯的句子初看沒有什麽不對,但實際上在英語語言文化中表達的意思卻是,提醒男性乘客「別忘了帶走你的『小弟弟』」,讓人啼笑皆非。隻要在thing後麵加上一個s,就可免除這種尷尬。

third finger=ring finger 無名指
thumb 拇指
transgender: n. 跨性別;跨性別者involving a partial or full reversal of gender. adj.(1) Appearing as, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member of the opposite sex. (與transexual 差不多)(2) Of or relating to transgender people. -n. A transgender person.
turd burglar:指男同性戀yet another word for gay men--jeez joe is a turd burglar!!
the C word:C詞,指cunt. Refers to the most vulgar word in the english language; "cunt".
--Dude 1:That S.O.B. called her the C word.
--Dude 2:The Bastard!

Valentine's Day: (V-Day),情人節(二月十四日)
wicked:邪惡的;惡劣的;不道德的;頑皮的(1) You use wicked to describe someone or something that is very bad and deliberately harmful to people. --- She described the shooting as a wicked attack. --- She flew at me, shouting how wicked and evil I was. = evil (wickedness :--- ...moral arguments about the wickedness of nuclear weapons.)
(2)If you describe someone or something as wicked, you mean that they are rather naughty, but in a way that you find attractive or enjoyable. ---She had a wicked sense of humour. --- I adore white chocolate, as it has such a sweet taste and I always feel very wicked when eating it. (wickedly :---This collection of letters is affectionate, candid and wickedly funny. --- Michael grinned wickedly.
willy (或willie):雞巴,陽物

♥(同義、近義詞)bad, base, difficult, evil, hard, low, naughty, rough, rugged, severe, sinful, tough, unpleasant, vicious, vile, wrong
♥好色之徒Casanova, Lothario, amorist, lecher, lewdster, satyr
Sex Organ Female
• Bartholin's glands 前庭大腺
• cervix 子宮頸
• clitoris 陰蒂
o clitoral hood 陰蒂包皮
o clitoral glans (glans clitoridis) 陰蒂頭
• Fallopian tubes 輸卵管
• labium 陰唇
• ovaries 卵巢
• Skene's gland skene腺,分泌潤滑液和女子出射
• uterus 子宮
• vagina 陰道
• vulva 女外陰

Sex Organ Male:
• bulbourethral glands 尿道球腺
• epididymis 附睾
• penis 陰莖
o foreskin 包皮
o glans penis 龜頭
• prostate 前列腺
• scrotum 陰囊
• seminal vesicles 精囊
• testicles 睾丸
性器官:reproductive organs, sexual organs

Sexy English Vocabulary
♥Love doesn’t mean legs open easily.

♥The real, underlying reason we seek sex is not physical pleasure, but emotional intimacy.

♥ Sex is emotion in motion.
--My passion for you is beyond any words.我對你的愛情不是語言所能表達的。
--You look more beautiful every time I see you.每一次我看到你你都變得更加漂亮。
--I love you with all my heart. 我全心全意愛你.
--I love you for you. 我真心愛你.(簡單吧!當你想表示愛的是對方的人, 而不是其他如錢財、權勢等,就可以這樣說)
--My love for you is as deep as the sea. 對你的愛,似海深.
--I’m singing a torch song for her. 我單戀她.(因失戀/單戀而唱的歌就是torch
♥She fell in an unrequited love with the professor.她單戀那位教授。
--You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】
--You look nice in that color.(你穿那種顏色很好看。)

--A: I‘m having this huge crush on Ted. I‘m going to try and see if I can ask him out this weekend.
我最近好喜歡 Ted 喔! 我想看看能不能約他這個周末出來。
--B: Well...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody. 嗯....但是我聽說他已經有了交往的對象了ㄝ!

"hook up" 是"connection"的意思, 相當於中文裏的「介紹、認識」之類的詞, 並不單指男女之間的認識。比如某人正在找份工作, 他的朋友剛好認識比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)。他就可以跟這位朋友說
--"Hey! Since you’re a friend of Bill’s, why don’t you hook me up?" (嘿! 既然你是比爾的朋友, 幫我介紹一下吧!)
break up 分手
--A: How are Bob and Pat doing? Bob 和 Pat 近來如何?
--B: They broke up last summer. 他們去年夏天分開了。

"break up" 是「關係中止」的意思, 不限於男女之間的關係。"break-up" 是分手的名詞形。如:
--"They had an ugly break-up." (他們很不愉快地分手了。)

--I want to break up.我要分手。
--It's over.我們緣分已盡。
--Don't call me anymore. 別再打電話給我。
--There's someone else. 我有了別人。
--We’re not meant for each other. 我們命中注定不適合。

