巴蒂爾工作室 , 瑞士
文章來源: Plural2018-08-07 18:33:10
 發表於 2013-12-11 09:41:14 
巴蒂爾工作室, 瑞士
Bardill Studio, Switzerland 

建築麵積:665 平方米  

攝影:Valerio Olgiati 提供



注:本文由建築師提供(Text by Valerio Olgiati事務所),歐視野360翻譯


朗村總平麵 © archiv olgiati

首層平麵 © archiv olgiati

剖麵 © archiv olgiati

image© archiv olgiati

image© archiv olgiati

image© archiv olgiati

image© archiv olgiati

image© archiv olgiati

Atelier Bardill, Scharans, Switzerland

object(設計項目): private atelier - one working space
location(地點): Scharans, Switzerland
client(業主): Linard Bardill, musician + poet
architect(建築師): Valerio Olgiati, prof. dipl. architect ETH/SIA, Senda Stretga 1, 7017 Flims
Tel. +41 81 650 33 11, Fax +41 81 650 33 12,  mail@olgiati.net該Email地址已收到反垃圾郵件插件保護。要顯示它您需要在瀏覽器中啟用JavaScript。
collaborators(合作): Nathan Ghiringhelli (project manager office Olgiati), Nikolai Müller, Mario Beeli
construction supervisor(施工總監): Linard Bardill
structural engineer(結構設計): Patrick Gartmann, partner of Conzett, Bronzini, Gartmann AG, Chur
materials(材料): red in-situ concrete, steel, copper
begin of planning: 2002
begin of construction: July 2006
end of construction: August 2007
volume(體積): 665 m3
area(工作室麵積): atelier space: 70 m2
garage, storage, technic(車庫貯藏等麵積): 65 m2
courtyard(庭院麵積): 150 m2
technical information(技術情報): heated by solar energy, tabs, controled air ventilation system
注: Atelier Bardill is open for the public on Fridays between 1 pm and 5 pm(工作室對外開放時間:每周五1pm-5pm)
版權: copyright pictures + plans: 1A 12943.tif until 7A 13112.tif: archiv olgiati
Pictures and plans cannot be modified or cropped in the publications
