文章來源: fanghuzhai2015-02-02 10:46:20



想問沙漠借那一根曲線 I want to borrow the threads of the dunes
縫件披風為你禦寒 sewing a cloak for you against the cold
用肺腑去觸摸你的靈魂 I want to touch your soul with my heart
我就在那隻火爐邊取暖 And warming myself by the stove of yours
想問姻緣借那一根紅線I want to borrow the red thread of marriage
深埋生命血脈相連 laying deep a line of blood for the lives of us
用絲綢去潤澤你的肌膚 I want to nourish your skin with smooth silk
我就在那個懷抱裏纏綿 And indulging myself in your arms
你總是隨手把銀簪插在太陽上麵 You always wear your silver hairpins on the sun
萬道光芒蓬鬆著你長發的波瀾 Its thousands of rays display the waves of your hair
我聞著芬芳跋涉著無限遠 Following your fragrance I start a trek to come here
隻為看清你的容顏 To see your visage close and clear
你總不小心把倩影靠在月亮上麵 You always cast your graceful shadow on the moon
萬頃月光舞動著你優美的夢幻 It’s miles of light dances with your beautiful dreams
我聞著芬芳跋涉著無限遠 Following your fragrance I start a trek to come here
隻為看清你的容顏To see your visage close and clear
誰與美人共浴沙河互為一天地 Who bathes with you in unison in the river of sand?
誰與美人共枕夕陽長醉兩千年 Who lies with you intoxicated in the sun thousands of years?
從未說出我是你的塵埃 I never said I was a piece of your dust
但你卻是我的樓蘭 But you are indeed my Loulan





