
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2023-05-27 11:18:49) 下一個
這是樹上最後一兩串枇杷。期間也沒有吃到幾顆好的。倒是同事送了一小袋。後來邊上的朋友又專門開車送了一大袋,說她的是白沙枇杷,好吃,容易剝皮也比較甜。確實不錯, 要感謝朋友的熱心!








Entering May one day, Em heard over the radio that the covid-19 public health emergency and national state of emergency are officially declared to be over. Delighted at the news but worried that the full return to workplace may one day required by the company, Em wishes that the current hybrid working mode could persist.  An alternating two days in the office and three days working from home is the best combination to her. With three days working at home, her mornings are never hectic, as she could log in her computer in her night robe.  When it comes to downtime at work, she could even work from bed.  She normally takes about half an hour nap at noon, but of course if the job asks for overtime, she would work late into the night too.  If pandemic ever did anything positive, it is the change of palpable life style and work style. In her mid-50s, she is no longer career-oriented; her enthusiasm ebbs as the aging creeps upon.  Showing up in the office twice a week however spices up her boring life.  Some watercooler moments in the office kitchen, face- to- face interactions with the old co-workers are delightful, connecting her to the outside world.  

It is another typical day working from home, as Em put on her jacket and sat at the desk next to the window. It is almost June, but the weather this year is unusually cold and gloomy. She opened the window to let in the crisp air and zipped up her jacket. Then peering out the window, she scoured the leafy loquat tree in the backyard for any squirrel.  The community this year is so infested with squirrels that their presence arouses disquiet in Em’s mind. Her sound sleep is irritably disrupted in the early mornings by the rustling sound from the backyard, or the alarming wind chime Em purposely hung on the tree.  Several times, half asleep, she sprinted from the bed to the window, to check if it’s a squirrel again that made the sound, and unfailingly she would see a furry- tailed squirrel shakily crushing its body over the branch lunging for the loquats. Em would shush forcecibly, her right palm slapping hard against the window sill. However penetrating the sound may be, the emboldened squirrel would not be scared. It would quickly slip down to the wall nearby and stare at her, defiantly.  Pulling up her pants, Em would rush downstairs, open the door, take a broom and swoop it up in the air.  Only then would the squirrel run away, but Em knows that it would soon come back.

As the only fruit tree in the backyard, the loquat tree is like an apple in Em’s eye.  This year however, from the time the loquat started fruiting last autumn, Em’s expectations wane and wax.  Aware of the squirrels in the area, Em prepares early-- fruit bags were purchased from Temu, netted bags and paper bags were collected, and up onto a tall ladder she laboriously wrapped the fruit - -but all to no avail. Bags, nylon or paper, are torn apart, and almost every day the ground and the wall are littered with the loquat pits and remnants, some still green and unripe.

And they would have all gone if Em did not have the three days working from home.  On the days Em works from home, she would sit at the desk in front of the window and be watchful, like a farmer watching over the ripening watermelon in the stories she read in her childhood.   But even so, in the month-long battle, however sensitive and detective her eyes and ears are trained by then, the loquats on the tree diminish in a downward spiral. To keep the last few clusters at bay, Em resorted to her friend’s suggestion of using plastic boxes to contain them.

Em’s husband however frowned upon the idea, as he saw what he called junkie plastic boxes strewn over the tree.  As he failed to dissuade Em, he joined her in the discussion of finding effective ways to deter squirrels, jokingly broaching the topic of an AI invention which would fly up and hover around whenever the squirrel appears.

Em couldn’t wait for the loquat season to end!

