文章來源: 琴棋詩酒花2020-10-16 14:33:30

Ben Sasse表達了他對11月大選時藍色海嘯的擔憂,他認為特


朗普極可能輸掉選舉,並連帶殃及共和黨人的參議院換屆選舉。( he fears a "blue tsunami" is coming in November and if Trump loses, which "looks likely," he's the going to take the Senate down with him.)

在評價特朗普時,Ben Sasse直言,特朗普親吻獨裁者屁股(kisses dictators' butts)、

出賣美國盟友(sells out our allies)、

不尊重婦女(mistreats women)、

花起錢來像醉酒的水手(spends like a drunken sailor)、

和白人至上主義者眉來眼去(flirted with white supremacists)、

家人把總統職位視為商機(His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity)。