
A music and photography lover

過新年賞美樂:“後來” 多版欣賞

(2018-02-15 11:50:57) 下一個

最早聽見“後來”這首歌不記得是什麽時候,隻記得是劉若英唱的,除此之外沒有什麽特別的感覺,直到聽了許樂和陳潔麗的版本後,才吃了一驚,原來這首歌可以唱得這麽優美動聽啊!於是對這首歌的興趣大增,一時興起,找來了這歌的介紹才知道劉若英並不是這首歌的原唱,原曲是一首日本歌,名叫“向著未來”,由Kiroro 演唱組的主唱玉城千春作曲,Kiroro 演唱。中文版由施人誠填詞,王繼康編曲,劉若英翻唱。


我還找到了瑞典歌星Sofia Kallgren 翻唱的英文版,也非常喜歡。Sofia音色圓潤,吐字清晰,伴奏的大提琴和鋼琴與許樂陳潔麗版有相似之處,這版也很美,喜歡。

最讓我驚歎的是英文版的翻譯,整首歌的英文翻譯十分優美,附錄於下。 把歌名“後來”翻譯成“Oh Life”,是音譯又不全是,意譯也靠譜,沒話說,給一個大大的讚!這讓我想起了不知在哪裏看見有人把中國的“四大發明”翻成“Star Farming”,讓我樂了半天,當然這個是搞笑了:)


Rainier 撰寫製作,祝福新年2018,珍惜身邊人!


“後來” 英語版歌詞

Oh life, the wonders that you bring
The beauty I can see
That I keep deep inside of me
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again
In a world where love will still remain

Choose your words, make them wise
Many things have brought us where we are
I am here, here with you
Close your eyes, let love heal the sorrow
Once again I feel alive
I'm sure of this inside
And I need you more than ever
Life's taught me so much more
Feel stronger than before
Hope this feeling stays here forever

Long ago I was blind
I thought love was always here to stay
But we walked away
And we said good bye
Even though I knew I loved you still
Suddenly you were gone
And she was in your arms
It's a picture I remember
I was lost, could not be saved
My life just ran away
I only wish that we could start over
But true love will find its way
Now a love is here to stay
I lost it once
And now I found a way to live again

Oh life, the wonders that you bring
The beauty I can see
That I keep deep inside of me
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again
In a world where love will still remain

But true love will find its way
Now a love is here to stay
I lost it once
And now I found a way to live again

Oh life, the wonders that you bring
The beauty I can see
That I keep deep inside of me
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again
In a world where love will still remain

Oh life, the wonders that you bring
The beauty I can see
That I keep deep inside of me
Oh life,I feel that I can breathe again
In a world where love will still remain
In a world where love will still remain


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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
Rainier 回複 悄悄話 回複 '噢顏顏' 的評論 :
噢顏顏 回複 悄悄話 謝謝,讓我想起了一些往事,,,
Rainier 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 :

小聲音 回複 悄悄話 新年第一天,給好姐妹拜年了:))