--I need some time alone. 我需要一個人過一陣子。
--We’re better off as friends. 我們做朋友比較好。
--You’re too good for me. 我配不上你。
--You deserve a better man/woman. 你應該找個更好的對象。
--I can’t orgasm without rubbing clit. 不揉搓陰蒂我沒辦法高潮喔。
--My fiancée enjoys G-spot and clitoral orgasms.我的未婚妻享受G點和陰蒂高潮。
--You look familiar to me? 你看起來很麵熟?
--You are very attractive.
--You are charming.
--You look different.
--Do you like something to drink? 你要喝點什麽嗎?(酒吧裏麵找女孩的開始語喔。)
--You have good taste. 你(對事物)的感覺很好。
--Now put your index finger on my clit.把你的食指放在我的私處 ...Good, but less pressure.真好,不要太用力
Clit Too Sensitive :-- Whenever my man tries to manually stimulate me, I won't let him bc my clit is too sensitive to be touched.
--Don’t clit on me.
--(Kitty in low voice...)Hi, Peter, I want to tell you a secret. Mr. Lee fell in love with Monica at first sight. And he had a quickie (fast sex) with her in the sofa in the office before heading home.
--Really? I feel like to tell her hubbie she had an affair with the General Manager. And Lee was balling with her right in the company.
--(Monica was mumbling to Mr. Lee happily ...) I was dying of missing you, darling. Everywhere of you are big. I don't love my husband any more…
-You are gorgeous.
-I am just a normal girl.
- Who do you think you are?
- I don’t mind.
1) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yeah, we have been going out for two years.
2)Are you seeing anyone?
Unfortunately not.
♥♥♥教你如何讚美女孩子以及一些泡妞英語 , 別錯過哦!
5,那如果一個女孩太一般般了,挑不出什麽優點,那我們就用"have something"
6,如果一個女孩長的很醜,我們可不能直接說她醜哦,在英語裏麵有一個很婉轉的詞組可以表達,那就是aesthetically challenging,這個詞組翻譯過來就是“在美學上具有挑戰意義的”,是不是很有趣呢?!

"hot" 也可以用來形容男孩。
比 如說,你在同學錄上看到你的舊同學和她男朋友的合影,你的同學長的很普通,而她的男友很帥,你可以說"he is too hot for her!"(不是在當事人麵前說,隻是自己發一下感歎!:)意思是 he is too good looking for her!
--I have never met anyone who shares so many common interests with me. When I am with him, I feel completely fulfilled. 我從來沒遇到過和我興趣這麽相似的人。我和他在一起的時候,覺得心滿意足。
--I like to hang out with him because I feel like I can talk to him.我喜歡和他在一起,因為我們很談得來。
這裏hang out with指和某人在一起玩,比如和朋友相約去酒吧,或者其他休閑活動,這種情況都可以用到hang out。
(6)a compatible partner 很相配的伴侶,通常指智慧相當
e.g. --We are so compatible. 我們真的很相配。

(7)someone who reads me like an open book
我對他就象一本打開的書。 意思是我想要什麽,他馬上就能明白,隻要簡單一個小動作,馬上明白你的需要。
e. g . --He reads me like an open book. 他非常了解我。
(8) that special someone 那個特別的人
有時候就有那麽一個special someone突然出現,使我們神魂顛倒sweep me off my feet.
--A. Do you think that you‘ll ever get married? 你會結婚嗎?
--B. I don‘t know. Maybe one day I will meet that special someone who whisks me away.我不知道。或許有一天,我會遇到一個把我迷倒的人。
Sweep me off my feet和whisk me away都是把一個人迷得神魂顛倒的好用法。兩個的本意是說用掃把或小刷子之類的東西把東西掃走,掃開。 稍微加點想像進來,如果你看到一個人,結果跟一陣風一樣吹過來,吹得你站都站不穩了,是不是這個意思呢?感覺很重要哦。
MM是要靠“哄”的,喜歡聽一些甜言蜜語(sweet talk),所以,你要下功夫練就一張honey mouth,來讚美對方:
1) What a knock-out!哇!絕代美人。
2) She’s well-built.她身材真棒。
3) She's well stacked. 她的身材很勻稱。
4) She has a good figure.她有驕人的身材。
5) She’s a chick.她可是個MM喔。
6) She’s curvaceous.她的身材曲線玲瓏。
7) My girl is a peach.我的馬子可是個美人。
8) She must really be something special.她必定某個地方很特殊。
9) She doesn’t look her age.她看起來沒有實際年齡大。
10) She looks neat and fresh.她看起來很優雅清純。
11) She is a carbon copy of her mother.她和她媽簡直一模一樣。
play hard-to-get 欲擒故縱:
--A:So she stood you up last night.(她昨晚放你鴿子啦?)
--B:Well, I guess she's trying to play hard-to-get.(嗯,大概想跟我玩“欲擒故縱”的遊戲吧)
“stand someone up”是“放某人鴿子”的意思。“play hard-to-get”也可以說成“play tough-to-get”。

