文章來源: 唐山故鄉2020-08-15 21:15:48


這兩天氣溫真熱啊,雖然已過立秋,但秋老虎裹脅著百度熱浪席卷加州大地。圖一為矽穀 8/13旁晚天邊的晚霞,美女杭英提供圖片。 圖二為 8/14南加河濱市的氣溫預報。

圖一 矽穀8/13旁晚天邊的晚霞

圖二 南加河濱市8/14日的氣溫預報

言歸正傳,談談房市。首先引用一個 Realtor 最新的(20208月)不動產報告

According to the National Association of Realtors, sales of existing homes jumped nearly 21% in June compared to May (the last months for which we have complete data). This is the largest monthly gain since tracking began in 1968.

Sales of new homes also jumped by 13.8%, the largest one-month increase since 2007.

Much of this reflects pent-up demand from the spring season, which was paused by the coronavirus pandemic. However, it's also a sign of more fundamental changes.

For example, first-time buyers accounted for 35% of all buyers in June. That figure had been as low as 30% in recent months. This could be an indication that, with social distancing restrictions and new work-from-home setups, more folks are realizing the value of owning their own home.

Also helping things are record-low mortgage rates. Several weeks ago, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate fell to an all-time low of 2.87%. That's a full percentage point lower than a year ago.

These low mortgage rates are making homes more affordable; they are also supporting continued price growth.

As a result, June made history: The median price of an existing home sold rose 3.5% annually to the highest price on record.

再看一個售房實例, 該房位於南加東穀市(Eastvale, 開價 $499,000, 收到20offer, 成交價 $615,000. https://www.redfin.com/CA/Mira-Loma/5517-Cambria-Dr-91752/home/12447882

如今,支撐房市的有兩大因素,第一是剛性需求,第二為貸款利率的下降。前者包含之前提及的 Realtor Report 所指出的那樣,恢複性反彈。後者給房產業主帶來實質性的利益,由於月供的降低,使他們的支付能力和持有能力大幅提高。圖三為房地美三年來房貸利率的調查統計



圖三 房地美三年來房貸利率的調查統計

在當前低利率的情況下,有必要對利率降低造成的影響做定量的分析。先看一下房貸利率對還貸月供的影響,以年利率 %做橫坐標,以月供指數做縱坐標,並以房貸利率 2%的月供數作為指數100,得到圖四。圖中的兩條線分別對應於 30年和 15年固定利率的貸款,這兩條線幾乎近於直線,但差異還是比較大的。更準確地說,斜率相差幾乎一倍。對於 30年固定利率來說,利率每下降一個百分點,而月供則下降大約十一個百分點。對於 15年固定利率來說,利率每下降一個百分點,而月供則下降 6.5%-7.3%。同樣的百分比下降,30年固定利率獲利更多。 這組計算數據雖然令人有些震驚,但卻是真實的情形。

圖四 房貸利率和月供指數的關係,以年利率2%的月供作為指數100.

圖四可能抽象了一點,換一個實在的例子說明一下。假如以30年固定年利率貸款 $50萬,如果貸款利率是 5.0%201811月利率),那麽每個月需要還貸 $2684.11。如果貸款利率是3.0%20208月利率),每月隻需還貸 $2108.02,比原先每月少付$567.09,是原來的 78.5%,少了 21.5%由於房貸占到房屋持有成本的2/33/4,那麽房屋持有成本也就降低了 14%16%


表一 利率百分比的降低導致月供降低百分比的數值關係(30年固定貸款利率)

