Early-module 1
文章來源: burpeejump2024-01-31 20:29:20

What are your goals in this program?

–體驗medicine 3.0, 讓高科技給人類帶來高質量的健康生活

Why might this program be valuable even if you believe there is a ‘cure’ to aging on the horizon? 

–現在我開始相信,很多疾病隻能delay, 不可能完全避免,更不會有真正的抗衰老黑科技

What are the two components of longevity? 

–Time and quality

What is the Marginal Decade™, and why should you care about it?

–How you want to exit

What differentiates “strategy” from “tactics”?


What broad categories of tactics will you employ in this program?

Why aren’t we just giving you a “do this, not that” set of instructions? 

How would one additional decade of a healthy life change your life story?
