【蝶戀花· 秋至】
文章來源: 唐宋韻2023-09-25 22:07:29




Clouds like fluffy cotton, in autumn skies so high,

Colors ignite in the garden, with a stunning sight.

A pair of butterflies in love take graceful flights.

Cherishing moments, beings’envy despite.


How can time pause in its flying away?

With chilly winds, petals fall in disarray.

No need to mourn the flower days,

In hearts and dreams, they'll always stay.


【蝶戀花· 秋至】 唐宋韻 - ♂     (437 bytes) (130 reads) 09/25/2023  22:13:56  (3)

 唐風宋雨論蝶戀花 老梅林 - ♂     (153 bytes) (53 reads) 10/07/2023  17:32:57  (3)

 【蝶戀花· 秋至】 唐宋韻 - ♂     (2386 bytes) (4084 reads) 09/25/2023  21:52:19  (2)