《Why 6 was afraid of 7?》《Under Where?》
文章來源: CBA72023-03-15 08:40:14

《Why 6 was afraid of 7?》
Girl: Why 6 was afraid of 7?
Mom: I have no idea. Why?
Girl: Because 7 8 9! 【seven - eight (ate) - nine】
Mom: So, 7 might eat 6 too?
Girl: Hahaha, you got it!

《Under Where?》
Boy: Dad, are you under there?
Dad: Under where?
Boy: Hahaha, you're underwear!



【糗事,笑話】《Why 6 was afraid of 7?》《Under Where?》 - CBA7發表於 書香之家 - 論壇 | 文學城 (wenxuecity.com)

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