B型血遊記第七篇- 厲害了,維爾紐斯出生的這部憲法
文章來源: 黑貝王妃2018-10-09 00:08:41


立陶宛1991年從蘇聯獨立出來,現在是立陶宛共和國。立陶宛的總統是今年64歲的單身女性-達利婭·格裏包斯凱特Dalia Grybauskaite,空手道黑帶高手,通曉英語、法語、俄語、波蘭語。她09年當選立陶宛總統,是個受國民愛戴的強硬幹練的女強人。獨立27年後的今天,維爾紐斯已經是一個現代化的歐洲城市。


維爾紐斯最值得稱道的是它的舊城,規模屬歐洲最大的舊城之一,有將近1500座跨幾個世紀的建築物,著名的包括多哥特式風格的聖安娜教堂、文藝複興式主教座堂及其廣場和Gediminas 城堡,另外,一條條通幽古巷自成風景,使整個小城錯落有致,魅力獨特,在1994年維爾紐斯舊城被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。






如果問起今天的維爾紐斯什麽最著名,前麵說的舊城和城堡恐怕都不如“對岸共和國”更有名有趣。1997年愚人節那天,住在維爾紐斯舊城東區河岸的幾個藝術家向聯合國遞交了一份申請,並宣布在其聚集地成立一個獨立的共和國,叫對岸共和國(Uzupis respublika)。他們有自己的國旗、貨幣、護照、憲法,並成立了一支12人的“軍隊”,還設有總統。當地有藝術畫廊,藝坊和零星咖啡館,據說去那裏最重要的一點是要保持微笑。可惜我們沒有機會在那裏停留,導遊說如今能看到的也就是釘在牆上的41條憲法章程了,還把章程的照片傳給我們看,讓我們一車人覺得十分有意思。我回來去網上找到了英文的憲法章程看看,有些真的令人忍俊不禁 。想起要是文學城哪天宣布為獨立共和國,其中的幾條倒是可以借鑒,比如:

21. Everyone has the right to appreciate their unimportance. 每個人都有權利對自己的不重要性有所欣賞;

24. Everyone has the right to understand nothing. 每個人都有權利保持無知;
32. Everyone is responsible for their freedom每個人要對自己的自由負責;

34. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood. 每個人都享有被誤解的權利;
35. No one has the right to make another person guilty. 沒人擁有讓他人感覺內疚的權利。。。


附:對岸共和國憲法(The Uzupis Constitution terms)

1. Everyone has the right to ylive by the River Vilnele, and the River Vilnele has the right to flow by everyone.
2. Everyone has the right to hot water, heating in winter and a tiled roof.
3. Everyone has the right to die, but this is not an obligation.
4. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.
5. Everyone has the right to be unique.
6. Everyone has the right to love.
7. Everyone has the right not to be loved, but not necessarily.
8. Everyone has the right to be undistinguished and unknown.
9. Everyone has the right to idle.
10. Everyone has the right to love and take care of the cat.
11. Everyone has the right to look after the dog until one of them dies.
12. A dog has the right to be a dog.
13. A cat is not obliged to love its owner, but must help in time of need.
14. Sometimes everyone has the right to be unaware of their duties.
15. Everyone has the right to be in doubt, but this is not an obligation.
16. Everyone has the right to be happy.
17. Everyone has the right to be unhappy.
18. Everyone has the right to be silent.
19. Everyone has the right to have faith.
20. No one has the right to violence.
21. Everyone has the right to appreciate their unimportance.
22. No one has the right to have a design on eternity.
23. Everyone has the right to understand.
24. Everyone has the right to understand nothing.
25. Everyone has the right to be of any nationality.
26. Everyone has the right to celebrate or not celebrate their birthday.
27. Everyone shall remember their name.
28. Everyone may share what they possess.
29. No one can share what they do not possess.
30. Everyone has the right to have brothers, sisters and parents.
31. Everyone may be independent.
32. Everyone is responsible for their freedom.
33. Everyone has the right to cry.
34. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood.
35. No one has the right to make another person guilty.
36. Everyone has the right to be individual.
37. Everyone has the right to have no rights.
38. Everyone has the right to not to be afraid.
39. Do not defeat.
40. Do not fight back.
41. Do not surrender.
