文章來源: 莫言邪2020-03-19 15:13:06


不過群眾的眼睛是雪亮的。在USA TODAY的一篇報道A New York neurosurgeon has coronavirus. This is what he wants people to know下麵,美國網友間接發表了自己對疫情爆發時間點的認知。



Albertus3 hours ago

same thing I felt in december. this has been here for a while and is peaking


Brent2 hours ago
I had what I thought was a flu early this year. It started mildly, and I too thought it was just a cold. However, I soon developed what I would say was the worst cough I've ever had. A LOT of folks in the office had a severe cough in late December and early January. Will be interesting if they come up with after-the-fact testing for those who think they were affected.


Flo2 hours ago

First week of January, I had sudden onset of scratchy throat, sneezing, chills, slight fever which progressed to non productive coughs and then diarrhea for two days. Symptoms cleared in one week except for the cough which lingered for two more weeks. I have never had such a forceful non productive cough which caused me to splint my chest to alleviate the pain.


Best Friend of Sally2 hours ago

I had the same conditions in mid-Feb here in LA that he is describing. I treated it as the flu.


Reckless Move59 minutes ago

I have the exact same symptoms. My doctor didn't test, just sent me home.


C22 minutes ago

I am a very healthy 61 yo female with an excellent immune system.
In mid January I had what started as a "cold" left work for the day and it hit me like a train.
I called out the next day (which I never do) and slept for 4 days My symptoms were extreme chills my body shook in a hot shower my body ached I was delirious sick to the point that I felt I should let someone know I was in a bad place. I had to add a down comforter doubled up with an additional blanked raised the heat to 70 degrees still shaking under covers.
This was the sickest I have been in over a decade.



