
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2019-06-08 21:49:10) 下一個

五月中旬讀完John Steinbeck的遊記, 5/19日寫了一篇讀書報告後,從女兒留下的一堆書裏找了一本五百多頁的小說《罪與罰》,俄國作家陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品。 開始讀時覺得小說不吸引人,呈現在讀者麵前的不外乎是窮困潦倒的人,喝得爛醉如泥的酒鬼,一幅幅灰暗壓抑的畫麵。不過想想這樣的名著,這樣一位和托爾斯泰齊名的作家,他的作品一定有其成名的原因,便硬著頭皮讀了下去。 5月21號,我微信女兒,讓她幫我借這本書的電子版,這樣至少讀起來眼睛不累些。 女兒上網借了,回複說,書要兩個星期後才能到。 等6月3號電子書到時, 我已經讀完了紙書版的3/5,300多頁了。電子書借到後,我見縫插針地看, 花了三四天時間就把剩下的2/5 全部讀完了。讀完後,麵對女兒曾經問過的一句"喜歡嗎?", 我竟然答不上來。隨後又上網查了作者的一些背景和其他資料。我想,或許這樣的一本書不是寥寥喜歡或不喜歡就能概括的,也不是我這麽初初讀完一本就能深入了解的。所以,僅此在這裏做個簡短的人物、情節回顧,權當是一種記錄。

小說以十九世紀俄國彼得堡為背景,講述一個二十三歲窮困潦倒的青年人Raskolnikov, 為了生活和夢想的前程,起念殺了當鋪的女老板和碰巧前來探望的老板妹妹。R在慌亂中偷了一些錢財,逃離現場,從此生活在惶惶不可終日的恐懼和煎熬中,直至最後自首,坐牢,發配到西伯利亞勞改。

小說有好幾條線,主線當然是主人公R,一位大學輟學生。他有個姐姐和母親。姐姐Dunya年輕貌美,為了擺脫貧窮,幫助弟弟,欲將自己嫁給一位有錢的中年律師。 姐姐帶著母親離開家鄉來到彼得堡, 看望離家三年的R。 姐姐此次來的最主要目的是想和在彼得堡的未婚夫成親,最後卻被弟弟從中攪黃了。第二條線是一位名叫Svidrigailov的男子,姐姐Dunya曾經在他家做過管家, 被S看上。S當年欠了一屁股債,為了償清債務,把自己"賣"給一位闊太太,闊太太不僅替他償還了債務,死後還給他留了一大筆遺產。S帶著太太的巨額遺產,追逐Dunya追到彼得堡,幻想著Dunya能傾心於他,最後遭拒絕而飲彈自盡。小說裏還有一條很重要的線是一位名叫Marmeladov的男子。此人曾經在政府機關工作,後來失業了,淪落成為一個酒鬼,主人公R偶然在一家小酒館裏認識了他。M家中有太太和三個未成年的小孩,還有一位和前妻所生的剛剛成年的女兒Sonya。為了家庭生計,養活一大家人,Sonya去做了妓女。這家人最後的結局比較悲催, M酒後被馬車撞死,隨後太太因肺病也咳血而死,三個小孩去了收容所。Sonya最後跟著男主人公去了西伯利亞。

從讀完小說的那一刻起一直在想一個問題,作為經典名著,它的傑出之處在哪裏? 是主題嗎?是成功的人物塑造嗎?還是它的語言(語言是翻譯的) 或是思想?