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閱讀 ()評論 (57)
風河零九 回複 悄悄話 鬆鼠和鳥每個果子上啄幾口,而它們吃過的我不敢再吃,怕????傳染病之類的,我家前後左右都有大樹,鬆鼠每天上竄下跳在屋麵上奔跑,小狗是住在屋子裡的,偶爾放出去小便時會趕鬆鼠,杯水車薪不起作用,鬆鼠不怕狗,退到安全地段後開始挑釁,發出咕咕的鳥叫聲。我以前給枇杷和梨套塑料袋,效果不好,今年用草莓盒吧。謝謝美文,每一篇都是一種享受。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Thanks for the info, my friend. The season is over, and I will keep it in mind for next year. But squirrels have tempers, just so you know, and I am afraid of its revenge. I am not joking:) Looking forward to your new story of Bill!
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : Go to BIG 5 or Dick's Sporting Goods for the slingshot. You can get them online, too. People do use them for hunting.

In fact, a new story of Bill is on its way. Stay tuned.
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Thanks, my friend, for reading and your comment. Thanks for the word "slingshot"(I only know the word "catapult":)) I thought about that, but then it is hard to find here, or simply I did not try harder.
I think in the end it is not the loquat that made me obsessive, but the emotion attached after 6 more months of fertilizing and expectation of course:))
I actually kind of miss your "Stories of Bill":-)
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 I liked the word 'scour,' very apt here.

I would try slingshots on the squirrels. It's fun and appeals to our hunter nature.

I can't quite get the obsession with the fruit, though. Maybe I haven't tasted the real thing :-)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 歡迎聞香回城!有快兩年不見了,但是記得你中間特意來看我一回,謝謝聞香又來看我!我們一起再次攜手同行吧。鬆鼠很討厭的,估計你那個無花果也是遭動物偷襲了。希望聞香這段時間一切安好,也祝你兒子也各方麵都好,事業人生都豐收!
yy56 回複 悄悄話 我們原來住在德州時,一樹的無花果今天就都不見了,大概也是鬆鼠吃了。好在你有辦法了。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '心雨煙塵' 的評論 : 心雨好!枇杷葉是治咳嗽的,如果你有時候咳嗽不好,可以試著煮枇杷葉,要洗去葉背後的毛茸茸的東西,然後煮水喝。枇杷果的營養價值也很高,吃起來就是籽太多。在我們這裏陽光好,種什麽長什麽,隻是我家後院陽光太少。
心雨煙塵 回複 悄悄話 曖冬啊,今年早春加州雨水多所以今年枇杷長勢喜人,金燦燦油亮亮圓澄澄。我家兩棵枇杷樹基本上也是奉獻給小鬆鼠的。小鬆鼠的樣子真是呆萌可愛,但是牠們糟蹋枇杷毫不手軟,咬幾口就放棄了,又吃新的。我就站在枇杷樹下拍視頻,牠們也不怕,還不時停下來看看我。


暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '眸影搖紅' 的評論 : 搖紅好! 是題目枇杷兩字把你吸引進來的吧:)枇杷是你的最愛啊,枇杷好吃就是籽太多。這裏很多人家都種有枇杷,還看到有人家不摘的,最後幹在樹上:))你考慮搬到溫暖的地方啊,這樣就可以種了:) 謝謝搖紅留言,六月快樂!
眸影搖紅 回複 悄悄話 枇杷是我的最愛,可惜吃不到。前兩周在視頻裏看媽媽吃枇杷,給我饞的。今兒又被cool 夏的枇杷饞了一番。。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '覺曉' 的評論 : 謝謝覺曉鼓勵!好,我們都一起努力!我會接著寫,因為寫得少,平時又習慣用中文思維,寫起來累的,每次要改好幾遍還不滿意。不過就是練練筆。謝謝啊!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'elfie' 的評論 : woops, it takes about half a year... Sorry for such a mistake.
覺曉 回複 悄悄話 我在ipad上讀完英文篇,方便多了。你用到ebbs, 我想到在小說The Bookshop裏,這個詞給我印象深。暖冬,繼續寫。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Ulysses777' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友Ulysses! 看到你的留言我就笑了,我就是你前麵提到的累的敗下陣來的人!我其實中間已經放棄了,想著鬥不過就算了,可一看到它們來,每天來好幾次,又氣不打一處出,辛辛苦苦大半年啊。我的社區比較新,所以大家的院子都比較小,種果樹的人家不多。加上我的後院也很小,冬天陽光不足,枇杷長得也少,真是寶啊。去年就有鬆鼠了,但是沒有這麽猖獗的。以前前麵有一排大樹,樹上有鷹hawks,vulture等,後來大樹砍了,鷹不見了,鬆鼠就泛濫了。我都有過一個念頭想過把枇杷樹砍了算了。今年真的沒吃到幾顆。
謝謝你給我的留言!這篇博文本來就是一則短日記,很高興有你這樣的留言!Enjoy your fruit season!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '覺曉' 的評論 : 覺曉好!謝謝你來閱讀我的英文部分,估計讀的人屈指可數的,我也是練練筆,寫得累寫得也不好,你覺得累就不要讀了,還是去讀美國人英國人的文章,寫得好的太多了。謝謝覺曉,祝你和廚師長團圓快樂!
Ulysses777 回複 悄悄話 今年是枇杷大年,現在我家仍是一樹枇杷,這幾年動物和鳥來少了,我想是因為鄰居家的果實也起來了,動物們也吃????過來了吧?
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'elfie' 的評論 : Hi, elfie! Thanks for stopping by and your comment. Right, loquats flower in autumn, and it take about half a year to grow and ripe. I like its leathery leaves too, ever green and shady.
I guess quite some fruit trees are vulnerable to frost and low temperature, not to say those tropical fruits. I have dragon fruit in my backyard too, which would not survive for cold winter. Probably you can try growing an apple tree:))
Thanks again for your visit. Have a great long weekend!
Ulysses777 回複 悄悄話 十多年前在後院種下了一棵枇杷樹,因為是嫁接樹,當年便有果實。當時鳥來吃,鬆鼠來吃,opossums 也來吃. 我想盡一切辦法與它們爭鬥,最終累得敗下陣來。反思細想:我一人怎麽鬥得過大自然呢?我為什不能在思想上上一個台階—與大自然和諧相處呢?我是大自然的一員,鳥兒動物不也是大自然的成員麽?有果子時我享用,同時也歡迎大自然中的任何動物來享用。從此以後,我人不累,心裏更平靜。每年的枇杷人和動物都吃不完,便往鄰居家送,帶去公司與同事分享…
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm好!你時差倒過來了吧,長周末好好休息吧。謝謝你來讀我的英語,這篇還想著編輯一下結果沒想到還上了首頁改不了了,還有字都沒有寫完整的。知道寫英文沒什麽人讀的,真是練筆呢,謝謝你的閱讀!
