文章來源: 小鬧鍾2005-05-09 00:49:02

Dear Julia

    I got some news of Rachel. She told us Ross kissed her yesterday night. We were like," We want to know anything." Phoebe said," Monica go get the wine and Rachel unplog the phone." then she asked Rachel that was a happy end or not and if we needed some kind of tissues. Rachel told us," NO!" That was really great. Monica ran back when said, "Don't talk without me." Rachel told us that it was a really hot kiss and they finally felled in that. The detail was his hand first put around her waist then moved up till her hair when the kiss was over. We were like," Oh my god, that was so sweat, so great." We all happy for them. Then Joey told me Ross told them that kiss too when they had pizza. Ross just said he kissed her and that was a tongue kiss and that it. What the difference from man and woman, what do you think?

    Then you know we were in the cafeteria Chandler showed us his new notebook, this was a really gorgeous notebook and Chandler just wanted to use it to play some thing about game. I agreed with him. Then Ross came in. Phoebe asked him how he worked out last night. He was like," It is painfully funny, oh, yeah, there is no funny, just pain.' We all wanted to know why and he told us he had spend ten years dreamed he and Rachel togehter and now he was with July. He had trouble to decide which one he should go with,  he went with Rachel or July. When he was talking came in Rachel. She said hi to Ross. We could see spark in their eyes. Then July came in. Ross was awkward and he asked Phoebe played guitar for all of us. Phoebe was so funny, she made up a song of a love angle. I can't remember that detail lines. Phoebe made up it and wanted Ross must decide which girl he will pick. That was a great song and you should listen to it.

    Oh, I almost forgot Monica told us she was looking for job before Ross came in the cafeteria. Then she got a interview later. The job was for a cook to make some reicipes for some new food "Macalate" for thanksgiving theme. Since Monica didn't like the Macalate and it wasn't even checked through by FDA she still got the job because we all know she chased after money. When she got home she talked to Phoebe how about macalete mousse for thanksgiving and Phoebe didn't think that was kind of thansgiving food. Monica said she would make some new ideas. Then Rachel came. She was nervous because I think she was afraid of Ross picked July. She did July," Hi, I am July, Ross picked me, We were married and have a lot kids, we dig out stuff together." Phoebe told her she didn't offense but that sounded nothing like July.

    Joey told me at the same time they were in the cross door. Chandler adviced Ross make a list and write pros and cons of Rachel and July with his new laptop. They did Rachel first. Ross thought Rachel was a little spoiled and she was some kind of 'duszy' she looked a little too much of her looks and since he and July were all archeologists but Rachel was just a waitress. Joey added Rachel's ankle was a little chubby. When Chandler asked what cons of July, Ross thought for a while and said,' She is not Rachel.'

    Same time, girls was in Monica's and tasted macalate food. We all didn't believe Monica make us put that kind of food in our mouths. We all agreed with Phoebe that must evil tasted like.

    Cross the hall, Chandler called in the hotline asking what was wrong with his printer. He heared that the operator guy was watching starwar then they began talked that. What the hell at first I thought he would howl at that guy. Man is un-understandiable. Ross came in told Chandler and Joey he had broke up with July and they had had a bad time. They had cried and July had throwed things to him and hitted him. The Rachel came in. Ross told Rachel the  broked up thing and hug her. They decided to walk around themselves. Ross took coat for Rachel and Rachel found someone writen her name in Chandler's laptop. She wanted to see that and then didn't let it happen. Then the printer began to work and print the list. Rachel read it and she was very angry about that. Ross was very upset and he can't do nothing about that.

    After a while, we all had dinner together without Ross and Rachel. We found Ross wanted Rachel to hear her pros he wrote down and climbed the fire ladder and she didn't let him in and put down the curtain. We let him in and found him all wet. He run to Rachel's door and beg Rachel to give him another chance. Rachel said no! We know they were both sorry for that.

    Later, Ross called in Monica's and let her turned on radio. He dedicated a song for Rachel and it was playing then. Rachel listend then made a call. Suddenly the music stopped and the announcer said Rachel had called in and she knowed what Ross did and she thought that sucked and she didn't want to play Ross' song anymore.

    That is what happened to them.

    Oh, Monica showed her reicipes of mocalate to her manager-the same guy who interviewed her. He told her they didn't need it anymore for the food didn't pass through the FDA check and he gave Monica a piece of check with asking her if she felt burn when she pee.

    Then Monica got another interview of the same company. She told us she said to the guy that she came again for no conscience and she needed cash. The guy answered her he just felt he looked at the mirror when he saw her.

    Dear, that is what happend to me and my friends recently. I talked too much of our how about you right now?