Sexy English Vocabulary
--I will to realize all your wild fantasies! (西方人寫的,to放在will後麵,也許有語感,我也不知道。)
--I love to please and tease and I will drain you dry.
--I'm beautiful, attractive, sensual and artistic.
--I love to fuck my wet pussy and asshole.
--I love your body.
--I want to gag your dick.
--I love to watch two girls kissing and touching themselves and then join to the party and lick all their bodies just to finish in an orgy of pleasure.
--I wait for man with horny mood for sex and with throbbing cock in jeans!
--Come and visit my frantic private show where all your hidden desires become reality.
--Nobody’s ever proven that life is a serious thing - thus I would advise you to sit back, relax and enjoy my company. I have a strong feeling you will like it.
--I will do everything to fulfill your desires and please you.
♥(After intercourse) I wish he would just lie around with me afterwards with his arm around me and talk.
♥Well began is half done. (這裏began是老外寫的,也許有特殊的語感,我也不知道。)

♥Well, it's kidding. The best way is to love her with your heart, not with your mouth. What‘s more, just keep in your mind: 1) Love me, love my dog. 2) Love me little, love me long.

She’s very photogenic.她很上鏡。
She’s well-groomed.她穿著得體。
She herself is dolled up like a teenage girl.她把自己打扮得象個十幾歲的少女。

7) She’s in her Sunday clothes today.她穿了她最好的衣服。
8) She wears too much make-up.她妝化得很濃.
♥Human sexual response cycle: stage 1-desire; stage 2-excitement; stage 3-plateau; stage 4- orgasm; stage 5 - resolution

♥After divorce, her first date in twenty-five years:
He asks: ”How many men at that gym hit on you?”
She fumbles: ”Gee, I really don’t know. I mean, I was married all that time.”
He asks: ”Wait. How many men have you screwed in the last twenty years?”
She admits: ”Uh, One? I was married.”
He: ”No wonder your friend said you were looking to get laid.”

nice figure 好身材
--You have such a nice figure.
great curves 好曲線(要用複數哦)
--She has great curves.
hourglass figure像沙漏樣的身材,上凸下翹,真性感啊。
--Look at that hourglass figure of hers.
♥She is unable to experience sexual desire no matter how many hours she spends locked in her room with mood music and a vibrator. Moreover, lack of vaginal lubrication makes intercourse physically painful for her.

♥She looks up briefly as she describes the Friday night coupling in bed that Frank requires.
These obligatory interactions always begin with Frank fumbling to unhook the “Friday Night Bra” that contains Alice’s breasts.
♥Frank’s sex is pony-express. Some actions might feel like pleasure, perhaps during the intervals when he has to slow down for a moment to change horses.
♥``Sometimes I think sex is a state of mind, not skin contact. When I`m in the mood, anything is a turn-on.``
♥Equally groundbreaking to Alice is hearing that so many of the women had found emotional closeness to be essential to their enjoyment of their peak sexual encounters.
--We were high school sweethearts. He's my high school sweetheart.他是我高中的甜心。
--What kind of man/woman are you looking for(你喜歡哪種人)?
A. I'm having a wonderful day today!
B. Why is that?
A. Because I met the woman of my dreams today.
B. Don't you always have nightmares?
A. When you look for a guy, what kind of things do you look for?
B. I look for someone that I can share my life with.
A. But you don't have a life.
Sensual caresses:
By directing your touches and strokes to his erogenous spots, you intensify their erotic power and stimulate all his senses. Keep your hands in contact with his body, and vary your strokes to create a memorable sensual experience.

Opening the door:
Having poured lubricant onto your partner’s penis, spread your fingers and gently massage his penis with your hands, concentrating on the head. Lightly twist your hand on the top of his penis as though turning a doorknob to open the door, then massage down the rest of his penis with firm, even strokes. Repeat as many times as he likes.

Women’s orgasm: During a woman’s orgasm, the muscles surrounding the clitoris contract, along with the vaginal and anal muscles, and sometimes the deep abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles. Women can experience three different types of orgasm. The most well known is the clitoral orgasm, which is achieved through stimulation of the clitoris. The vaginal orgasm occurs within the vagina, usually through stimulation of the G-spot. The third type is a combination of the clitoral and the vaginal orgasm, known as a “blended orgasm”.
♥Carrie has a crush on her art teacher.
♥He has always been devoted to his wife.
♥If you are infatuated with someone, you have unreasonably strong feelings of love for them.
♥Her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal.
♥That night, Helen had a visitor again, and the grunting and groaning could be heard throughout the house.
The Club is the newest adult lifestyle swingers club(換妻俱樂部) in the Ottawa area.
Come and enjoy our comfortable facilities, located in the east end of the city.
Discrete and tasteful settings will help set the mood for the adventurous couple wishing to expand their sexual horizons.
There are three strata of professional sex providers.
- the high class call girls who service affluent men in our society
- the middle class prostitutes who function in controlled environments such as bordello’s, massage parlours and strip clubs.
- low class streetwalkers, hookers, harlots who generally work street corners.