所以啊,如果一個人有了成見,可愛的東西就會變成了可惡的了,對鬆鼠的印象已經完全被破壞了,反而對烏鴉的印象變好了。有一年一隻烏鴉也來偷吃,被我看見趕跑以後就再也沒有見烏鴉來過,這就叫識相,哈哈哈:)我們家的某人就是動動嘴而已,還說那個AI的名字都取好了,就叫My Backyard Buddy:) 說笑而已。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'BeijingGirl1' 的評論 : 京妞好!謝謝你閱讀我的英語部分,寫英語是練筆頭,寫得累也有很多錯誤。今天下午出去了,後來回來忙著做飯吃飯,我已經看到elfie的留言了,謝謝京妞這麽有心啊,也謝謝你的鼓勵,我也就是練練筆,平日裏還是習慣用中文。京妞六月快樂!
覺曉 回複 悄悄話 “like a farmer watching over the ripening watermelon in the stories she read in her childhood. ”很想打印下來讀。網絡閱讀眼睛累。但是這句還是笑了。:)
elfie 回複 悄悄話 I have planted loquat but it's too cold for it to bear any fruit. Loquat doesn't bear fruits in growth zone 8, frost in late November,early December kills the late autumn flowers. So unless I move to FL there won't be any fruit.
But it has tropical, leathery leaves for decoration.
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm,要不是知道這小鬆鼠偷吃了你的枇杷,還想說它可愛呢。這最後一串小枇杷精致漂亮,個個小巧圓潤,save the best last. :)Em的英文筆記一如既往地如行雲流水,讓AI守護你的後果園可是好主意,趕緊讓你家那位加加班,等著他的果園守護機器人問世。:)))
BeijingGirl1 回複 悄悄話 I like to read your English writing too. It's really unique. There is a lady Elfie, who usually writes comments in English, well, at least in my blog. I wonder which part she would enjoy more when she reads your blog... I want to introduce your blog to Elfie next time when I can. :)
BeijingGirl1 回複 悄悄話 暖冬長周末愉快。 這串小枇杷確實很漂亮,像藝術品照片。 看到 And they would have all gone if Em did not have the three days WFH, 我樂了, 想著這確實也是疫情的貢獻。 後麵的英文部分我也很喜歡。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'xiaxi' 的評論 : 遐西啊,如果是防鳥,Temu上有袋子賣,專門的水果袋子(fruit bag),綠色的透明的尼龍袋,挺好用的,但是不能防鬆鼠的,防鳥可以。當然這個盒子也更能防鳥。遐西長周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '少壯軍人' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友少壯!非常感謝你的建議,這就是文學城集思廣益的地方。明年一定來試試。再次感謝,祝長周末快樂!
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 今年試試用你的這招保護棗子,要不然每年1/3喂了鳥。
xiaxi 回複 悄悄話 你們那裏鬆鼠那麽猖狂啊!我家枇杷有鳥來吃,所以一看到變黃,馬上摘下來。
少壯軍人 回複 悄悄話 有一妙招將衛生球或者叫樟腦丸放在小塑料瓶裏,外麵紮些眼,掛在琵琶數上,鬆鼠懼怕這種味道。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '歲月沈香' 的評論 : 沈香好!是的,沒有朋友這一招,今年估計吃不到什麽好枇杷。當鬆鼠成為禍害時就不可愛了:))沈香六月快樂!
歲月沈香 回複 悄悄話 朋友的妙招還真可行,枇杷保住了,還不錯。鬆鼠可愛也可恨:)祝暖冬周末愉快!夏安!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Tina_芬蘭' 的評論 : Tina好!是無奈啊,鬥不過鬆鼠,連塑料盒子都用上了:)不知道怎麽防兔子啊,我們家後院的台階下有一年兔子來做窩都塌陷下去,後來把洞口堵了。不知道怎麽能防它吃草的。Tina六月快樂!
Tina_芬蘭 回複 悄悄話 我沒有枇杷樹,沒想到防鬆鼠的辦法這麽好玩兒,有沒有防野兔子的好法子,他們每天每天到院子裏來,草皮都讓他們啃禿了,趕走了又來,來了又趕,煩死了。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '南山鬆' 的評論 : 鬆鬆好!嗯,明年就準備用這個辦法啦,不過如果太多了也套不過來的,現在是尾聲了。鬆鬆長周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '黑貝王妃' 的評論 : 王妃好!其實我們這邊以前熱的時間很長,熱的也早,今年氣候很特別,澳洲今年天氣正常嗎?是不是全球氣候都有點不正常?謝謝王妃臨帖,六月快樂!