先來說說主人公Raskolnikov。 R可以算得上是一個有文化有思想的人。在他看來,這個世界上的人分兩種,普通人(ordinary) 和非凡人(extraordinary)。非凡人是社會上層有決策能力的人,他們製定法律法規,左右著人的命運,而另一類人就是普通人,換句話說,就是守法公民,被管轄的人員。主人公R,憤世嫉俗,反社會道德,選擇了他認為的社會殘渣餘孽人員-當鋪又老又貪的店主-作為仇殺對象,想因此把自己的殺人搶劫合理化,認為自己殺的是社會上的無用之人,卻可以借此讓自己走出窮困, 登上社會上層,最後成就大事業而造福人類,普世濟民,救水深火熱的窮苦百姓脫離苦海。他相信憑著自己的聰明才智和能力,一定可以做一個非凡人。主人公的名字Raskolnikov中的Raskol的意思是"split" or "schism"的意思,這也說明作者或許從一開始就想塑造一個人格分裂、有著雙重個性的人物。而R恰恰就是這樣一個人物。他一邊可以殘忍地拿起斧頭血腥殺人,一邊麵對窮得叮當響的一家老少慷慨解囊,把自己僅有的二十五盧布全部拿出送給人家作葬禮費用。他一方麵因為殺人後,精神恍惚,被人當成是瘋瘋癲癲的精神病人,另一方麵又有著深刻的思想,尖銳的目光,一眼看穿了他姐姐未婚夫的虛偽人品。也正是他的雙重人格讓他在殺人後如熱鍋上的螞蟻,坐立不安,飽受內心煎熬不能自拔,精神近乎崩潰邊緣。

小說運用大量的心理描寫,人物內心獨白,把一個殺人犯的心理描述得淋漓盡致,人物形象也因此栩栩如生。 我想,這或許是作品最成功的地方。

一部偉大的作品一定是源於生活的。作者自己就曾負債累累,又是個好賭之徒,有時靠寫小說匆匆完稿清償賭債。 他後來又因為卷入政治風波,蹲過監獄,在被送上斷頭台處決的一刹那被沙皇赦免,最後流放到西伯利亞四年。他的這些親身經曆無疑給創作帶來了極大的靈感,獨特的視覺。他對社會底層人民的了解,賦予了小說極強的真實性。另外,作者的個人經曆又讓他成為了一名虔誠的基督徒,他的宗教信仰也在他的小說中得到充分體現。





There are chance meetings with strangers that interest us from the first moment, before a word is spoken.

Sonia took it, flushed crimson, jumped up, muttered something and began taking leave. Pyotr Petrovitch accompanied her ceremoniously to the door.

insufferable fit of coughing that lasted five minutes. Drops of perspiration stood out

he drank with fellows who were not worth the sole of his shoe.

All the clamour gradually died away at his entrance. Not only was this “serious business man” strikingly incongruous with the rest of the party, but it was evident, too, that he had come

Defend her now, at least!” The wail of the poor, consumptive, helpless woman seemed to produce a great effect on her audience. The agonised, wasted, consumptive face, the parched blood-stained lips, the hoarse voice, the tears unrestrained as a child’s, the trustful, childish and yet despairing prayer for help were so piteous that every one seemed to feel for her. Pyotr Petrovitch at any rate was at once moved to compassion.

Their eyes met, and the fire in Raskolnikov’s seemed ready to reduce him to ashes.

Again a wave of the same feeling surged into his heart, and again for an instant softened it.

 “I’ve only killed a louse, Sonia, a useless, loathsome, harmful creature.”

His eyes shone with feverish brilliance. He was almost delirious; an uneasy smile strayed on his lips. His terrible exhaustion could be seen through

a new and sudden train of thought had struck and as it were roused him

that low ceilings and tiny rooms cramp the soul and the mind? Ah, how I hated that garret! And yet I wouldn’t go out of it!

