英文詩【Her Last Hour】
文章來源: 天玉之2021-05-30 16:43:45

              【Her Last Hour】


                By Tian Yu Zhi




Almost finished her evening jog,

She waited at the traffic light, to return home

The light changed to a pedestrian walk sign

She picked up her feet and moved forward ——

At that split second, her fate collided with

A stranger’s decision to speed up and run a red light

She heard sighs, sound of flute arise from a valley 


Her pink tee shirt did not reflect 

The brilliance of her humanity

Her will of steel could not stop the force of velocity 

In slow motion, a red flower bloomed 

On dark cement of reality

Plum petals began a journey of 

Descending, in spirals, to eternity 



At 6:35pm, May 25th, 2021 



Two days before her big birthday 

One day before receiving a love poem that 

She has been waiting for, all her life

Four days before a 5K race,

Her son and she organized for the Asian Heritage Month 

Seven days before she greets another 100 students 

Two hours before she finishes a poem, for him



These actions would have happened sooner

Had they knew,

The dark side of time and patience 







* I went out for a jog this evening and was almost killed by a SUV running a red light. 驚恐之餘,提筆記之。