On the way to work
文章來源: WYWY2006-01-11 08:24:35

I have been living nearby Newark for about 8 years. My way to work has to go through the downtown of Newark, which is a famous city of black residents in the US. It is well known that African American are very good at fighting for their rights by protesting or complaining. I experienced it again on my way to work this morning.


I got off Rt.280 and met a terrible traffic like before, all the cars were stuck there without moving at all. Traffic early in the morning does annoy everyone who tries to get to the office on time. But we have been used to it since it can’t be avoided. Everyone waited in line quietly and calmly. It was really nothing new. However, things were not going as usual. A black bus driver came out of her bus and went up to every car in front with her hands rose up and her head shook quite a lot. Obviously, she yelled at them one by one. It seemed that those who faced her complain had to do something unwillingly. They moved their cars a little bit either to the front or to the side. Finally, one car’s space was squeezed out. It was that space that helped us make a turn to the direction without traffic. Although cars moved slowly, we were no longer stuck at the same spot. In the end, all the cars started to run. So her complain did solve the problem. We must speak up when we believe it is right.