【非洲叢林舞】【Bush Dance】
文章來源: 天玉之2023-07-18 23:47:50


               【Bush Dance】  


                By Tian Yu Zhi


A male greater Kudu with tall spiral horns,

Stands in front of a femal kudu, 

Whistles low pitched calls,

She doesn't pull away from the neck wrestle, 

Nor from the tight limb hugs, not so subtle 


Similar body moves, rhythems, breathing 

In nearby Boma dinner drum show

Dressed, face painted with flowers,

They play leather drums, dance, eat barbecue

A man approaches a woman, offers her a Minty Mojito


The sun sets in shades of red, gold, purple,

The night is still young

She sees the Milky Way, the Southern Cross,

For the first time, from a new, different angle,

As her ancestors did, three million years ago 







I have learned and danced with this song below in Africa. A great song, the dance moves are easy to follow and fun too, try it! : )

This is really fun, watch people from different walks of life dance to it: