右派的熱情 宗教原教旨主義與民主危機
文章來源: 風蕭蕭_Frank2023-08-07 06:15:39





本文認為,在喬治·布什總統任期內,共和黨日益成為宗教權利的延伸。其後果之一是反智主義猖獗,再加上類似塔利班的道德主義,現在大膽地轉化為日常文化實踐和政治政策,右翼福音派人士踐行著他們的救世主世界觀。民主政治和世俗人文主義正在被“狂喜”政治所取代,在這種政治中,確定性、道德主義和絕對主義以信仰的名義對科學發起攻擊,支持神創論而非進化論,對同性戀權利和婦女權利發動無情的戰爭。生殖權利,並利用“生命文化”來支持以宗教為由拒絕開避孕藥處方的藥劑師。對宗教自由和世俗思想的攻擊在整個文化中再現了一種令人衰弱的反智主義,也威脅到政教分離、宗教自由、社會正義和民主。宗教原教旨主義的興起已成為21世紀美國麵臨的重大問題之一。文章呼籲捍衛宗教自由和世俗人文主義價值觀的文化政治,作為捍衛包容性民主的一部分。文章最後呼籲教育工作者、家長、藝術家和其他人拒絕宗教被高度政治化和宗派化的用途,恢複那些民主價值觀,其中宗教自由拒絕將宗教用作極右派的政治宗派工具 。

The Passion of the Right: Religious Fundamentalism and the Crisis of Democracy


Henry A. Giroux 


This article argues that under the presidency of George Bush, the Republican Party has increasingly become an extension of the religious right. One consequence is a rampant anti-intellectualism coupled with Taliban-like moralism now boldly translates into everyday cultural practices and political policies as right-wing evangelicals live out their messianic view of the world. Democratic politics and secular humanism are being replaced by a “Rapture” politics in which certainty, moralism, and absolutism drive an attack on science in the name of faith by endorsing Creationism over the teaching of evolution, wage an unrelenting war against gay rights and women’s reproductive rights, and use an appeal to the “culture of life” to support pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for contraception on religious grounds. The attack on religious freedom and secular thought reproduces a debilitating anti-intellectualism throughout the culture and also threatens the separation of church and state, religious freedom, social justice, and democracy. The rise of religious fundamentalism has become one of the great problems facing the United States in the 21st century. The article calls for a cultural politics that defends religious freedom and the values of secular humanism as part of a defense of an inclusive democracy. The article concludes by calling for educators, parents, artists, and others reject the highly political and sectarian uses to which religion is being put by reclaiming those democratic values in which religious freedom rejects the use of religion as a political sectarian tool of the extreme right.