文章來源: 老地雷2024-06-02 12:41:22


老地雷 6/2/24



我剛來美國的第二天,老朋友就帶我逛Yard Sale (AKA Garage Sale) Yard Sale (Garage Sale)我覺得翻譯成庭院甩賣或車庫甩賣似乎不切題,“家庭跳蚤市場”似乎更合適。第一次逛很興奮,超好的東西賣得超級便宜,記得當時我花了$10買了一部自行車 (不過開學第一天騎在校園裏胎就被紮破了,這是後話),感覺超級劃算的,還買了很漂亮實惠的廚房用具。再後來的20+年裏,也逛過3-4次家庭跳蚤市場,大多數買一些裝飾品,至今還有一個$2的掛鍾在家裏,非常unique,  現在市場上還沒有這樣的掛鍾賣。還有一次不經意地花了5美刀買到兩條嶄新的夏威夷大花的長裙。 這二十多年中,我們自己也曾經舉辦過一次家庭跳蚤市場甩賣,當時剛搬完家,為了清理一大堆再也用不著的東西,花了$17在當地的報紙上做了廣告,結果是門庭若市,開門才一會兒,想賣的全部賣空了,還得到了一個非常吉利數字$168的收入,結束後,數$1, $5的鈔票那叫一個開心,哈哈。現在住的小區,每年春夏交接的時候, HOA總要組織一次community wide yard sale, 在規定的日期內自行擺攤就OK 也省去了廣告費用,這可不,昨天一大早爬起來,把家裏多餘的物品再次連賣帶送地處理了,工具玩具物品如割草機、箱子、電子琴、鞋子、玩具等全部賣出,光顧的人群各種各樣,有一點要知道並非是窮人才光顧家庭跳蚤市場的,也不僅僅是遠方的來客。昨天就有兩位住在附近的鄰居買了我家的東西。對鄰居,我們沒要價,就說了一聲“你看著給吧!” 哈哈哈,結果他們給我們的錢比我們心中原本的要價還要高。本來那架61鍵的Yamaha電子琴要價要高些的,因為現在新琴要$299,但是我看到一位母親帶著她的8歲左右的女兒來逛跳蚤市場,小女孩似乎很喜歡琴,我自己就在心裏砍了一半價連琴帶琴架就賣給了她們,老公幫忙把琴和架子搬上了她們的車。看著她們臉上的喜悅,我也感覺像吃了蜜一樣的甜。剩下沒賣完的衣服最後都捐給了Goodwill 家裏的space一下子多出很多,感覺超級棒。邊賣東西邊在車庫裏放著我最近的原創《Yard Sale》,節奏明快,氣氛熱烈,還有兩個人調侃地問我當時播放音樂的小音箱怎麽賣,哈哈哈,顯然音響效果還不錯啊。大家聽聽,喜歡嗎?如果喜歡,下次你家舉辦Yard Sale, 可以循壞播放哦。這裏是Spotify的鏈接  蘋果音樂的鏈接



Yard Sale


/編:老地雷& Suno


Verse 1:
Come on down, come on, don't be shy,
Check out the treasures you might find by and by.
From kitchen to paintings and a shiny new ride,
A world of wonders with friends by my side.

Yard sale vibes, oh, the island sway,
Finding joy in the old, it's a sunny day.
From skirts to TVs, the prices are right,
Yard sale magic, everything's bright.

Verse 2:
Five dollars for skirts that fit like a seam,
Holding on tight to my best yard sale dream.
Back in China, we'd give things away,
But here, we sell with love to brighten the day.

Draft the signs, post the tags, get ready to show,
Everything in order, let's start the flow.
Count the cash, see smiles glow wide,
Yard sale happiness we can't hide.

Verse 3:
Years later, the circle returns to me,
Hosting my own sale, joyful and free.
Earned $168, felt so right,
Doing good for others, day and night.

Yard sale vibes, oh, the island sway,
Finding joy in the old, it's a sunny day.
From skirts to TVs, the prices are right,
Yard sale magic, everything's bright.

Yard sale vibes, oh, the island sway,
Finding joy in the old, it's a sunny day.
From skirts to TVs, the prices are right,
Yard sale magic, everything's bright.

The spirit of sharing, the smiles of the day,
Yard sale tradition, won't you come and stay?
The joy of giving, the laughter and cheer,
In every garage, the good vibes appear.