~Happy Holiday~
文章來源: 米蘭2006-12-22 18:42:00

Dear Friends,

As the holidays approach, it gives me an opportunity to acknowledge someone very special... YOU!

That's why I've attached that I'd like to share with you...

Wish you a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

With love,

11 Ways To Enrich Your Life Every Day                ZT

1- Express your GRATITUDE for everything you have at least once a day-to yourself or someone else.

2- GIVE SOMEONE A GIFT today, Bring light into somone's life. Do something for someone without the expectation of a return favor-a simple compliment or positive statement can be the greatest of gifts.

3- Take 20 minutes each day to PRACTICE YOUR SPIRITUALITY. Take time to meditate, quiet your mind, pray, and remember your blessings;

4- READ something truly inspiring every day. Read something every day to improve your career. Read something every day to positively stimulate your mind and emotions and bring a higher quality of life.

5- EXERCISE! Walk, work-out, bicycle, run, swim, or dance-at least 30 minutes every day. Breathe deeply at least once an hour throughout the day. Drink at least 6 tall glasses of pure water a day.

6- Take time each day to COMMUNE WITH NATURE and silently witness the beauty and wonder of every living thing.

7- Live in the PRESENT MOMENT. Intensify your immediate focus on getting the most out of each second of the day. Do only one thing at a  time. Forget the ghosts of the past. Envision and plan your future with passion, but live in the present.

8- AVOID NEGATIVE people, influences, and situations in your life. Nurture your mind with habitual healthy thoughts. Nurture your body with healthy foods.

9- INTERACT LOVINGLY with your family. Have breakfast and dinner with them. Talk to them. Listen deeply. Hug and kiss them, and tell them you love them.

10- FORGIVE. Release bad feelings and hostility towards yourself and other people every moment of each day. Don't let bad feelings ferment. Don't go to bed without clearing up misunderstandings with those close to you.

11-Each day, focus on the UNIQUE GIFTS AND TALENTS you are here to give to humanity. There is something that you do better than anyone else in the entire world. How can you best serve humanity with this unique talent? Insist on making your contribution to the world. Share your success with others.