【神鳥】【The Magnificent Roc】
文章來源: 天玉之2023-08-23 09:26:06












最佳時刻 似乎在它掌控之中

羽翼掠過森林 湖海

萬物仰視 驚歎之弘美

林中鬼魅 倏然噤口無聲



相信神鳥  因它從未使我失望。

今夜 海棠花開 思念的羽翼


夢中神鳥 與我瀕翅飛翔

穿越 一千八百裏雲和月 衝出漫漫孤寂星空。

低頭俯瞰 白浪翻滾 新陽初升






 夢中醒來,浪花輕柔, 拍打著海岸





                 2021.6.14 首稿

                 2023.8.23 終稿




           【The Magnificent Roc】




                  By Tian Yu Zhi




Once again, the magnificent roc 

Appeared in the sky of my heart and soul

Best timing seemed to be under its control

Its wings flew over the forest, lake, and sea

All living things looked up and marveled at its majestic beauty

The ghosts in the forest silenced all of a sudden



I trust the magnificent roc, it has never disappointed me.

Tonight, the begonia flowers bloom beautifully 

My wings of missing it stir up wind of imagination

In my dreams, the roc flies with me by my side

We pass through 1,800 miles of clouds and the Moon

Rush out of the vast starry sky of desolation

Looking down, white waves roll, a new Sun rises



"We will be together again, no matter how things change..."

“Kun…”, eight hundred and fifty days later,

They wake up from dreams, where

Gentle waves lap against the shore





                     2021.6.17 Translated

                     2023.8.23 Edited














* 觀電影《大魚海棠》後題。很美,耐琢磨的故事,幾個性格刻畫得鮮明,還惹我落了淚~~ 這個電影解評不錯:





