發現自我、找到真愛的第二個問題 (Purpose finder - 2nd question)
文章來源: carpe_diem2006-11-26 09:06:07
The first question is actually not tough. You might have come up with a long list of what you love to do, and only found it a bit tough to rank them in order of importance. Glad you've done it, and hope you feel good about it. Now, here comes the real tough question:

2. What Is Important To Me?

Additional Clues:

What would I commit myself to if money were not an object?
If I only had five years to live, what would I absolutely have to accomplish for my life to have been meaningful?
What do I stand for?
What won't I stand for?
What has caused me to make great sacrifices in the past?
What would I be willing to risk my life for?

* Again, when you are finished, rank each item in order of importance assuming you have only five years to live.

Stay tuned...