文章來源: 狄冠元2023-10-26 19:09:11


Randy Travis- Three Wooden Crosses (WITH LYRICS)


公木砸壇:我愛聽的鄉村音樂(2)'Three Wooden Crosses'

公木君 公木君 2016-05-02 21:22


Three Wooden Crosses,Randy Travis - Four Walls EP


      "Three Wooden Crosses"(“三個木製十字架”)是由美國鄉村音樂創作歌手Randy Travis(蘭迪·特拉維斯)於2003年錄製的,在2003年被鄉村音樂協會(Country Music Association)評為年度最佳歌曲(Song of the Year),並贏得了福音音樂協(Gospel Music Association)的2004年Dove獎(年度最佳鄉村歌曲 Country Song of the Year),算是當年大熱的鄉村歌曲。





A farmer and a teacher, a hooker and a preacher,

Riding on a midnight bus bound for Mexico.

One's headed for vacation, one for higher education,

And two of them were searchin' for lost souls.

That driver never ever saw the stop sign.

An eighteen wheelers can't stop on a dime.




There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway,

Why there's not four of them, Heaven only knows.

I guess it's not what you take when you leave this world behind you,

It's what you leave behind you when you go.

       帶著這個問題,我們來到了歌詞的第二段,歌詞中提到,農民和教師在車禍中喪生,農民留下了當年的收成和一個兒子繼續追隨他的腳步,而老師留下了她教給孩子們的知識。歌詞中還提到,傳教士把他血跡斑斑的聖經交到妓女手中,問她是否可以“看見應許之地” (see the Promised Land,意思是指找到自己的幸福歸宿)。

That farmer left a harvest, a home and eighty acres,

The faith an' love for growin' things in his young son's heart.?

An' that teacher left her wisdom in the minds of lots of children:

Did her best to give 'em all a better start.

An' that preacher whispered: "Can't you see the Promised Land?"

As he laid his blood-stained bible in that hooker's hand.



That's the story that our preacher told last Sunday.

As he held that blood-stained bible up,

For all of us to see.

He said: "Bless the farmer, and the teacher, an' the preacher;

"Who gave this Bible to my mamma,

"Who read it to me."


It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you,

It's what you leave behind you when you go







我有意沒有寫那些大家耳熟能詳的經典的鄉村歌曲,如John Denver的那首“Take me home, country roads",而是分享我個人過去反複聆聽的一些非常優美但並不知名的優秀作品,希望能給大家一個不同的視角,欣賞到不同風格和題材的鄉村歌曲。