『道德經 第十九章 』(見素抱樸,少私寡欲,絕學無憂)
文章來源: 穩穩2022-03-25 17:06:06
English Translation
Version 1:by Daniel Baida Su and Shangyu Chen
Discard accomplishment and wisdom,
And people will benefit a hundredfold.
Discard humanity and justice,
And people will return to filial piety and compassion.
Discard cleverness and profit,
And robbers and thieves will disappear.
It is not enough to have these three rules.
People's hearts must return to where they belong,
Knowing and embracing the source of life.
Then the self can become smaller and smaller,
And desires can become fewer and fewer.
Discard [human] learning.
Be free of cares.
Version 2:by John C. H. Wu