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Elon Musk,是電動汽車公司特斯拉和太空探索公司SpaceX的CEO。
Elon Musk不是完人,但,他所做的這些,足以看到心底深處的柔軟和善良。
1. 2019年10月底,Elon Musk親自帶兒子去老人院演奏鋼琴。下麵是兒子的演奏視頻:
Took my son to play piano for the seniors home in Pasadena. It was lovely to see them smile
3:24 PM - 27 Oct 2019
2 . 解決水汙染城市(Flint, Michigan)孩子的飲水問題:
About 30,000 children in Flint, Michigan will finally have safe drinking water freely available, thanks toElon Musk. The billionaire entrepreneur, along with the Musk Foundationdonateda total $480,350 last year to add ultraviolet water filtration systems and water stations to all 12 area schools. Those water filtration systems are currently being tested and should soon be available for Flint schoolchildren to drink from.
3. 疫情期間幫助解決呼吸機和PPE等緊缺物資(中國特斯拉給他帶來不少便利):
a. We have extra FDA-approved ventilators. Will ship to hospitals worldwide within Tesla delivery regions. Device shipping cost are free. Only requirement is that the vents are needed immediately for patients, not stored in a warehouse.
Please me or @Tesla know. 8:27 AM Mar 31, 2020Twitter for iPhone
b. 50,000 N95 masks delivered to UW researcher’s home thanks to Elon Musk, Tesla
A truckload of 50,000 N95 surgical masks, critical for health-care workers fighting the novel coronavirus, arrived at the Seattle home of a UW Medicine physician on Sunday— courtesy of Elon Musk and Tesla.
c. Tesla CEO Elon Musk Donates Truck Load of PPEs (including masks) to UCLA Health
4. 在國內疫情期間,中國特斯拉為用戶提供相關的免費服務:
Tesla China is notifying customers that, due to the coronavirus outbreak currently happening in that country, all Tesla vehicles will have free supercharging to facilitate travel until the outbreak is resolved.