A letter to Son (2008)
文章來源: 林凡_聖路易2021-09-05 18:42:29

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear Alex:

How are you!

I hope that the rain in Monday night did not bring lots of troubles to you and your camper friends.

Allen has been asking you often since you left on Sunday. He kept asking “where is my brother?” “Where is Alex?”

We were at Oak Brook yesterday, but I felt different because you were not there with us. We saw Safi and his friends playing soccer. Robbie and his daddy were there too. Allen rode his tricycle with Robbie and played the catch. We came home around 8:30 pm. Daddy said that it might be rain tonight and hope you will be OK.

I woke up around 5:00 am this morning and heard thunder.  “Oh, hope Alex’s tent did not get flooded”. Lucky, it cooled off a lot after the rain. I hope that you enjoyed the cool morning too.

Have you mail a postcard to Ms. Shayne yet? If not, try to do it before the camp is over.

Please give daddy your dirty cloth when he leaves on Thursday morning and tell him how many more clean cloths you need so he can bring to you on Thursday night.

That’s all for this writing, Have a good day.

