How Can My Friend Come to My Home?
文章來源: 冰溪2008-01-10 18:32:10

Yesterday on the way home, Evan told me that his best friend Aileen had asked to come to our house to play again. Aileen's mom and I talked about setting up play date for them before but so far we haven't got a chance to make it happen.

"I told Aileen we live in Penn-syl-va-nia." Evan said to me. Pennsylvania is still a pretty long word for him that he had to break down to a couple of syllables.

"But she said she doesn't know where Penn-syl-va-nia is." He sounded pretty concerned.

"Honey, Aileen lives in Pennsylvania too. Her home is not too far from ours." I explained to him.

"No! She doesn't live in Penn-syl-va-nia! But mommy, can I tell her mommy to follow our car to Penn-syl-va-nia where we live?"