I simply did it; I did the murder for myself, for myself alone, and whether I became a benefactor to others, or spent my life like a spider catching men in my web and sucking the life out of men, I couldn’t have cared at that moment.… And it was not the money I wanted, Sonia, when I did it. It was not so much the money I wanted, but something else.… I know it all now.… Understand me! Perhaps I should never have committed a murder again. I wanted to find out something else; it was something else led me on. I wanted to find out then and quickly whether I was a louse like everybody else or a man. Whether I can step over barriers or not, whether I dare stoop to pick up or not, whether I am a trembling creature or whether I have the right …”

I want to prove one thing only, that the devil led me on then and he has shown me since that I had

They sat side by side, both mournful and dejected, as though they had been cast up by the tempest alone on some deserted shore. He looked at Sonia and felt how great was her love for him, and strange to say he felt it suddenly burdensome and painful to be so loved. Yes, it was a strange and awful sensation! On his way to see Sonia he had felt that all his hopes rested on her; he expected to be rid of at least part of his suffering, and now, when all her heart turned towards him, he suddenly felt that he was immeasurably unhappier than before.


it was as though a fog had fallen upon him and wrapped him in a dreary solitude from which there was no escape. Recalling that period long after, he believed that his mind had been clouded at times, and that it had continued so, with intervals, till the final catastrophe.

make head or tail of it;

It had been too stifling, too cramping, the burden had been too agonising.

The last moment had come, the last drops had to be drained! So a man will sometimes go through half an hour of mortal terror with a brigand, yet when the knife is at his throat at last, he feels no fear.

From a hundred rabbits you can’t make a horse, a hundred suspicions don’t make a proof, as the English proverb says, but that’s only from the rational point of view—you can’t help being partial, 

It was conceived on sleepless nights, with a throbbing heart, in ecstasy and suppressed enthusiasm.

Men will catch at straws! 

There was another thought which had been continually hovering of late about Raskolnikov’s mind, and causing him great uneasiness.

Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery. If there’s the hundredth part of a false note in speaking the truth, it leads to a discord, and that leads to trouble. But if all, to the last note, is false in flattery, it is just as agreeable, and is heard not without satisfaction. It may be a coarse satisfaction, but still a satisfaction. And however coarse the flattery, at least half will be sure to seem true.

There’s always a little corner which remains a secret to the world and is only known to those two.

Add to that, nervous irritability from hunger, from lodging in a hole, from rags, from a vivid sense of the charm of his social position and his sister’s and mother’s position too. Above all, vanity, pride and vanity, though goodness knows he may have good qualities too.… I am not blaming him, please don’t think it; besides, it’s not my business. A special little theory came in too—a theory of a sort—dividing mankind, you see, into material and superior persons, that is persons to whom the law does not apply owing to their superiority, who make laws for the rest of mankind, the material, that is. It’s all right as a theory, une théorie comme une autre. Napoleon attracted him tremendously, that is, what affected him was that a great many men of genius


It was a dark and stifling evening. Threatening storm-clouds came over the sky about ten o’clock. There was a clap of thunder, and the rain came down like a waterfall. The water fell not in drops, but beat on the earth in streams. There flashes of lightning every minute and each flash lasted while one could count five.

It appeared afterwards that on the same evening, at twenty past eleven, he made another very eccentric and unexpected visit. The rain still persisted. Drenched to the skin, he walked into the little flat where the parents of his betrothed lived, in Third Street in Vassilyevsky Island. He knocked some time before he was admitted, and his visit at first caused great perturbation; but Svidrigaïlov could be very fascinating when he liked, so that the first, and indeed very intelligent surmise of the sensible parents that Svidrigaïlov had probably had so much to drink that he did not know what he was doing vanished immediately.


The rain had ceased and there was a roaring wind.


one image rose after another, incoherent scraps of thought without beginning or end passed through his mind. He sank into drowsiness. Perhaps the cold, or the dampness, or the dark, or the wind that howled under the window


He kept dwelling on images of flowers, he fancied a charming flower garden, a bright, warm, almost hot day, a holiday—Trinity day. A fine, sumptuous country cottage in the English taste overgrown with fragrant flowers, with flower beds going round the house; the porch, wreathed in climbers, was surrounded with beds of roses. A light, cool staircase, carpeted with rich rugs, was decorated with rare plants in china pots. He noticed particularly in the windows nosegays of tender, white, heavily fragrant narcissus bending over their bright, green, thick long stalks. He was reluctant to move away from them, but he went up the stairs

her little face all aglow

A thick milky mist hung over the town.

