《江南逢李龜年》杜甫(Coming Across Li Guinian in South of the Yangtze)
文章來源: 唐宋韻2023-12-22 19:29:09





1.  江南:此處指當時江南西道,即今湖南、重慶南部、湖北南部一帶。

2.  李龜年:唐朝開元、天寶年間的著名樂師,因受到唐玄宗寵幸而紅極一時。

3.  岐王:唐玄宗李隆基的弟弟,本名李隆範,後為避李隆基的名諱改為李範,封岐王。

4.  崔九:即崔滌,在兄弟中排行第九,宰相崔湜的弟弟,唐玄宗時曾任殿中監。




Meeting Li Guinian in Jiangnan

I saw you very often in Prince Qi’s mansion;

Many times I heard you sing in Cui the ninth’s hall.

The scenery of Jiangnan is now most beautiful;

It’s a pity that we should meet in a flower-falling season.

(文殊、王晉熙、鄧炎昌 譯)



Coming Across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangtze River

How oft in princely mansions did we meet!

As oft in lordly halls I heard you sing.

Now the Southern scenery is most sweet,

But I meet you again in parting spring.

Meeting Li Guinian South of the River

(許淵衝 譯)



Meeting Li Guinian South of the River

Often did I see you in King Qi’s dome;

I sometimes heard you sing at Lord Cui’s home.

Now Spring in South, at streams, hills, and plains all;

Again I see you but flowers start to fall.

(王大濂 譯)



Coming Across Li Guinian in South of the Yangtze River

You accessed the prince's mansion routinely in days of old,

You sang in nobles’ halls with your melodies amazing.

It’s the prime when scenes in south of Yangtze unfold,

I come across you at a season when flowers are falling.

(唐宋韻 試譯)


