發型的藝術 (The Art of Hairdressing)
文章來源: 天玉之2021-08-18 20:47:00

It is fun to play with our hair and the hair professionals call it "the art of hairdressing". I have a great hair stylist Alexis who has done my hair for over ten years. I call her "hair artist", "professor of colors". She also said that I had the best canvas for art, with lots of volume and is naturally wavy. She is very creative. Here is a of collection of some of her work of art. 

我很喜歡Suni Lee 的頭發顏色,今天讓我的發型師看著照片做了一下。我用這個發型師有十年了,我稱她為 hair artist, professor of colors, 她說我有最好的canvas for art, hair has lots of volume, and naturally wavy. 她真是很有創意,根據季節,頭發特征,長短,給我做過不少很漂亮的發型,等我收集整理一下,放在一起,應該挺有意思~~









Suni Lee 的發型顏色,我一看就喜歡上了,soft and feminine, 同時又很年輕有活力,馬上拍了幾張照片。今天發型師忙活了一下,效果還好吧?都是真人手機照片,沒有美圖吆~

















三年前在辦公室照的兩張,那時頭發還比較短,也是這個發型師的手藝 ~



兩年前同一個發型師做的,舞蹈隊跳舞時,經常是這個發型打扮,因為跳得是中國民族舞 ~



All done by her except the one with French braids, braided by a girlfriend of mine in Hongkong  four years ago




This was taken during freshman year in college dormitory 




This was taken at the time of doctoral study when my hair was the longest ever. I am growing it back to that length now. I'd like to wear long braided hair once, with the tip of my hair touching the hip, just for the experience. It is fun to try different hair styles. It sees each puts me in a different mood~~



This photo was taken in February, 2022 during my 8-mile run. This is the style I wear when I run long distance. The braid is getting longer but still a while to go to reach my waist, which is my ultimate goal : )


These photos were taken during this last Christmas in Florida. I told her I would vacation in Florida so she colored my hair to be sun-drenched, beach color. I like it a lot. It made me feel sexy, haha.



My hair is naturally wavy. The hair in these photos above are in their natural state, simply blow dried. 


It is fun to play with our hair and the hair professionals call it "the art of hairdressing". Now, show me your hair style photos please ~~