Her eyes fixed upon him, betrayed horror and infinite grief. And from those eyes alone he saw at once that she knew.

There was a gleam of fire in his lustreless eyes;

By that stupidity I only wanted to put myself into an independent position, to take the first step, to obtain means, and then everything would have been smoothed over by benefits immeasurable in comparison.… But I … I couldn’t carry out even the first step, because I am contemptible, that’s what’s the matter! And yet I won’t look at it as you do. If I had succeeded I should have been crowned with glory, but now I’m trapped.”


a cold shiver ran over her, but in a moment she guessed that the tone and the words were a mask. He spoke to her looking away, as though to avoid meeting her eyes.

pestering me with their stupid questions, which

his ideas seemed to gallop after one another,

that he had left her in the middle of the room in her green shawl, not daring to stir after he had shouted at her, and he stopped short for a moment. At the same instant, another thought dawned upon him, as though it had been lying in wait to strike him then.

It came over him like a fit; it was like a single spark kindled in his soul and spreading fire through him. Everything in him softened at once and the tears started into his eyes. He fell to the earth on the spot.…

Sonia was with him for ever and would follow him to the ends of the earth, wherever fate might take him. It wrung his heart … but he was just reaching the fatal place.

he answered very clearly with the coarsest frankness that the cause was his miserable position, his poverty and helplessness, and his desire to provide for his first steps in life by the help of the three thousand roubles he had reckoned on finding. He had been led to the murder through his shallow and cowardly nature, exasperated moreover by privation and failure. To the question what led him to confess, he answered that it was his heartfelt repentance. All this was almost coarse.…

After a fatiguing day spent in continual fancies, in joyful day dreams and tears, Pulcheria Alexandrovna was taken ill in the night and by morning she was feverish and delirious. It was brain fever.

Razumihins and received an answer with unfailing regularity

his pride had been stung to the quick. It was wounded pride that made him ill. Oh, how

And what comfort was it to him that at the end of eight years he would only be thirty-two and able to begin a new life! What had he to live for? What had he to look forward to? Why should he strive? To live in order to exist? Why, he had been ready a thousand times before to give up existence for the sake of an idea, for a hope, even for a fancy. Mere existence had always been too little for him; he had always wanted more. Perhaps it was just because of the strength of his desires that he had thought himself a man to whom more was permissible than to others.

He suffered too from the question: why had he not killed himself? Why had he stood looking at the river and preferred to confess? Was the desire to live so strong and was it so hard to overcome it? Had not Svidrigaïlov overcome it, although he was afraid of death?

He preferred to attribute it to the dead weight of instinct which he could not step over, again through weakness and meanness. He looked at his fellow prisoners and was amazed to see how they all loved life and prized it. It seemed to him that they loved and valued life more in prison than in freedom. What terrible agonies and privations some of them, the tramps for instance, had endured! Could they care so much for a ray of sunshine, for the primeval forest, the cold spring hidden away in some unseen spot which the tramp had marked three years before, and longed to see again, as he might to see his sweetheart, dreaming of the green grass round it and the bird singing in the bush? As he went on he saw still more inexplicable examples.


From the high bank a broad landscape opened before him, the sound of singing floated faintly audible from the other bank. In the vast steppe, bathed in sunshine, he could just see, like black specks, the nomads’ tents. There there was freedom, there other men were living, utterly unlike those here; there time itself seemed to stand still, as though the age of Abraham and his flocks had not passed.


They were both pale and thin; but those sick pale faces were bright with the dawn of a new future, of a full resurrection into a new life. They were renewed by love; the heart of each held infinite sources of life for the heart of the other.



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閱讀 ()評論 (61)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaxi' 的評論 : 謝謝遐西的來訪。沒什麽好羨慕的:), 不讀英文讀中文一樣收益,我隻是想英語再提高一些,逼著自己讀罷了。我還羨慕你呢,朗誦得這麽好,讀不少好散文,一定收益非淺的。謝謝你。
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 我來得巧,英文字體放大了,容易讀了!我看這類英文小說有困難,羨慕暖冬能讀那麽多英文小說。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬又來了,謝謝閱讀。這個其實是後麵200多頁的,因為電子版的,手指一點就可以了,不需要敲打,所以多了些,大多是描寫性的,留給自己再讀時回憶回憶。謝謝子喬,祝周末快樂!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 暖冬真沒少摘。“There are chance meetings with strangers that interest us from the first moment, before a word is spoken.” 在現實中確實經常碰到類似情況,有的可以持久,有的也會失望。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好!謝謝特意前來,這個就是抄書上的。對不起啊,字體大小,我晚上上電腦看看,放大一下。周末快樂,菲兒!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 又讀了英文學習了英文,字太小,暖冬:(
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '魏薇' 的評論 : 魏薇好,這不是我一個人概括的:)看了一些評論,自己也這麽認為。我已經不爬山了,現在活動很少,謝謝魏薇關心。祝夏安!
魏薇 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的寥寥幾句就總結出了這部小說成名的原因。厲害!我曾猜你可能比我大。運動也不可過度,我最近開始放慢了運動走路的速度,一周也休息1-2天。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '土豆-禾苗' 的評論 : 哈哈,土豆冒著被踢下床的危險,敢冒天下之大不韙說出來,不管你的觀點對否,你夠膽:) 等著挨磚啊:) 至於某人呢,喜歡裝深刻深沉,喜歡不隨大流,喜歡給我潑冷水,這樣才顯得他有水平,我已經習慣了,而且有時覺得有人挑刺也挺好。不過話說回來,文學一定是有它的地位的,尤其是以前交流渠道不多,我們現今也是通過文學作品了解那個年代。當然現在社會的發展,多媒體的發達,文學的作用有下降的趨勢。這個話題有點大,個人意見。謝謝土豆再次來訪,祝夏好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思韻如藍' 的評論 : 思韻妹妹來了,謝謝謝謝。謝謝你這掏心窩子的話,就喜歡聽你的大實話,人與人交往的真誠勝過一切。你這麽一說,我就不慚愧了,年輕時讀名著讀不進去,尤其是舊時代的故事很難共鳴。我想,名著是結合時代的產物,當然人性是永恒的。我現在都有點懷疑自己花這麽多時間讀小說到底有多大意義,如果純粹是學英語,不一定是通過讀小說啊。還沒有想明白呢。謝謝思韻妹妹的真心話,很高興有你,祝夏安!
土豆-禾苗 回複 悄悄話 記恨在心。
土豆-禾苗 回複 悄悄話 回複 '思韻如藍' 的評論 :

思韻如藍 回複 悄悄話 暖冬姐,我最喜歡你的實在: 讀了經典,並沒有想象的好。我覺得一點不奇怪,不要責怪自己不夠"深刻"。我們都到了該相信自己的真心的年齡了。生命苦短,不能都耗費在被世界忽悠上了。對文學作品的欣賞講的是緣分,我甚至敢說,近半數的經典作品與我不會有緣分。我尊重自己,毫不內疚地放下。

