文章來源: 雞鳴寺過客2023-01-28 20:32:32





班夫國家公園裏,大大小小有很多的湖,湖麵多為平靜的像藍寶石,翡翠綠寶石,潔淨的就像少女般純樸自然。 那是我一直都在努力想要畫的,卻等了好久才開始,畫它又經過了一年的時間。 在一個湖邊,遇到了幾隻小羊,它們就是我這幅油畫的初型。




 我們曾經非常近距離接觸到碩大的熊,在山邊玩耍,在垃圾箱裏找食,在路邊樹林裏慢悠悠地走過。 好像每一天都會在不經意的一瞬間,遇到它們的出現。




霸道的班夫小鬆鼠。 在我們停留過的一個湖邊的餐桌上,一隻小鬆鼠,快捷的跳上桌子,從Lucy的手上奪走了麵包,飛快地跑遠而去。


我也好享受朋友的一種生活態度,她說生活就是要用來虛度的。 我們需要給自己時間和空間,讓自己可以在其中虛度光陰,而不需要活成別人的模樣。







[Impressions of Banff National Park] I have always wanted to write about my impressions of Banff National Park. A few summers ago, I went to Banff National Park with my old friend's family. Those gem-like lakes left an impression on me.


In the place where we live, we saw the red hills in the early morning glow, and it only stayed for a few minutes, but it was very charming, unlike the dazzling red hills in the afterglow of the setting sun.


In Banff National Park, there are many lakes, big and small. The lakes are mostly calm like sapphires, and emeralds, and clean like a girl, simple and natural. That's what I've been trying to paint for a long time, but I waited a long time to start, and it took another year to paint it. By a lake, I met a few lambs, which are the prototype of my oil painting.


Natural and rich resources have bred a rich landscape. Among the misty mountains and dense forest vegetation, life enjoys a comfortable and peaceful lifestyle here.


 We had very close contact with giant bears, played on the side of the mountain, looked for food in the trash can, and walked slowly through the woods on the side of the road. It seems that every day, in an inadvertent moment, we encountered their appearance.


I remember seeing green tea chocolate in a supermarket near Banff, and I bought two pieces to eat while traveling. It was the only green tea chocolate I ever tasted. It tasted very good, but unfortunately I never encountered it again.


Domineering Banff squirrel. On a dining table by the lake where we stayed, a little squirrel quickly jumped onto the table, snatched the bread from Lucy's hand, and ran away quickly.


I also enjoy my friend's attitude towards life, she said that life is to be wasted. We need to give ourselves time and space where we can spend our time without having to live like someone else.


When we are willing to walk into this kind of life, don't expect, don't expect extravagance, and don't be disappointed with everything in front of us. They are what we should have encountered.


One of the best impressions of Banff National Park is that it is unpretentious, but extremely precious.


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