文章來源: 外鄉人2007-12-15 13:49:38


可實際的情況是,斯坦福的兒子16歲在意大利死於傷寒,根本沒有上過哈佛。兒子死後,斯坦福夫婦想在加州建一所學校紀念他們的兒子。從意大利回到美國後,斯坦福夫婦在東部,拜訪了哈佛,康乃爾,MIT以及約翰·霍普金斯大學哈佛當時的校長Charles W. Eliot還為斯坦福夫婦作了估算,他們大概需要500萬就可使一學校以其子冠名。斯坦福大學關於其起源的文中還說,斯坦福先生係加州前州長且非常富有,根本不會有被怠慢隻可能。


Dispelling an Urban Myth

You may have heard a story that a lady in "faded gingham" (Jane Stanford) and a man dressed in a "homespun threadbare suit" (Leland Stanford) went to visit the president of Harvard, were rebuffed, and as a result, went on to found their own university in Palo Alto. This untrue story is an urban myth, and Stanford's archivist has prepared a response for those desiring more information:

 For what it is worth, there was a book written by the then Harvard president's son that may have started the twist on actual events.

 Leland Stanford Junior was just short of his 16th birthday when he died of typhoid fever in Florence, Italy on March 13, 1884. He had not spent a year at Harvard before his death, nor was he "accidentally killed." Following Leland Junior's death, the Stanfords determined to found an institution in his name that would serve the "children of California."

 Detained on the East Coast following their return from Europe, the Stanfords visited a number of universities and consulted with the presidents of each. The account of their visit with Charles W. Eliot at Harvard is actually recounted by Eliot himself in a letter sent to David Starr Jordan (Stanford's first president) in 1919. At the point the Stanfords met with Eliot, they apparently had not yet decided about whether to establish a university, a technical school or a museum. Eliot recommended a university and told them the endowment should be $5 million. Accepted accounts indicate that Jane and Leland looked at each other and agreed they could manage that amount.

 The thought of Leland and Jane, by this time quite wealthy, arriving at Harvard in a faded gingham dress and homespun threadbare suit is quite entertaining. And, as a former governor of California and well-known railroad baron, they likely were not knowingly kept waiting for too long outside Eliot's office. The Stanfords also visited Cornell, MIT and Johns Hopkins.

 The Stanfords established two institutions in Leland Junior's name -- the University and the Museum, which was originally planned for San Francisco, but moved to adjoin the university.





















   校長的臉在困惑不解中變得十分難看。這兩位老人:斯坦福先生和夫人站起來,緩緩地離開了哈佛大學,他們來到加利福尼亞的帕拉托(Palo Alto),在這裏他們以自己的名字建了一所學校,以紀念他們早逝的兒子。