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'la-vie' 的評論 : 謝謝la-vie到訪和留言。好好照顧先生吧,同時照顧好自己,This might be a long battle. 祝福你們!
la-vie 回複 悄悄話 佩服讀大部頭書的人
Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery。一點不錯
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaxi' 的評論 : 遐西好!遐西也讀過中文版的,你們都是愛讀書的人。總體上我不太喜歡讀翻譯的小說,讀英文是因為想乘機提高英文水平。遐西過獎了,我也不知道這樣的狀態能維持多久。祝遐西新周好!
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 上學的時候讀過這書的中文版,現在靜不下心來認真讀書了。暖冬讀的英文版,好佩服啊!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 聞香好,聞香也是博覽群書的人,年輕時就讀過了。我這篇更多的是概括,因為讀完了覺得沒有想象中的那麽好,當然作者一定是深刻的。我看到網上說,托爾斯泰是以廣度出名,陀思妥耶夫斯基是以深度出眾。謝謝聞香,祝好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬又來了,謝謝。這本小說的金句不多,我抄錄下來的更多是描寫表達用語。等下了首頁吧,如果你感興趣的話。馬上又是周一了,子喬新周好!
yy56 回複 悄悄話 很早讀過這本書,但是沒有你這麽深刻的感觸。特別讚同你的這句話,“貧窮是罪惡的根源。”
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 “Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery.”——真精辟啊。等著你貼其他金句。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好,是的,貧窮是可怕的,這就是為什麽首先要解決溫飽問題,窮極了會鋌而走險的。謝謝鬆鬆,新周快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ARooibosTea' 的評論 : 茶妹好!你這孜孜不倦四個字,希望我能不愧之,現在有時上班都在偷偷看啊:) 謝謝茶妹,新周好!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 暖暖好書評,貧窮真是能導致人犯罪和喪失良知。
ARooibosTea 回複 悄悄話 孜孜不倦的讀書,感悟書中真諦。暖冬你讓我佩服啊!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Good analogy, my friend. I guess it all boils down to one word,usage. I used to collect some silver coins, china, etc., but stop doing now. I am now at the age of unloading:) I think reading on borrowed books gives me a sense of urgency. Unfortunately I couldn't produce any good writing recently. Thanks my friend for your visit.
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 I have never read D but these years have heard from a few sources about his works.
I have all his books on kindle but never get around to it.
So owning them doesn't mean anything in my case.
Could it be the same as trying to own wealth more than one needs?

Thanks for sharing and keep up the good reading!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 : 謝謝一講來捧場,說的是耶,社會底層人民的掙紮,到任何時代任何國家都存在的,故作品會永恒,經典。小說裏的窮人很窮很窮的,一件破衣服半夜洗了晾幹第二天再穿。 這樣的窮人估計現在應該很少了,時代畢竟在發展,不過底層人一樣有無言的苦痛。祝一講新周快樂!
每天一講 回複 悄悄話 沒讀過,不過看了暖冬的介紹,我想小說的成功在於寫了生活在社會低層的人們,他們的命運,他們的向望,他們的人生往往是被其他人所左右。隻要人類社會存在一天,這類作品永遠也不會過時。因為在這些作品中,你可以讀到自己和周圍的人。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '土豆-禾苗' 的評論 : 土豆好,我這是順手拿的,好奇心驅使著我讀下去的。你這個信息很有用,最後這個結論是我自己疑疑惑惑下的,你說的很對,主人公自始至終沒有明顯的慚悔之意,所以我才在想,為什麽小說的名字是《罪與罰》。你的德國作家的評論一定可以給我一些啟發,我有空來搜搜。土豆懂得真多。是的,作家自己的人生經曆這麽豐富,本身就是一部巨著,我們的人生也可以寫一篇小小說的:)謝謝你,土豆新周好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 水沫過獎了,你們年輕時候都讀過了,我呢,趁現在還有一股子勁,趕緊讀一本是一本。謝謝水沫,等著你的小說呢。
土豆-禾苗 回複 悄悄話 這年頭還能讀陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪與罰》,實在佩服你!!!