♥Women are encouraged to dress as seductively as possible, men prefer a dapper appearance.

♥Helen always made a point of stopping by his room at the Laurentian club for some small talk and a quick round of sex.
♥The client pays a fee to dispense as much semen as they want into these girls in a two hour period. The receptacles may be receiving secretions, for six to eight hours as the mongers rotate through the Hookers.
♥Sarging is rapidly meeting new women. (Sarge: The act of going out and approaching people with the sole intention of getting it on with them.--Yo, let's go sarge some hotties! --Man, my sarging life has sucked lately. --Helen's always sarging blondes.)

♥Neg:a neg is a statment that disqualifies you from being perceived as picking her up .
Neg: A light insult wrapped in the package of a compliment. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard compliments. The classic neg :

pua - "you have beautiful nails, are they real?"
(9+) -"not really"
pua - "Oh, I guess that’s still cool"

pua - "that's really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak"
(9+) -"no it doesn't"
pua - "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, it’s just really cute"

"I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino"
♥NLP is Neuro Linguistic programming or (brain-word automatic reaction) The study of the mind, broadly speaking. 泡妞技巧的一種
--He's delved into NLP since his grandma died from Alzheimer(老年癡呆症).

(1)Kino – Kinesthetics(or kinesis) - Touching, physical contact with a female:
--I got kino with that hottie!
( The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in one's "Game Belt."
--Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight.)
(2) kino電影院(kinematograph的縮寫)

♥DHV is an acronym for Demonstration of Higher Value

♥AFC: Average Frustrated Chump. A guy who lacks skills and confidence when it comes to women. He will often end up in the "friend zone". An AFC in a bar with gorgeous women would sit in the corner, and ask himself "why aren't they coming up to me." When women are asking the same question: “ Why isn’t he coming up to me?” He should be going up to them, but won’t, because he lacks confidence.

♥AMOG: Alpha Male Of the Group or Alpha Male Other Guy : ( The guy that steals the attention of the girl(s) you are talking to at a place, party, bar, club. etc. or: A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room.)
--Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche?
--Me: Cause he's a total AMOG.
♥A woman asks: Why is it illegal for a woman to sell sex, but it is okay for a woman to give it away? ( Answer: Because it is not only giving away, but also receiving sex/love/care from man. It is mutual benefits, but not commercial deal. )

♥Earlier this week I posted a story about 10-year-old model Thylane Loubry Blondeau and the controversy that her sultry stare in the pages of French Vogue has caused. Over the last few days North American media has gone wild with the story and started a heated debate over the sexualization of young girls

♥I'm not the one who insisted on coming inside.我可沒喊著要進來。(雙關:做愛)

♥A simple lick of her lips, crossing of her legs, or pushing up her cleavage

♥Mending hearts and healing wounds

♥Cuddle: If you cuddle someone, you put your arms round them and hold them close as a way of showing your affection.

♥Hug: When you hug someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, for example because you like them or are pleased to see them. You can also say that two people hug each other or that they hug.

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閱讀 ()評論 (1)
parren 回複 悄悄話 如何用英語說最肉麻的情話
1.You are a dreamboat. 你是位(異性所追求的)理想人選
2.You are such a dish. 你是個絕色美人
3.I've been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想見到你
4.Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我見到你,你都不睬我
5.I only have eyes for you . 我隻在意你
6.I'd do anything to see you crack a smile. 為了博得你的一笑,我情願做任何事
7.You swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂顛倒
8.You don't have a care in the world. 你不知人間煩惱為何物
9.I'm still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍舊試著想和你發展到‘第二階段’(在美國,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指撫摩等,third base 指的是^^)
10.If you don't want to lose me, you'd better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失去我,就最好一五一十地告訴我吧
11.Tell me your story, I'm all ears. 告訴我你的故事,我洗耳恭聽
12.Someday, when your ship come in, you'll build your dream house. 總有一天,當你有錢時,你會建造你夢想的家
13.I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真
14.I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你幹脆把話挑明
15.Have you ever seen your old flame? 你還見過你的舊情人嗎
16.If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承認吧
17.This experience will make me show my true color. 這種經曆將使我暴露我的本性
18.We could make beautiful music together. 我們也許會是和諧幸福的一對兒