Chinese Blog[2]
文章來源: WYWY2006-02-21 11:00:33

Recently, I frequently visit the Chinese blog website which posts many articles written by some famous females, such as world chess champion Xie Jun, popular movie star Xu Jinglei and famous interpreter and editor Hong Huang, who is the daughter of former Minister of Foreign Affair… I am curious about their work, lives, feelings and thoughts, etc; I try to seek out what is special about them.


Reading their articles on line is a wonderful journey, because it gives me the sense of being with them in person. It is true that you can get to know a person from what he/she writes. All of them are very successful women, but in different life terms, the movie star is a single about 30, the chess champion is at my age 36 and a Mom of a 3- year-old daughter, and the interpreter is above 50. They have their unique opinions on the works, daily lives, and news in the society; they have their own styles of expression. I like Xu’s best and think what she writes is the be-all, end-all.


Xu writes about her life almost everyday. I admire her diligence and persistency. As a movie star and a director as well, she is pretty busy in her jobs and often works over night. She wrote, “ I felt very tired sometimes, but I didn’t holler about it. I am not fragile!  The more I do, the happier I am… I’ll take a long, wonderful vacation after the job is done…” I also like her writing styles and all the fashionable words she used. A sentence like “we went to a restaurant to try some spicy crabs, that were from some special area afar, with my co-workers, my boss and my girlfriends.” was rephrased by her as “the delicious spicy crabs, from some special area afar, are for my colleagues, my higher authority and my female sweethearts (boudoir honey).”


The chess champion wrote that she went back to work after her daughter slept; there are 102 students registered her course in the coming semester…She finally got her Ph. D degree by cutting her teeth on study for 15 years... The beautiful words in her poem also inspired me. I enjoy her logical and concise expressions. 


The famous interpreter talked about her opinion on fitness exercises. She said, “ I tried to figure out a plan to keep fit. According to my friend who is a fitness coach, my schedule would be: 7am wake up, 1-2 hours make up, 1-2 hours’ exercises in gym every afternoon, 1 hour makeup cleaning and skin care at night… so at least 3-4 hours on beauty maintains everyday, plus a diet for a younger appearance like people in 30s. Is it necessary? It seems too much for me.” In the end, she told us her feelings with an English phrase: “Come on, Get a life! ” I agree with her, beauty is not only from outside. It is a waste to spend too much time in fixing your face and body, why not use the time for some other things.