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 這招真好,以後早早套上枇杷,讓鬆鼠禍害不了:)
黑貝王妃 回複 悄悄話 你們那邊熱的晚,我們這邊冷得早,樹葉還沒掉 就已經冬天的感覺了。枇杷看著很好吃!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小聲音' 的評論 : 小小啊,如果隻是防小鳥,你可以在Temu上買那種綠色的小尼龍袋子,蠻便宜的,也挺好看的,我套上後,小鳥不來吃的,但是鬆鼠不行,會咬破的。唉,最好不要有鬆鼠的,很猖狂的。小小長周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '無法弄' 的評論 : 弄弄好!鬆鼠的繁殖力蠻強的,一窩生3-5,我們這裏今年比去年多多了,還看見一家四口在一起爬樹的:)(我估計是一家的:)要掃清禍害的:)隻是這裏不知道社區管不管的,他們說,鬆鼠還築窩的,很討厭的。弄弄六月快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Zap_241' 的評論 : 歡迎新朋友Zap!上次也有網友建議去home depot買網,後來上網查了查,有賣,但是也有人說防鳥可以,防鬆鼠不行。一般的鳥類,Temu上賣的水果袋(fruit bag)就可以防了。謝謝你的建議!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水星98' 的評論 : 水星兄好!枇杷味道倒是不錯,但是除去籽剝去皮沒什麽肉了:)你的葡萄也可以套上這樣塑料盒:)) 你如果不嫌難看,反正我們家是有人在叫,把垃圾套在樹上:))確實人鬥不過鬆鼠的。水星兄六月快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '海風隨意吹' 的評論 : 海風姐,最好買那種大的塑料盒,裝草莓那種,比較好,大了,鬆鼠啃也要啃半天,人還是要留心的,鬆鼠很可惡的。希望你的藍莓免遭鬆鼠的禍害:)長周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '我生活著' 的評論 : 生活好!枇杷看品種的,我這個是從籽開始種起來的,朋友給的,挺甜的,有時候同一樹上的越小的越甜,隻是太小了沒什麽肉。鴿子也要吃芥菜啊,個人認為不要撒鳥食,這樣更是引誘它來啊,看看網一下有沒有用。六月快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'PeonyInJuly' 的評論 : 七月好!哈哈,估計沒有受其害的還是會喜歡它:)很討厭的。那個烏鴉有一次也來吃過,趕過一次就沒有再來了,這個鬆鼠好可惡的:)好)七月六月快樂!
小聲音 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,暖冬,這可真是好辦法,也學一招,我們這裏雖然沒有鬆鼠,但有小鳥:))
無法弄 回複 悄悄話 鬆鼠啥時候成禍害了,現在北京的公園裏,街道的樹上也有鬆鼠到處跑。看文革的時候,這些東西都沒有:)老大革命得徹底啊:)怪不得要急赤白臉地輸出呢:)想吃枇杷了:)
Zap_241 回複 悄悄話 去Home Depot買尺寸合適的網套上果樹,鳥就吃不到了。
水星98 回複 悄悄話 暖冬家的枇杷真誘人,我都想摘幾顆來吃了。我們家種的是葡萄和花草,可惜我自己從來吃不成,因為鬆鼠和浣熊總是提前一步。這自然界裏植物和動物相比總是落於下風,沒辦法。
海風隨意吹 回複 悄悄話 謝謝暖冬分享妙招,我家沒有枇杷,但有一棵藍莓,每次都是剛結果,鬆鼠小鳥就吃了。趕緊去套塑料盒。
我生活著 回複 悄悄話 真是妙招哦!枇杷很飽滿,一定很甜吧。這幾天我種的芥蘭也被鴿子吃剩下梗子了,我在想辦法,還沒有執行:在空地上撒上一些鴿子愛吃的東西,它是不是就不吃我的菜了呢?
PeonyInJuly 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,小鬆鼠那落寞的眼神兒。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'cxyz' 的評論 : 也給小C上茶,這麽沒有營養的文章浪費你們時間啊:)
cxyz 回複 悄悄話 跟菲兒擠擠,枇杷漂亮,鬆鼠可愛。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 給菲兒上茶!不好意思這麽短的沒什麽質量的文章也上首頁,就是日記啊。真的與鬆鼠鬥鬥不過,還好這一招有點用。理解一般人都會覺得鬆鼠可愛,萌的,除非它們掃蕩你家後院的果實:)菲兒長周末快樂!
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈,這個塑料盒套枇杷真是太有創意了,小枇杷好漂亮,可惡的小鬆鼠看著也很萌!暖冬長周末快樂!:)