德國人Reinhard Lauth寫的《Die Philosophie Dostojewskis 》(陀思妥耶夫斯基哲學)可以稍微翻看一下,有幫助但肯定很枯燥。那些大作家本人,就是一部巨作。
水沫 回複 悄悄話 暖冬精神可嘉,肯花時間讀大部頭,我在年輕的時候囫圇吞棗地讀了許多世界名著,現在感覺都啃不動了,要向暖冬學習~~
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬好! 你說得好,文學即人學,某人看我讀書,曾戲言,文學作品的作用和意義是overrated,但是誰又敢否認像魯迅這樣的文學巨匠,剖析人性的深刻給人帶來的震撼和警醒呢?我是年輕時不讀書,現在補。 像陀的作品還真是需要一點耐心、閱曆(女兒就說過,那本書不好讀:) 子喬新周好!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 wow,暖冬在啃大部頭啊,佩服。年輕的時候讀了很多世界名著,其實大都沒讀懂。有了一定的生活閱曆之後再讀,才慢慢體會出為什麽好。就像我讀魯迅,年輕的時候隻是覺得讀著痛快淋漓,現在再讀才體會到魯迅犀利的背後是對人性的深刻剖析和悲憫。文學就是人學,揭示人性的文學才能傳世。所幸的是年齡帶給我們成長。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 菲兒好,菲兒說得好,《因法之名》我碰巧看了一些,是啊,法醫是良心不安自首,其實這本小說裏的主人公R最後自首好像不完全是良心譴責,有女友的規勸,有宗教的因素在裏麵。網上也有人評論說,主人公自始至終沒有覺得自己殺人殺錯了類似這樣的懺悔。這也是讓我比較迷惑不解的地方。可能作者的深度我還沒有完全理解。謝謝菲兒臨博和《因法之名》的聯想,最大的罰是內心深處的處罰。菲兒新周好!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 暖冬的書評寫得太精彩了,非常深刻的人性刨析。

暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '哈瑞' 的評論 : 哈博士好!謝謝眼鏡專家的建議,我們浙江原來是個眼鏡基地,我溫州的叔叔很多年前也是做眼鏡生意的,隻是哈博士是高端產品。我剛剛配了一副新的progressive的,能變色的,下次留心一下你說的這個。祝周日好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm啊,今天還真有點多愁善感呢,被你這句青出於藍勝於藍笑了。本家在兜售他的五千年啊,希望他不僅文字功底好,口才也好,這樣書才賣的好。祝他演講出售成功! 本家有才,我怎麽能跟他比呢。有mm真好,暖心,甜心,隔著這麽遠都讀出我的心思,謝謝!
哈瑞 回複 悄悄話 跟著暖老師讀書:)
配副抗藍光的 reading glasses, 閱讀不會覺得累。
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm啊,我覺得現在才是好日子呢,那時我們隻會欣賞別人的文評和小說,現在我們自己寫文評和小說了,是不是?:)你本家正在全國各地演講簽名售書呢,要知道暖mm的文評水平,一定會引以為豪,感歎青出於藍而勝於藍!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '康賽歐' 的評論 : 對不起康康,差點漏了你的。是的,我也很珍惜現在能靜下心來讀書的時間,但是有時又迷惑的,讀這些書幹嘛,人生是不是有更重要的事情要做?這位大作家是個基督徒,你想,他自己在斷頭台上被沙皇赦免死罪的,命有多大,他能不信命,信老天嗎?謝謝康康留言,新周好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '紫嫣淡染' 的評論 : 紫嫣好!紫嫣要回國啊,祝你回國之旅收獲多多!我現在基本不買書了,能把女兒留下的書讀完就不錯了:) 現在開始上年紀了,眼睛老花的厲害,紙書看起來還是吃力些,所以也是要抓緊讀了。謝謝紫嫣,祝夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '碧藍天' 的評論 : 藍mm好!你們年輕時讀過很多名著,功底已經打好了,才有今天創作的資本。羨慕你們呢。問候藍mm夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'tbd' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友,謝謝你的留言和input, 聽書是個好主意,把時間都利用起來了。我以後有機會也來試試。你一定是文學愛好者,讀不少名著。俄國歐洲確實有不少好作品,經典力作,畢竟曆史淵源流長。感謝這些大作家,讓曆史停留在紙上,讓我們後代人有機會了解品讀。謝謝你,家裏好像有包法利夫人的,以後有機會來讀讀。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm早,說心裏話,是自己寫不出文章了,幹涸的,有時把自己以前寫的拿出來看,確也驚訝自己的水平:) 想起跟你學寫詩,真是有點恍惚的,想起和你一起去本家那兒讀小說開玩笑,好日子都去哪兒了?懷念啊!人生苦短的,真是謝謝有你,讓我也跟著寫詩浪漫了一回。謝謝mm的誇讚,不敢當的。祝mm夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'spot321' 的評論 : 點點好,我以前不讀書的,你們年輕時讀的書多,所以功底也深。謝謝點點臨博。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '曉青' 的評論 : 謝謝曉青領導臨博贈言,人生處處有哲理,有讓人感悟的地方。周日快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '黑貝王妃' 的評論 : 王妃好,你是正牌中文專業的,這部小說是不是外國文學的必讀書啊。王妃說得對,貪心也是罪惡的根源,人的本性貪婪的。謝謝你的留言。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南島水鳥' 的評論 : 南島好!謝謝你的喜歡共鳴,小說裏麵這樣的警句並不多的,作者的長處是心理描寫。南島周日好!
紫嫣淡染 回複 悄悄話 讀書是獲取精神養分,關鍵是讀什麽樣的書,這次回國將買些紙質書試試讀。謝謝暖冬的榜樣!
碧藍天 回複 悄悄話 謝謝暖冬美眉好書評! 突然發現自己最近都沒讀名著。
tbd 回複 悄悄話 十分喜歡罪與罰,最近幾年走路遛狗聽了很多本書,最喜歡的是幾本俄國作家的,罪與罰,安娜卡列尼娜,父與子,福樓拜的包法利夫人。我最喜歡的地方是那些極其細膩的心理描寫,以及作者對社會,人性的極其深刻的理解和剖析。
Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery ,這句話非常同意,非常精辟。
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 一直未見暖mm更新博客,原來又在讀巨作寫文評,你的文評越寫越精彩,想起以前夏老師也常寫文評,你們本家的水平不相上下。你說得很對,一部偉大的作品一定來源於生活,很多能夠感動到讀者的文字一定是作者親曆過的。謝謝介紹這篇小說,俄國出了很多著名小說家,是時代的產物。驚歎於他們小說中對人性的深度刻畫。期待暖mm下一篇文評。
spot321 回複 悄悄話 這本書是很久很久以前讀過的,印象早已經很淡了。謝謝南島喚醒了我的記憶!
曉青 回複 悄悄話 讀書讓人感悟。謝謝分享!
康賽歐 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享!因果報應,可是現實真是這樣嗎。能坐下來讀書已不易,能把書中的話當格言的更不易,不過盡管現實很骨幹,還是要相信那些格言警語,使自己有所敬畏。
黑貝王妃 回複 悄悄話 被暖冬提醒,這書學過讀過,現在剩下的記憶就是書名了!再回去讀讀!貧窮還有貪心都可以為罪惡的根源。
南島水鳥 回複 悄悄話 Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery +1 。
Even though people hiding the truth in court。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 我讀的小說英文版是由Constance Garnett翻譯的。托爾斯泰的《安娜卡列尼娜》也是他翻譯的。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 沒想到這書評也上首頁,還想貼些書中的好詞好句呢。就抄一句在下麵,等下了首頁再貼

Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery. If there’s the hundredth part of a false note in speaking the truth, it leads to a discord, and that leads to trouble. But if all, to the last note, is false in flattery, it is just as agreeable, and is heard not without satisfaction. It may be a coarse satisfaction, but still a satisfaction. And however coarse the flattery, at least half will be sure to seem true.