(古詩英譯)錦瑟 - 李商隱
文章來源: ziyuzile2024-01-23 03:04:12

錦瑟 - 李商隱







A Verse by Li Shangyin

(Lustre Zithher)

How on earth the zither has fifty strings, and why?

Alas, each string plucks every cord of my past sigh.

In reverie of butterfly Sage Zhuang* revels,

King Wang* embodies in cuckoos that loudly cry.

In the moonlit high sea, the pearls glisten like tears,

On the sunlit Mt. Lantian, the gem mist charms eye.

It isn't because I just chase my memories now,

It is the very past that has somewhat slipped by.


Tr. Ziyuzile

By 20/04/2020   (revised by 23/01/2024)